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Posts posted by YNCShadow

  1. The problem is this new mission actually force players to make all of their build looks like same to increase servival ability, for example increase health. And it just makes this new mission boring and ez, because we don't face different, this new mission are exact same with we faced daily, only higher level enemies. 

    Also, i think the highest rewards should only have TAU,  melee arcanes are just trash after netracells drop don't have gold and silver melee arcanes anymore. 


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  2. 52分钟前 , Lord_Drod 说:

    I don't really get what you're saying.  Mirage survivability is boosted playing with Citrine?  That's kinda what I'm saying.  A large part of the challenge is removed in group play since the host takes all the aggro and it is less likely you will go down on top of having 3 teammates to revive you if you do go down.  There's also a greater chance amongst 4 players to have some good combos of things to kill things with, without having to worry about staying up  or taking all the damage.  So it doesn't compare to the challenge of solo play.  There isn't any actual "teamwork" required to complete the mission as far a mechanics go.

    So true, as this mode is giving u random warframe and weapons, you cant pick "tank" "buff" and just as you said this mission actually don't have any teamwork part. Most of time Its all about how one player are well in the mission(weather he might have random good warframe and weapons/He is good at this game), and other 3 team members are just doing nothing for many reasons(maybe they dont have good warframe, or they just not good at it or they are new players).

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  3. I finally find someone have same opinion with me. as a 7000h steam player, I just find it way too eeeeeeeeez. I think its okay for just banned Archon Shard for all the time because they are so powerful on those new (even most of old) Warframes, for e.g. you can gain 75% strength, and we all know what is this mean to Dante and dagath and kullervo or voruna. Other than that, it's even more ez than daily mission because its still exterminate, disruption those daily mission, even zariman I would say its more harder. Why not make it harder? The final reward is super good arcane and tau, why make it so ez? 

    Also, I strongly agree it should be a solo mode, muti players just damage this new mission, new players are not ready for it, but a good player can easily finish it by himself, so it makes those players team up with new players and those news are actually do nothing in the mission.

    I think Companions should also been banned because as it gets rework few months ago, it's way too powerful now, just like duviri, why not just banned it?


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  4. 1小时前 , Awaidaqor 说:

    Line of sight check on Dante's Tragedy was exactly what I didn't want to see. You have no idea of how much it nerfs something due to being severely inconsistent. 
    I've always thought that, because Warframe is a game with a lot of collisions, LOS should either be removed as a mechanic or improved a lot. By the way, there are at maximum 5 persons who complained about his nuke.

    Edit : I've been testing this for a few minutes in a survival and there are enemies that don't get affected by Tragedy right in front of me. It's unreal.

    Just like eclipse, most of players dont know how they gonna  "balance", and finally, its nerfed to the ground.

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  5. its all over, I really dont know why they do that and use all of those words like "we want to keep read feedback" or like its players want it to be tap and hold. Yes we indeed vote but they just don't told us to nerf 85%. And now its just all over, DE actually know we need it to be high because they just keep new warframe more "strong" for e.g. dagath, kullervo, dante. The all have "big number" because few years ago, we are facing like maximum level 80 anemies, and now we are facing 325-350 basic level anemy(In new game mode coming next week) with many debuffs. Other than that, this is the first time a helminth power nerfed 85%, DE don't have to think a power if its too strong in helminth now because they can just nerf it on the ground and nobody gonna use it. So whats the meaning of having helminth systems..?

    And also, we now have to pay more plat for riven, in before everyone can have fun with eidolon and profit taker, but now you need super good riven for zenith, diplos, zaw, ogris. 

    Now solo players have to use roar instead of eclipse for eidolon, because volt 2 is the only power can increase archwing speed, we lost void dash and old Itzal 1.

    But still, some players think they are enjoy with the mission it self, even they have to pay much longer time and make it more hard. And finally they get same mission reward, i would not say its wrong because i also enjoy warframe's mission, but mission efficiency can't be slower and slower.

    All words above is just represent my personal thought. Im open to accepting all other viewpoints.

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  6. If Eclipse doesn’t receive this nerf, I would say this update is absolutely perfect.

    I can't believe one day a ability can be nerfed 85%.

    This update hurt zaw players, Profit taker players, Eidolon players, Arbitration players.

    I mean just like aoe weapons get nerf few years ago, its okay because a game need to keep updating and have new things, Incarnon weapons are also strong and fun, so its ok because we have more than one option.

    When i heard you said "we wanted to provide an update as we continue development and read feedback" Im like wow thats why im playing Warframe because they are always trying to read feedback.

    I thought it was true. 

    But other than that, this update is all good, fixed so much bugs, dante is strong and fun, we now have more good vision effect and more, I really want to thx DE work so hard on those things.

