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Posts posted by (PSN)Yheryk

  1.      Zodiac is a Gravity themed Warframe. The name Zodiac refers to the collection of stars in the sky, all of which will one day collapse in on themselves as black holes, creating a cluster of black holes.

         Zodiac controls Gravity in a variety of ways. He is a Glass Cannon frame featuring the lowest armor rating of all frames, but also has low energy costs to sustain ability use for longer durations; match that with efficiency mods and he becomes a natural sorcery type frame capable of surviving solely on abilities. Due to how squishy he is he is also quite fast, matching the fastest base frame, being Loki. He also features quite low health and shields. Mobility and strategy, as well as high damage are where this Frame shines.


    Health- 50 (150 at rank 30)

    Shield- 75 (225 at rank 30)

    Armor- 10

    Energy- 200 (300 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed- 1.25

    Polarities- "Dash", "D", and "V"

    Exilus Polarity- N/A

    Aura Polarity- "V"


         Now let's take a look at his abilities. As stated above he is intended to have the highest damage output of all frames in his abilities.


    Passive- Naturally draws items to him up to 15m (this allows you to run with any companion without the hassle of item collection)


    35 Energy: Ability 1- Lift, lifts a target enemy to float through the air aimlessly. While under the effects of Lift, a target enemy has their accuracy reduced to 0 and can now damage their own allies with friendly fire. This can control a single target, such as a strong enemy that you want out of the fight while you deal with the weaker ones. Disabling the strong enemy while allowing them to continue firing is the way in which this ability is balanced, though you can still be hit, the odds are much less likely and the target enemy can even hit their own allies to aid you, accidentally.

         Duration- 10/12/13/15 s (duration)

         Range- 15/20/25/30 m (cast range)

         Misc.- 1/1/2/3 (enemies affected at once)


           Ability Mod- Weighted, target enemy can no longer actively fire and no longer floats through the air, and is instead pinned to the ground and becomes vulnerable to increased damage (x2) from all forms of damage. Ability statistics match the default ability.



    25 Energy: Ability 2- Zero Gravity, create a black hole beneath your feet that you fall into as an additional black hole is created directly above you. You are dropped out of the secondary black hole to float in mid air against no gravity for a duration. However, you can hold a desired direction and instead of being dropped from a secondary black hole above you, you will instead rise from a secondary black hole upon the ground in the direction you chose. This is a mobility technique that allows you to quickly traverse the map or dodge enemy fire.

         Range- 10/15/20/25 m (traverse range)

         Duration- 3/4/5/7 s (float duration)


              Ability Mod- Dispel Space, this ability can now be channeled while creating a growing area of effect. Once channeling ends, you and all enemies within the effective area are transported into the air, or your desired direction as you leap between black holes. Enemies will arrive within 10m around you, no matter how far away they were within the effective area during channeling. For example, if you channel this ability to max range while at max rank, being 30m, and an enemy caught in the effect stands at 25m from you, when they arrive after being forced through the black holes they will now be only 10m away from you. This can be used to move clusters of enemies away from objectives or allies, while also setting them up for combinations of abilities from your own arsenal, or even your allies'. Rising directly into the air will no longer have an anti gravity duration, and will instead drop you and all enemies form the sky. Enemies dropped from the sky will ragdoll downwards, unable to attack and suffer knockdown when hitting the ground. Traverse range matches the default ability traverse range.

         Range- 5-15/10-20/20-25/25-30 m (starting range increasing at 1m per second up to max range)

         Energy Drain- 25/20/15/10 s (per second)



    45 Energy: Ability 3- Orbit, lift all enemies within an effective area. Effected enemies will orbit around you to act as a human shield, these enemies cannot fire and become completely vulnerable to friendly fire and are removed from combat until the ability duration ends or they are killed by their allies. Enemy corpses will remain orbiting you to continue absorbing damage until the duration ends. This effect also moves with you, but will not lift additional enemies after the initial cast. This does not absorb all incoming damage, but rather uses enemies as human shield to block incoming damage if they orbit into the path of the incoming damage; in this way it does not make you invulnerable, but the more enemies effected, the higher the chance they will absorb damage against you.

              Note- This could be a huge issue visually, and so as a additional feature for convenience the enemies orbiting within your visual range, or even the visual range of allies will turn transparent, outlined by your energy color so that everyone can still see.

