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Posts posted by (PSN)KineticBongos

  1. The last dojo updates were quite lacking.  They added the Orokin Lab, and Polychrome.  There's always new weapons being added to the dojo.  But it seems that DE has abandoned the entire concept of having a dojo.  They scrapped the usage of rails, which makes Orokin Labs useless, there's unneeded loading screens for dueling, and sync issues with players.  There is no drive to further impress others with dojos, as they've been not updated with decorations and rooms for an eternity.  The only decorations that come by are either event timed exclusive or seasonal.  This is a request to Digital Extremes.  Please put some love into the Dojo's  There is a great need for additional rooms and decorations.  It'd most certainly be appreciated by guilds and players alike.



    TurbineSolice, Leader of The Master Illusionists

  2. I have formed a new clan, and we are in need of someone to help us with our clan emblem.  If anyone is interested, please reply to this topic.  Upon reply, I will provide the details with the emblem. 





  3. I'm TurbineSolice(PS4) and I'm a veteran Warframe player, since it first came out on PC. I stopped playing PC after it came out for PS4, and the Warframe community on the console is growing larger and larger. So, I have decided to make a clan known as Ash of Darkness. We are a friendly clan and accepting all players. Our clan dojo is still underway. We do not depend on one person. We are a resourceful clan. We make sure that everyone contributes to expanding the clan dojo, this way, it's fair. we currently have 10 members and expanded the clan to allow 30 members. We accept anyone, new or old. Any we assist any way possible. You can ask for a invite from TurbineSolice. Every friday, or message me on PSN ur username and I can send you a invite. Or you can post ur PS4 Warframe username on this topic and I will send you a invite ASAP. Thanks for reading and we hope to see you join us.

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