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  7. 2024/3/15 PM7点08分 , MarakViri 说:

    Oh. On-Call Crew. Right, yeah, that makes sense I suppose.

    I still figured it would be easier with the Zenith, especially if you had a riven with <BaseDamage + Element Damage + Element Damage - (Irrelevant Stat)>. Especially if you're running Eclipse for damage multiplication, that should provide enough damage for a full-build Zenith to wipe the pylons from range.

    My current setup is the Contagion Zaw (Toxin + Radiation + (Corrosive [Arcane]) + (Contagion), the Tenet Plinx (Magnetic + Heat), and the Zenith (Gas + Cold) with Nourish for Viral. Is there a specific reason as to the (I'm assuming Tenet) Diplos in particular?

    I also considered trying Thermal Sunder with [Thermal Transfer], and switching my elements around so that I could run all of them, but can't really do that on Chroma because I need high Duration for it to work, and I can't cancel the buff without losing Vex Armor.

    And, hold on one sec ...

    Yes especially for those players who played Profit taker less, Zenith is way more easy, But if you use Ogris instead of zenith, you will clean those pylons more faster, you can use mod"Nightwatch Napalm“, it will leave a area damage on the ground, and when the pylons get down few seconds later,It just automatically gets destroyed, this is another reason for why we need eclipse to be more higher, because with out eclipse, Ogris will not have enough damage to do that.

    its ok for using Plinx, diplos is a auto gun and it also have 3 Physical elements, which allows you to fast destroy Profit taker's shield( If the elements of the next few shields happen to match exactly those possessed by your Diplos, then you can quickly clear all the shields.)

    • Like 2
  8. 23分钟前 , Voltage 说:

    The addition of Helminth (and Eclipse [and other prominent abilities] within Helimth) has eroded team play. I don't think you're regressing by dialing it back. Though, I guess not addressing it for so long has built a playerbase around this powercreep, and maybe I'm a minority now for bringing this up.

    The cost of Primed Mods used to mean something when the only reliable Credits farms were Dark Sector nodes, Trials, and using Secura Lecta with Chroma. Over time, the Credits currency has been made a mild inconvenience at best. I farmed 5.8 billion, and while you think that's crazy, if you boil it down to my specific farms, it's actually not a lot of playtime for 3.5 out of the 5.8. More than half my Credits were earned through Profit-Taker, and I see this Eclipse nerf as a mild inconvenience at best.

    Everyone also keeps missing the point that Eclipse is the ability of Mirage. There's nothing that entitles the player to that massive damage buff on Volt, Saryn, Wisp, or any other Warframe. If I were to really balance Helminth, I would remove Roar, Xata's Whisper, Nourish and Eclipse for a different ability altogether.

    I stongly agree how you said to balance Helminth, but we have to face what is happening now, I also don't want eclipse to be the only choise but indeed DE hasn’t gives us too much choise.

    If there is more option, then i will agree its a "mild inconvenience", but no.

  9. 2024/3/15 PM6点26分 , Voltage 说:

    These are acceptable losses.

    I'm going to be frank, The Index and Profit-Taker invalidated the Credits  currency, further by Helminth. Heaven forbid you can't just stand infront of Profit-Taker by yourself with an Exodia Contagion macro and blast the shields at a pace only your EE.log can measure accurately.

    For Eidolons, their "efficiency" would not be lost, you would just need more than 1-2 players, which was the intent of the mode in the first place. Players were doing 6x3 without Eclipse, Archon Shards, Zariman Arcanes, Zenith, and Focus 2.0 a long time ago.

    I know, but as you said, that is what we faced like 3-4 years before, Warframe need look forward right? And.. im not a speed runner actually, but it just super easy for me(and actually most of my friend) to do that with finished profit taker in 1min10, because whisper in the wall gives us more option to pick.

    Because i have to trade Prime mod, they are expensive with credit tax, so i really need that much credit.

    But still i agree some of ur point, thx for correct my opinion, i only want to show how important eclipse is, it should not be only 30%.

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  10. 30分钟前 , MarakViri 说:

    I mean, I'm aware of Melee Exposure (I use it myself) but ... "Only use melee and Diplos"? With all three weapons, I am covering 12 of the 13 elements (missing Electric). Do you mean you're using a different primary? Or are you running pre-organised squads with assigned damage types or something?

    I play solo because I find it easier. The lowered enemy density plays a part, but every time I play with other people, the Profit-Take ends up facing directions that make it hard for me to see it's weakness (which is a minor issue, admittedly), but I also have rather horrendous client-side connectivity (especially in Orb Vallis for some reason), so it's just easier for me to play Solo.

    And yeah, the DR probably wont get raised, even though it (much like the 30% damage increase) should definitely be raised.