         Range- 5/6/8/10 m (effective range)

         Duration- 5/7/10/12 s (duration)


              Ability Mod- Dead Drop, when an effected enemy is killed, their corpse will no longer remain to absorb damage and will fall out of the effect and a new enemy may be lifted to take their place instead. Ability statistics match default ability statistics.



    75 Energy: Ability 4- Black Star, lowering your head, you place your palms facing each other at chest level as you conjure a surge of energy that draws all enemies into you while crushing them into non-existence. This ability is channeled, and may be sustained overtime for crowd control as well as immense damage to clear a room. Enemies caught closest to your center suffer increased damage as well. You are vulnerable to incoming fire while this is active, so enemies outside of the effective area can still be a problem for you. Also, enemies pulled into can get caught on terrain and objects, and because of them they are crushed between your gravitational pull and the object blocking them and so they suffer x1.5 damage from this ability when stuck, matching the damage modifier for enemies caught closest to your center of gravity.

         Range- 10/15/20/25 m (effective range)

         Strength- 250/260/280/300 d (per second)

              - Enemies within 5m of you will suffer x1.5 damage from this ability

         Energy Drain- 30/25/20/15 s (per second)

         Misc.- 1 m- 1 s (enemies are pulled into you at a rate of 1m per second)


              Ability Mod- Dead Star, cancelling the channeling and pull effect, instead release a massive outward blast that ragdolls enemies within the effective area while causing them to suffer x25 damage. The blast has an innate gravitational radiation that lingers for 5 seconds after casting and repels incoming enemy fire.


         As you can tell this Frame in intended to hit very hard and sustain his abilities for long durations. It would be the first Frame of its kind in the way that he is intended to survive even end game content by use of abilities alone. You may have also noticed that with his Ability Modifiers he can combo Dispel Space with Black Star, Dead Star, or even Orbit and Dead Drop; while also capable of combining Dispel Space with ally abilities. He has mobility, crowd control, and high damage all wrapped into one Frame, balanced by his low health, shields, and just plain pathetic armor.


         So let's talk visuals.

              I was imagining a modern combat type appearance with a ballistics vest, , knee and elbow pads, combat boots, and hood, as well as a thigh holster. Obviously Frames don't wear clothing and are themselves a complete suit, but as with Frames such as Limbo that appear to wear a hat and a jacket, I feel this concept could be easily worked out. Also, the right side of his face would be completely blank, while the left side would have a set of three lights, color based on energy color, forming a triangle with a single, slightly larger light on top with the two slightly smaller lights below.

         As I said, Frames don't wear clothing so this concept could prove a bit challenging, but just as Hydroid looks like a pirate and Limbo looks as he does I feel this could be accomplished.


             Background- Zodiac was expelled out into the depths of space where he was absorbed/pulled into a black hole. He has since traversed space, seeking the collapse of other stars to find his way back home. The story mission to acquire his blueprint could be that Ordis or the Lotus pick up on a very faint signal out in the middle of space and you must use your arch wing to track the signal to its source. Once there you encounter a small star flickering and when you go to touch it, it explodes, sending you across space and into the Void. The second mission has you fight your way through the Void as Ordis or the Lotus tell you the signal has gotten very strong and you must escape the found to track it down. The third mission is an arch wing again and this time you track the signal back to the star that exploded only to find a massive black hole in its place with enemy forces closing in to examine it or draw form its power, etc... At the end of the third mission, you are informed that the signal has vanished  and watch as the black hole closes. The fourth mission has you follow the signal back to the Void for a sabotage mission, but when you pass through the portal where you would normally fight the Grustrag three, you instead come out into space surrounded by nothingness, its all pure black as far as the eye can see and you are floating there alone. You hear a distant voice and you move toward it to find a flickering star again. Once again, it explodes, but this stop the black hole it creates pulls you in. For the final mission you meet Zodiac with the prison of space he has been trapped in, fighting off phantasms of the infected and other enemies as Ordis and or the Lotus go in and out of communication trying to lead you back home. It becomes an escort mission through a sabotage mission and when you destroy the objective it creates a black hole that allows you and Zodiac to make it back to your orbiter. When you arrive you are rewarded with his blueprint.

       I hope I didn't miss anything. Let me know your thoughts on the concept. I love feedback.

  2. For #4, I liked that 'instant kill' over a duration. The duration should be decided by the enemy level. But, if they walk out of the ability range (they will run away from you), your ability instantly turns null. This way, you will have to stop the enemies from leaving. No, you moving will not move the ability radius.

