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Posts posted by Jfalz

  1. Definitely!  Though I would even suggest to have a SUPER high level area with tough enemies that have damaging skill-based attacks...or just regular old level 100-200 enemies (or higher!) if that's easier to implement.  The Idea is to have an area where players are almost afraid to go, but it's a long term goal/motivation to kit out your Warframe and weapons well enough to be able to survive and explore there.  Almost like...an "endgame" area??  Maybe it'll be more fun and less cheese to fight these types of enemies in an open world tile rather than indoors.    

    Another option is to ensure that the enemy numbers and levels scale really high when you are on full alert.  /shrug

  2. Definitely recommend searching on youtube and watching one of the many great Teralyst-killing vids!

    But other than those three, people generally prefer Harrow and Volt.

    Trin - uses blessing to keep the lures at full health

    Chroma - self-damages with vex armor up to get max damage buff and possibly one-shot the Teralyst parts

    Buff Rhino - Increases squad damage (ensures Chroma one-shot)

    Harrow - Uses his 4 to buff squad crit chance (also helping Chroma one-shot)

    Volt - Shooting through Volt shield provides damage buff even for operator amps, so helps in all stages of the fight!


  3. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Tenchi145 said:

    Please make other mission nodes on Uranus Fissure missions or else change the defense node to a smaller tileset or fix enemies getting corrupted and taking cover to never move again instead of charging the objective.

    +1 can't stand this tileset for defense and interception fissures!

  4. I'm in the same boat!  Building and re-building arcanes takes a lot of sentrium and nyth and these can be very tedious to farm.  I understand having long term goals, but when you can run around the plains with Volt like a madman for 30mins using 3rd tier laser and still not get enough rare gems to build one arcane (and you need TEN of EACH of them), something feels a bit off.  Having a resource booster on seems like a requirement in order to get anywhere at all (common theme with PoE farming!). 

  5. 20 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

    The bones are there, but it needs more work.

    I've been thinking if it would've been better for DE to make it clearer to the community that they released PoE in basically an Early Access state.  Maybe they would've avoided a bit of the backlash if people new to expect a very work-in-progress build going in.  Even so, personally I've also been having a blast on the Plains so far and I'm grateful for the daily hotfixes.  But they do need to keep those fixes coming and fast!       

  6. 8 hours ago, Fluff-E-Kitty said:

    I gave up, and just use titana. her controls are better for in air flight.

    Same!  It's odd how Titania's archwing mode controls better than our actual archwing.  Skywing should really have similar controls to Titania. 

    I guess they don't want it to be overpowered, but I don't think it would be.  You would still need to move around and avoid missiles.  The only reason Titania survives well enough is that enemies target her little butterflies.  Once they go down, she becomes extremely vulnerable.  Skywing should probably be similarly vulnerable to attack, but you should be able to use your flight control skillz to dodge and try to stay airborne as long as possible.  

    Basically they need to find a way to make Skywing combat viable but not so much that it completely eliminates the use of your warframe.  That could be a tough task!  

  7. Has this been brought up yet?  The tried and true "dailies" concept.

    -Catch 10 fish, turn them in for bonus fish oil

    -Mine 20 rocks, turn in for bonus gems

    -Complete a bounty during the day cycle, bonus Ostron standing

    -Complete a bounty during the night cycle, bonus Quill standing (Hooray Quill standing!!)

    -Complete an incursion...well, you get the idea.

    And so forth.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    This is my main concern. PoE looks like something made for new players. I'll probably be able to need around a few times to see the events, but it won't be fun long term at all fighting easy Earth level enemies.

    I really wish they made a way for it to scale or allowed us to choose a veteran version of the plains that at least make day equal to night.

    Right.  Will it be as satisfying flying around clearing handfuls of easy enemies when we could just boot up a survival and take on a constant army of hard enemies?

  9. I'm still curious if there will be any really challenging content for well-geared players.  Nighttime seemed a bit more dangerous and I guess we haven't seen a real Eidolon fight yet....not that I would really want that spoiled for me :scared:  

  10. 22 hours ago, GOLANX said:


    4. give her archwing type vacuum 

    Please!  This is actually one of the main things that stops me from using her.

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