    For example, if you use volt, volt 3 gives you electric, melee(zaw+Exodia Contagion) gives you Cold, Corrosive, Gas, Radiation, Blast, 3 Physical element. And with diplos, you will have heat, Viral, Magnetic, and you can let your crew use a weapon have toxin.

    About the lowered enemy density, actually if you kill Profit taker as quick as you can(like 1min and half), its actually okay because they even not born and you are done with the mission. And that is one reason why i think eclipse need be more higher not only 30%, because if you take more time on it, it just gonna be way more hard by using volt, because volt cant servive well like chroma.

    And yeah i super understand horrendous client-side connectivity my friend also have this problem with me so yeah some times we can only pick solo.

  11. 1小时前 , MarakViri 说:

    This ... is not true. I don't use eclipse at all for Profit-Taker. Granted, I am still using Chroma, because I obviously want to maximise my Credit Income, and I'm sticking with Vex Armor. Granted, I don't particularly care about going for sub-minute times, as going for a more comfortable 1-3 minute run is still ludicrously simple on solo. And that's without that Zenith Riven you mentioned.

    If you're using Volt or Saryn, as they can allow for 100% elemental coverage without the Necramech, then I could see the argument. Maybe. Volt provides 50% additional Critical Damage, so the right build should allow you to melt through the Profit-Taker's shields. And that's not even mentioning the fact that you can one-shot the limbs and Health Stages with the Necramech weapon (which doesn't get the Solar Eclipse buff anyway).

    You may be right on the Eidolon part though, as I haven't done Eidolons for quite some time, though I will probably do a few more runs of it at some point in the future.

    That said, I do agree (as stated in my post) that 30% is horrendous. 50% is more reasonable given the nature and initial strength of the base ability, and that's a 75% reduction.

    Ummm ... no? I'm actually quite excited to be able to switch between them mid-mission for quite a few frames. Most people won't use it for that (just like most people don't use Thermal Sunder for the Cold effect), but some people (and more specifically some frames) will certainly appreciate being able to use both features.

    Once they increase the base strength of the Solar Eclipse Buff, and increase the cap of the Lunar Eclipse buff, that is. Otherwise it's just ... a somewhat disappointing (though likely still picked due to a lack of competition) Helminth Ability.

    Yes actually i agree with you, Chroma is a good way for solo because you can double credits, but maybe my perspective is influenced by being part of the CN community, is easier to team up with a Chroma and Chroma actually can just do nothing(its good because that is more easy for a new player, they dont need high build and they can team up with a old player) because Volt can do every thing( its super easy for me fished Profit taker in 1min 10 in daily, not speedrun). But still i agree with you because you might just prefer playing solo for various reasons that I dont know about. My point for eclipse+zenith is for eidolon, maybe you don't play it for long time so that's ok, during Profit taker we actually dont use zenith anymore when we use Volt because its more easy to only use melee and diplos, since we have Melee Exposure now to add corrosive to our melee. Actually this is why im hoping it dont nerf way too much because with out high eclipse+zenith, you can not use only one shot to break the first weak spot(sry i dont know how to call it in eng) of Eidolon Gantulyst and Eidolon Hydrolyst because they could born in moutain which you can not damage it untill few second later because they are in underground.

    For the second part indeed, I still agree with you, because i dont think DE will make eclipse more higher when there is DR, im also hoping they can keep tap and hold but you know what i mean.

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  12. Many players don’t realize the importance of a 150% Eclipse;  it’s the only viable choice when facing the Profit-Taker and Eidolon. Profit-Taker is currently the fastest way for earning credits, even index is much slower than a player who can fished Profit taker in 1min. Additionally, for Eidolon, their Arcanes are extremely valuable, especially to the players who don’t trade Rivens or Prime mods for platinum.  It’s also the quickest way for new players to accumulate Focus for their operator.  For those who enjoy these aspects of Warframe, combining Zenith with Eclipse is how they can increase their Eidolon efficiency.  Without a 150% Eclipse and a strong Zenith Riven, their effectiveness is significantly diminished.

    What happen is our efficiancy facing Profit taker and eidolon has been greatly reduced. When I asked players who believe “Roar is weaker than 30% eclipse or 30% is acceptable” why they feel this way, their response was invariably, “I don’t care, because I don’t like those two bosses.”. I find this mindset difficult to comprehend.  If Eclipse were nerfed to 30%, the efficiency of these missions would regress to what it was like in 2018.

    Furthermore, I must emphasize that this is the first time a Helminth power has been nerfed by 85%, with previous nerfs being Kullervo by 50% and Roar by 40%.

    To be frank, 30% just deeply harshed those solo players, If DR is why cant give eclipse more on increase weapon damage, perhaps it could be adjusted to function like Equinox’s ability, use energy color(actually i forgot if its energy color) to decide before start a mission eclipse is DR or increase damage.