    I do like that idea, and that would also work in tandem with her other abilities such as placing a sigil to stop them from escaping. I suppose my only concern would be that it would also have to implement a fear aspect like Nekros cause most enemies don't run away and when they do they don't run very far.

  3. Omen has been updated so that it deals specific amounts of damage rather than insta killing near everything. Against normal enemies each tick of damage will act as though you are melee striking all enemies at once for double the damage output of your own melee weapon. Also, against bosses it will act the same but instead of double your normal melee damage it will inflict double your critical melee damage. The power of this skill will ultimate depend on the power of your melee weapon.

  4. Omen is a 'press-4-to-win' ability and extremely OP. The ability to kill everyone in sight, instantly, over a short period of time? I'm hoping you can do better.

    I do not disagree that it is a powerful technique. However, I have adjusted her power stats to max at 150 at level 30. This way she has more limited energy, which means more limited uses and if people want to spam Omen then it would then activate the health cost feature. Also, due to the great advantage of her other abilities reducing multiple stats of enemies I would think, and hope, that people would be more inclined to use those in order to conserve energy, especially for long missions like defense and survival. Killing everything instantly does need to be altered and a set amount of damage put in its place instead and so I will be adjusting that.


     That being said, any thoughts about her other abilities, the health cost feature, etc...?

  5. Theme and Stats:

    Theme: Curses/Hexes

    Type: Solo/Crowd Control/ Support/Crowd Control

    Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)

    Power: 50 (150 at rank 30)

    Armor: 35

    Shield Capacity: 75 (225 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 1.1

    Stamina: 120


    Note: these stats are a rough setup and can be altered.





    Power 1: Affliction- Level 1: Reduces Accuracy of target by 50% for 5 seconds.

                                           Level 2: Reduces Accuracy of target by 60% and damage by 25% for 7 seconds.

                                           Level 3: Reduces Accuracy of target by 75% and damage by 30% as well as target's shields/health reduced by 20% for 10 seconds.

         A level 3 (fully maxed) Affliction will also hex two additional targets nearest to the initially targeted enemy.

         This ability can be cast with insufficient energy at the cost of health. For example, this ability costs 25 energy to cast, so without enough energy to cast it you may still cast it anyway, but at the cost of 25% of your total health. Note is costs 25% of your total health, not current health. (25 Energy)


    Power 2: Hex- Places a glowing sigil upon the ground, making that ground unholy. Enemies who trespass on the unholy ground are afflicted by several debuffs.

                             Level 1: 1 sigil may be placed, sigil duration 7 seconds, cast range of 7m, sigil size/radius of 3m

                                          Debuffs: Speed reduced 25%, Damage reduced 25%, Accuracy reduced 25%


                             Level 2: 2 sigils may be placed, sigil duration of 12 seconds, cast range of 10m, sigil size/radius of 5m

                                          Debuffs: Speed reduced 45%, Damage reduced by 25%, Accuracy reduced by 25%, 10% status chance for knockdown (they trip)


                             Level 3: 3 sigils may be placed, sigil duration of 15 seconds, cast range of 15m, sigil size/radius of 7m

                                          Debuffs: Speed reduced by 90%, Damage reduced by 30%, Accuracy reduced by 30%, 25% status chance for knockdown (they trip), 5% chance of self destruction (the sigil will explode for 1500 damage in a 3m radius around the sigil; this means the true explosion radius is 10m)


       Once placed the sigils cannot be moved, only recast. Additionally, the status chance of this ability can be increased, boosting the sigil. In order to boost your placed sigil you must target it and recast your ability; this will cost 50 energy to boost each sigil. The status chance of your boosted sigil will increase by 5 times its normal chance. This means that at level 2 your knockdown chance will increase to 50% chance, as well as the 5% for explosion chance at level 3 increasing to 25% chance.

        Also to note, if the target(s) step out of the sigil then the debuff effects instantly come off. It is best to keep them in the sigil as long as possible and kill them as quickly as possible.

         This ability can be cast with insufficient energy, but at the cost of health equal in percentage to the energy cost. This means that it would cost 50% of your total health to cast without enough energy. Note that the cost takes from your total health, not current health and so it can kill you if you do not pay attention. (50 Energy)


    Power 3: Curse- Instantly reduces the health and shields of surrounding enemies.

