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Posts posted by Gilaros

  1. Hey fellow Tenno!


    A little history first. Crusaders of the Void used to be my personal one man clan but I decided to open it up to the public to make some new friends (old ones sadly left the game). So some details about the clan:


    Dojo: All the functional stuff is built (observatory, obstacle course, teleports etc) save the duel room (coming soon). Currently we have 3 floors, though only the starting room is decorated (hope you will like it!).


    Research: Everything is researched except for the recently added colors.


    Daily activities: Depending on the member's preference, void runs (any tier), vault runs, reputation farm, event completion, or anything else you need help with.


    Goals: To have a small tight-knit group, who have fun and help each other. Currently I have no plans to make the clan bigger than ghost (10 members) to keep it family like. 



    Who can join?

    Basically anyone you can be veteran or new player these doesn't matter. The only requirements are to be respectful to the other members (to even outsiders), try to help if anyone needs it, be active (log on 3-4 times a week), and speak english. EU people are preferred since we are based in EU.


    How can I join?

    Leave me a message/post here or contact me in game.


    What happens after I applied to join the clan?

    If we have an empty spot I'll invite you as soon as possible. You'll be a Squire for a few days while we'll figure out if you are a good fit for the clan (this simply involves playing a few games together to see if you are really the nice and funny guy/girl you seem to be). Once this trial is over you'll be a Crusader, a full fledged member of our family. 



    If you have any questions feel free to post them here or contact me! Thanks for reading, and hopefully see you in game Tenno!


    Current status: Not Recuriting

  2. aww i though it was about real side objectives like " while you are here in this station you could hack this console to get a few intels", located on a small side path, which could gain things like a lil bit CR a lil bit rep or access to personal allerts you unlocked with it.


    That is certainly something I'd love to see. Maybe even some new lore bits for hacking those consoles? Feel free to elaborate a bit more on your idea, I'd love to hear more (like what other objectives can you imagine other than hacking).

  3. That sounds overpowered.


    I fail to see your point. In what sense is it overpowered? We'd be still running the same builds, and it would take the same amount of forma to achieve those polarity setups


    They already made it so that after something has been forma'd, you can go back in an reassign that polarity whenever. Your argument is invalid.


    I have never heard of this. So what you are saying is that we already have multiple polarity slots but only one polarity is available at a time per slot. If it's true great my argument is invalid, but this is not the case. You have to reforma your equipment to get back your old polarity

  4. Optional objectives is a fun little system that has plenty potential to spice up the game a bit, however it has been forgotten for a very long time. So here are my ideas how to improve it:


    1) Give a reliable way to check it. Currently (afaik) you see it when you join a game or if you are the host you can check it by pressing "esc". Make it visible to everyone not just the host when they press "esc" or even better bind it to a key. 


    2) Make the system smart. Asking for pistol kills when you don't even have a pistol equipped is not very smart. And this is only one example of the impossible things it can ask of you.


    3) Introduce new rewards. With the introduction of hubs we'll be able to trade in medallions to the respective syndicate representatives. Add special tokens after completing an optional objective to the player who can trade those in at the hubs at a special trader. Rewards could include affinity (currently the only reward), syndicate reputation, resources, maybe even some cosmetics.


    4) Add new optional objectives. Add mission specific ones, like do not trip the alarm on a rescue mission, or on an assassination mission kill the target within 5 minutes. Add weapon specific ones too, which check what weapon you got equipped and adds a special objective based on it. Like have >50% accuracy with rifles by the end of the mission, or score 20 headshots with a sniper rifle etc. I'm pretty sure the community could come up with really fun and creative ideas, so I'll let you guys handle that part.


    What is your opinion about this? Do you have some cool optional objective ides? Do share!


  5. The current mod system doesn't allow modslots to have multiple polarities. Why is this a bad thing? Different builds prefer different mod polarities so the game forces you to:


    1) Build multiple frames/weapons with different polarity setup so you can run multiple builds


    2) Forma over and over and over again the same frame/weapon just to adapt to a new build


    Forma currently overwrites the existing polarity with a new one, however if it wouldn't overwrite but add a new polarity the whole issue could be eliminated. You could run all builds with the same frame, no more limitations, no more duplicate frames. Opinions?


    Tl;dr: Allow forma to add polarity instead of overwriting 

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