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  13. Im actually a bit confuse why some players think 30% is okay for eclipse... A simple example is when we face profit taker, base on 150% eclipse, it allows players reach 600% eclipse when a player's Profit taker build is compltely finished(about 400 power strength), and what happened is players can easily reach the highest eclipse almost every where in Orb Vallis. Even base on all of that, profit taker is still not a easy boss. If we only have 30% eclipse, that means you will only have 120% eclipse, 600%-->120%.

    Eidolon and Profit taker are old bosses indeed, but they are still meaningful, as i said before, solo players(and new players), they need more higher build now.

    And I strongly agree one point, if DR is why you cant make eclipse more higher, then change it to work like Equinox’s ability, when Mirage use eclipse, tap and hold, but with helminth version, it depend on ur energy color, which players can decide its gonna be DR or increase weapon damage before they start a mission.

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  14. What Im really worried about has happened now – the first time a helminth power get a nerf 85%. We can say goodbye to Profit Taker relying on this Helminth Eclipse nerf. Moreover, its more harsh to solo players with only 30% eclipse to increase weapon damage.

    I would not say DR is entirely useless, but its not as crucial as boosting weapon damage, we have plenty of ways to servive easily, but for increase weapon damage(not base on status) there are only eclipse and roar.

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  15. 3小时前 , vylexes 说:

    If in fact you were speaking about Meta sheep you would 100% be correct but to paint a broad stroke across the board and act like you are 100% correct is like saying people go to dunkin donuts for there donuts only, Because in fact people also go there to get cup of coffee or hot chocolate. I use Eclipse in every day use on many frames, And why is this well because it is quite useful when it does work, Which is about 70% of the time, people were literally talking about change for the 30% an well we ended up with that precise % ironic is it not.

    When saying this is all it is good for doesn't make DE want to take another look and say yea maybe they are right it could be too low, They look at a comment like this and say see this is why we need it to be 30%, When it fact there is so many more uses that people either are not wise to or just can't read a wiki.

    I know sry about my somewhat extreme viewpoint about how players will use eclipse, i did use eclipse in daily mission too for e.g. i might use it on the steel path or index or something. My whole point is reducing eclipse to 30% is just a nerf, to everyone. If u face those daily mission we dont rely on eclipse to increase our damage or make mission easier, but for Profit taker-orb and eidolon hunting, the only thing we can pick is eclipse, because its the only and the best helmith power to increase weapon damage, as we all know profit orb and eidolon cant be hurt by powers and status. 

    Actually im not a player who really like Profit orb or eidolon hunting, but they are part of the game. What I really care about is that this is the first time they have nerf a helminth power 85%, which is extremely high and has never happened before, i don't want new warframe helminth power continue becoming weaker and weaker.

    I agree with ur opinion and im definitely not hundred percent correct, Im grateful for the correction.

    Btw, I still think 120% is just right, it won't as powerful as what saryn+roar can make now, and it won't hurt players who like profit taker and eidolon hunting, and the core purpose of this change, which is to eliminate the instability of this power, has been achieved.

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  16. 9分钟前 , Stormandreas 说:

    Amusing seeing the Kneejerk reactions happening, without ANY knowledge of any other balancing that will be done to the ability, to then force DE's hand because the community is kneejerking to unknown information.

    I would of rather seen the updated version to get an actual feel of it ingame and how significant/insignificant it's damage would be, to THEN provide accurate and tested feedback.


    They have a test server on Steam, I don’t know why they’re not using it. The last time the Warframe test server was opened was around February 2, 2022.

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  17. The point is... players actually dont pick eclipse as a daily use power before, because we get Gauss.. incarnon weapons.. and more ways to face daily mission instead of using eclipse. What players really use eclipse is when we face Profit taker orb/Eidolon hunting, and what happen is players can easily reach the highest eclipse when they are in orb vallis mission(also the same thing in night plains of eidolon), so what players really get from this change is only nerf.. 

    another thing is, roar is from 50% to 30%, but eclipse get a nerf from 200% to 30%, that was a nerf over 50%, we need strong helminth power to face those boss in Warframe.

    Personally, i dont think we need it to be a power that use for daily mission because we already have many of them, for e.g. we get roar, xata's whisper, nourish, and those powers are all about status, but for Profit taker orb.. we can only pick eclipse as the best way to increase our weapon damage(roar is only useful for eidolon, and is also not that good for solo players).

    So at least it should be 100% for eclipse, 120% is better, i understand it might be powerful during daily mission but its actually not making players more efficiency compare with picking other helminth abilities, it only increase the weapon damage.

    But thanks again for listening players sound to change back eclipse's final multiplicative.

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