                                 Level 1: Reduces shields by 25% and health by 10% at 5m

                                 Level 2: Reduces shields by 35% and health by 15% at 10m

                                 Level 3: Reduces shields by 50% and health by 25% at 15m

       The effects of this ability last until effected targets are killed. This ability can only be recast at the cost of your own health if the effects are still ongoing. For Example, if effected enemies of this ability still live, then it will cost 25% of your health to recast. However, if all effected enemies die then you can recast the ability with no cost to your own health.

         This ability can be cast even with your energy depleted at the cost of health. For Example, this ability costs 75 energy to use, therefore it will cost 75% of your total health to cast if you do not have the energy to cast it. Note that it costs 75% of your total health, not current health. (75 Energy)


    Power 4: Omen- She puts a deadly curse of death upon all surrounding enemies. This ability will last for a duration set based on each enemy effected by it. At set intervals within the time duration reapers will appear behind the enemy and strike them with their scythe for critical damage. The more enemies effected means the longer the duration will last which in turns equals more damage dealt to surrounding enemies. Damage output is equivalent to twice the damage output of your melee weapon.

                                      Level 1: Range of 10m, every 7 seconds effected targets will be attacked, 1 second multiplier

                                      Level 2: Range of 15m, every 5 seconds effected targets will be attacked, 1 second multiplier

                                      Level 3: Range of 20m, every 3 second effected targets will be attacked, 2 second multiplier


        For example, if 15 enemies are effected by this ability then the duration of the ability (2 seconds at level 3) will be multiplied by the number of enemies effected. Therefore at level 3, 2 seconds multiplied by 15 effected enemies will set the ability duration to 30 seconds, so every 3 seconds the enemies will be attacked and so this equals out to ten strikes for the duration period. So, if your melee weapon is weak it will do very minor damage, but if it is strong then it will output heavy damage. This ability acts as if you are melee attacking all enemies at once for twice the normal damage. During this time the ability can only be recast at the expense of your own health.

                                     Level 1: 15% recast health cost

                                     Level 2: 25% recast health cost

                                     Level 3: 50% recast health cost


       Against a boss the damage output is equivalent to double your melee weapon's critical damage output.

       This ability can be cast even if you do not have enough energy to cast it. However, it will cost 100% of your total health in order to cast with insufficient energy. This will instantly force you into bleed out state. (100 Energy)



     Special Note: To recap, all of her abilities can be cast even with insufficient energy. However, casting an ability without enough energy to do so will result in the cost being taken from your total health as a percentage. This means that casting even her 1st ability, Affliction, can kill you if you do not have the energy to cast it and your current health is at 25% or lower of your total health. Again, this unique feature effects total health, not current health. Pay attention to your current health, decide whether or not the cost in health is worth the ability being cast even if it must kill you to do so.



    Suggested Weapons for This Warframe:


    Primary: Black Widow: This compact sub-machine gun offers high fire rate and stability at the cost of a lower damage output.


    Secondary: Bolas: This high powered launcher fires off bolas to trip up enemies, keeping them held within the unholy ground of her hex longer while causing minor damage of its own.


    Melee: Katar: These dual handed, bladed weapons are covered in a poisonous substance that inflicts enemies with a deadly toxin.


    Name: Katara (Greek word for "a curse")





    Katara, the Accursed Warframe. Using deadly hexes and afflictions she turns even the most powerful of enemies into a side note in her orchestra of death.


    Katara was developed by the Tenno long ago to act as a way to fight fire with fire. Taking the greatest strengths of her enemies and diluting them, she can make any situation turn in her favor. Long has this powerful warframe been locked up in fear of the enemy getting their hands on it. If their enemies should ever exploit Katara's abilities for their own use then it could result in the extinction of the Tenno.



       She has a gothic appearance, dark and intimidating. Her torso rises into a high curved collar with tassels. The collar extends to her left shoulder and down her left arm into a long sleeve that extends just passed her finger tips as well as widening at the wrists. She also has a waist cape draping from her right hip, down her right leg to her ankle.


    Blueprints: Blue Print parts found as random drops in the Orokin Derelict. Blue Print itself must be purchased in the market for 100,000 credits. To build the parts requires a new and unique resource called Accursed Effigy.


    Resource: Accursed Effigy, a small statue in representation of the Tenno. These rare resources are scattered throughout the Orokin Derelict as well as drop from enemies within the Orokin Derelict. They can also be found in the Void, but only as drops from containers and lockers and not as enemy drops.


       Possible Event: These Accursed Effigies were once pure, but tainted by the corruption of the enemy. They seek to use these resources to manufacture their own version of the Katara Warframe and so it is the duty of the Tenno to put a stop to it and get the Effigies back.

  6. Ok so we have Excalibur, based on sword play, but no warframe based on gun play so here he is  :)


    Theme and Stats:

    Theme: Artillery

    Type: Solo/Gunner/ Support/Crowd Control

    Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)

    Power: 50 (150 at rank 30)

    Armor: 150

    Shield Capacity: 125 (450 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 0.8

    Stamina: 80


    Note: these stats are a rough setup and can be altered.





    Power 1: Artillery Strike- He unleashes a missile from his hand cannon that explodes upon impact. If held/charged, the power will continue to fire off missile after missile, but note that each missile will consume 25 energy so it must be used with caution and not wasted. (25 Energy)


    Power 2: Detonate- He will release an explosive blast around him up to 7 meters, clearing away any swarming enemies in an instant. This is a high powered ability, but lacks in range.  (50 Energy)


    Power 3: Paladin- He fires off three missiles that shoot into the sky above enemies and explodes, dealing minor damage. However, upon exploding it releases dozens of smaller rockets per missile that rain explosions down upon the enemies. This ability covers a fair range and deals high damage. It is a great alternative to Nuke, conserving more energy for multiple quick uses. (75 Energy)

         Note: This is meant to be a fairly powerful ability and acts as an alternative to Nuke, being that Nuke consumes all of your energy in one shot. It is not meant to be so overpowered that it acts as just another ult power though. Yes it deals high damage over a fair range and upon multiple enemies, but against higher level enemies a single Paladin will not completely clear the room.


    Power 4: Nuke- Slams his hand cannon into the ground and fires off a nuclear bomb. The ground shatters as the flames consume the room, killing everything. Whatever survives is left suffering high radiation damage. This power is vastly powerful and because of this it is meant as a last resort. It costs a minimal of 100 energy to use, but its damage output will stack with more energy and it will consume all stored energy. (100 Energy)

         For example: If you have 100 energy and you unleash this power you will deal 800 base damage up to 15 meters base and 250 radiation damage up to 25 meters base over 10 seconds, basically 25 damage per tick for ten ticks.

         However, if you have 300, with mods obviously, then it will consume all your energy at once, but will dish out 2000 damage up to 30 meters and 1000 radiation damage over ten seconds at 45 meters.

              Note: The above meters and damage outputs are rough and faintly take into consideration mods. However, this ability is meant to be a total powerhouse that will wipe out virtually anything in one shot, aside from bosses, and clear a room. You cannot spam this power as it will fully consume all of your energy in one shot, but in return it increases in range and damage with more energy consumed to use it.


    Suggested Weapons for This Warframe:


    Primary: Hand Cannon: This high powered artillery weapon fires small missiles at enemies. It does not deal as much damage as Jericho's actual hand cannon, but it is close.


    Secondary: To be determined


    Melee: To be determined


    Name: Virtus (Roman deity of bravery and military strength)




    Virtus was one of the first warframes to be built, but its destructive power was too great and the idea was scrapped.


    Virtus was meant to be a weapon to end wars and gain victory, but his destructive power is so great that the idea was scrapped. It was feared that such power could have devastating consequences if the enemy got ahold of it.



       He has a hand cannon built directly into his arm. When using warframe abilities, his arm transforms through high tech mechanics into an arm cannon.


    Blueprints: Found in the Orikin Derelict, found in Orikin vaults.

  7. so iron man? great concept and i think it can work, most of the current frames are based in shadows or elements, but blending damages, like ember and volt, to make jericho for rad damage and explosions great concept and the hand cannons? iron man kick &#!, if you can make some art for this, or ask endrian ( or his artist)  to help out, and the name ideas are solid, and not a troll ability in sight....walking tank awesomeness 

    will do  :)

  8. Ok so I have done some revisions. Her first skill will take effect based on the enemy. Larger more powerful enemies will shake themselves out of the sleeping state quicker than weaker enemies.

     Also, Doppelganger makes her invisible practically, but yes she can be hit by stray fire and will aggro most fire to her decoy.

     The team invisibility is very useful but has a limited duration. However the effects last longer on her than her teammates. Also, the duration will not be 30 seconds or anything too extensive so that this power is too overwhelming.

     Her ult is simply amazing and I really dont want to mess with it. I think it would be hilarious watching the Grineer or others fumbling around in a panic as if they were on fire when in reality there is nothing wrong with them lol


    As for Death.Reap3r, Nyx is about mind control. Maya is about illusions. An illusion is a mere trick of the eye, slight of hand. Mind control is very much different. Not to mention Maya's abilities offer not a single bit of damage, merely limited to supporting the team with crowd control. Nyx has absorb, which does dish out damage and taking control of enemies forces them to dish out damage, plus she has her psy bolt power which also dishes out damage.


    I do agree that Nyx could be considered the illusionist, but then so could Loki. I would think of Maya as more of a cross between the two, she offers no damage just like Loki, but can effect groups of enemies like Nyx.

  9. Ok so we have Excalibur, based on sword play, but no warframe based on gun play so here he is  :)


    Theme and Stats:

    Theme: Artillery

    Type: Solo/Gunner/ Support/Crowd Control

    Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)

    Power: 50 (150 at rank 30)

    Armor: 150

    Shield Capacity: 125 (450 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 0.8

    Stamina: 80


    Note: these stats are a rough setup and can be altered.





    Power 1: Artillery Strike- He unleashes a missile from his hand cannon that explodes upon impact. If held/charged, the power will continue to fire off missile after missile, but note that each missile will consume 25 energy so it must be used with caution and not wasted. (25 Energy)


    Power 2: Detonate- He will release an explosive blast around him up to 7 meters, clearing away any swarming enemies in an instant. This is a high powered ability, but lacks in range.  (50 Energy)


    Power 3: Paladin- He fires off three missiles that shoot into the sky above enemies and explodes, dealing minor damage. However, upon exploding it releases dozens of smaller rockets per missile that rain explosions down upon the enemies. This ability covers a fair range and deals high damage. It is a great alternative to Nuke, conserving more energy for multiple quick uses. (75 Energy)

         Note: This is meant to be a fairly powerful ability and acts as an alternative to Nuke, being that Nuke consumes all of your energy in one shot. It is not meant to be so overpowered that it acts as just another ult power though. Yes it deals high damage over a fair range and upon multiple enemies, but against higher level enemies a single Paladin will not completely clear the room.


    Power 4: Nuke- Slams his hand cannon into the ground and fires off a nuclear bomb. The ground shatters as the flames consume the room, killing everything. Whatever survives is left suffering high radiation damage. This power is vastly powerful and because of this it is meant as a last resort. It costs a minimal of 100 energy to use, but its damage output will stack with more energy and it will consume all stored energy. (100 Energy)

         For example: If you have 100 energy and you unleash this power you will deal 800 base damage up to 15 meters base and 250 radiation damage up to 25 meters base over 10 seconds, basically 25 damage per tick for ten ticks.

         However, if you have 300, with mods obviously, then it will consume all your energy at once, but will dish out 2000 damage up to 30 meters and 1000 radiation damage over ten seconds at 45 meters.

              Note: The above meters and damage outputs are rough and faintly take into consideration mods. However, this ability is meant to be a total powerhouse that will wipe out virtually anything in one shot, aside from bosses, and clear a room. You cannot spam this power as it will fully consume all of your energy in one shot, but in return it increases in range and damage with more energy consumed to use it.


    Suggested Weapons for This Warframe:


    Primary: Hand Cannon: This high powered artillery weapon fires small missiles at enemies. It does not deal as much damage as Jericho's actual hand cannon, but it is close.


    Secondary: To be determined


    Melee: To be determined


    Name: Virtus (Roman deity of bravery and military strength)




    Virtus was one of the first warframes to be built, but its destructive power was too great and the idea was scrapped.


    Virtus was meant to be a weapon to end wars and gain victory, but his destructive power is so great that the idea was scrapped. It was feared that such power could have devastating consequences if the enemy got ahold of it.



       He has a hand cannon built directly into his arm. When using warframe abilities, his arm transforms through high tech mechanics into an arm cannon.


    Blueprints: Found in the Orikin Derelict, found in Orikin vaults.

  10. Theme and Stats:

    Theme: Illusions

    Type: Solo/Manipulation and Survivalist/Support/Crowd Control

    Health: 75 (225 at rank 30)

    Power: 75 (225 at rank 30)

    Armor: 20

    Shield Capacity: 50 (150 at rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 1.0

    Stamina: 100


    Note: these stats are a rough setup and can be altered.





    Power 1: Feather Fall- She imprints an illusion upon a single target and feathers float gracefully down all around them as they fall into a slumber. If left alone the target will stay asleep, but after a set amount of inflicted damage they will wake(at base). When maxed out, an effected target wont wake up no matter how much damage is done to them. The effects of this power are limited to the enemy its being used on: weaker enemies will suffer their slumber for virtual eternity while stronger enemies and bosses will force themselves awake after about 2 seconds base, 5 seconds max. (25 Energy)


    Power 2: Doppelganger- She casts an illusion upon all surrounding enemies, making them see her a few meters ahead of where she actually is. They target their fire on where they think she is, while in truth she is a few meters back and all incoming fire simply passes her by. Her doppelganger moves as she moves and suffers no damage as it is merely an illusion. This will last a set time period before the effect fades and will make her virtually invisible. Also, her doppelganger will aggro enemy fire away from teammates. However, some enemies may ignore it when trying to destroy power cores of cryo pods. (50 Energy)


    Power 3: Deception- She casts an illusion on all enemies in the area, making them believe that there are no enemies to fire at. This virtually turns herself and all allies invisible for a set period of time, allowing them to dish out as much punishment as possible. Allies will dish out critical melee damage, but the effects will only last 5 seconds base for them, 7 seconds base for Maya. (75 Energy)


    Power 4: Apocalypse- She creates the illusion that the world is in an apocalyptic state, the sky is red and all around fires are burning, the air has become toxic with radiation. Then a nuclear explosion engulfs the entire map. After the nuke goes off the map returns to normal for players, but the enemies fumble around in a panic as if they are on fire and being corroded by the explosion and masses of nuclear radiation. This deals no damage, but looks amazing and will render all enemies in the area vulnerable at max. Even at base its range it great, but at max it can effect an entire large room. (100 Energy)




    Suggested Weapons for This Warframe:


    Primary: To be determined


    Secondary: To be determined


    Melee: To be determined


    Name: Maya




    Maya is a long lost warframe of great power.


    Maya was found by Excalibur himself during a mission in Orikin Ruins. Though she posses no direct damage dealing skills, her illusionary abilities make her a powerhouse to be sure.



       To be determined


    Blueprints: Found in the Orikin Derelict, found in Orikin vaults.



       Note: I'm sure I will get a lot of grief about this warframe making Loki obsolete or something like that. However, I feel that Loki is more of a solo manipulator where Maya benefits the team. Just my thoughts, let me know what you think  :)

  11. You have to bring that sprint speed down a couple notches. 1.25 should be the fastest any 'Frame should be, go grab Loki (or Rhino Prime with Vanguard) and throw a max Rush on him and you are flying at speeds that make you look ridiculous and like you are out of a bad comedy skit.


    Anything faster than that would be game braking really.

    ill lower it, the stats are just rough anyways

  12. Maybe I'm just being a perfectionist but their base skill isn't precisely the same.


    - Slash Dash deals up to 500 slash damage - Rhino Charge does up to 650 impact damage.

    - Slash Dash doesn't knock enemies down - Rhino Charge does.

    - Slash Dash continues for 0.75 seconds (extended by power duration) - Rhino Charge continues faster for 0.35 seconds (extended by power duration.)


    Therefore, the abilities of this Warframe - while similar - are okay with me and should be with everyone else, because the Charge and Dash are almost the same as well.

    I was just making a point against another post that my power ideas for the Kina warframe are not the same as a warframe that already exists and whatever similarities are there are not enough to make it a copy, and I had used Slash Dash and Rhino Charge as an example, I see where your coming from with it

  13. It's not just the crashing, it's the entire fact that the G3 are completely random to when they show up, meaning there is no set way to get Erebus which would be the first non-prime warframe to be dropped in this manner


    Please note: I am aware of Banshee and Volt before the Dojo, however there was talk of another way being looked into for them and that was a temporary solution


    Also not only does the backstory not match up to Lore, but it just seems like the Grineer version of Valkyr, rather than have his own story.


    I could go on but I don't want to be too harsh

    I'm not 100% clear on all the warframes' history so I updated the one for Erebus. Hopefully it will fit a bit better. Please let me know  :)

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