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Posts posted by Redlove108

  1. 1 hour ago, OwlOfJune said:

    Nox feels like the perfect mini-boss type of unit they should try more of. 


    Unlike most 'heavy' units, they are actually bigger and have a very noticable design.

    They are tough, but has an obvious weakpoint to exploit, however this is not necessary to kill it.



    Couldn't agree more!

    They also punish you lightly for meleeing them to death via the toxin gases they release. On top of that they can charge you too and get in your face to demand your attention.

    So they are definitely the type of units they should create more of. Well said.

  2. 9 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    it makes no sense really that guys with shotguns are staying far away and guys with snipers are charging in: it's because all enemies are running on the same AI, and I think if it were possible to tweak their behaviour, we might see a little more variety in how we have to handle certain encounters. I know some will bring up the fact the CC or mass killing powers like peacemaker render these changes meaningless, but that's another issue that we'd have to encourage DE to look into.


    Totally agree. This is also where a smart adaptive tactical AI changes the types of enemies that spawn after some time. If Mesa is in a group and is wiping out waves and waves of enemies. Spawn a few Nox to target just her, try and charge her down. Or get a couple bombards to target her. Sure when the levels are super low, nothing you drop will matter; OP stats win no matter what and that should be the case.

    Yet at a certain point, probably around the lvl 50 or 75 mark, the enemies should be getting smarter and more tactical. Upon reaching lvl 150, and so on they should be sending out specialized units to try and take out a particular warframe, or focus on certain players they think is causing too much damage like the Mesa.


    In the end the AI definitely needs something more. Now it doesn't have to be a complete 180 change from dumb dribbling AI bots to Master chess champion level AI. It can be gradual and slowly add some tweaks and tactics to see how it plays out.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Lazarow said:

    id like more challenging enemies but even now I find parasitiacs eximus annoying, not because they are there its because I cant see where they are I mean warframe is a hoard cleaning game and adding some really resistant enmies in the hoard with enemies that are just trash would make finding the strong ones more difficult. Warframe needs a lot of changing so we can see enemies as acctual threats

    Yea a simple visual line between Leeches and frames would be a good enough fix to present there is a danger/threat nearby in the cluster of enemies.

    • Like 3
  4. I get the feeling folks are talking past each other when it comes to the topic of making Warframe more "Challenging." In truth we aren't asking for Warframe to become Dark Souls in space; this swinging from one extreme to the next. Instead what we want is to make the game more "Interesting!"  By taking a hard look at other power fantasy games like God of war, Borderlands, Saints Row, Doom Eternal, etc. You will begin to see what Warframe is missing and that is variety in enemy types that can change the tempo of battle.

    Grineer is the perfect example of lacking variety in their troops and yea there is some variety, but the differences between one Grineer grunt and another is the weapons. You might have the commander that teleports you or the Drak Master that summons dogs and steals weapons, but that's it. A handful of variety grunts then bombards, Heavy gunner, Nox and eximus troops. That's it. Maybe I missed one, but anyway...!

    Yet if you look at the games mentioned above, they provide more interesting troops for you to fight. Ones with powers, ones that buff other troops, ones that are hyper aggressive, ones that demand your attention like mini bosses. You get enemy troops that require special ways to kill (ex: guns don't work, use melee). Then you have other enemies that can CC back, or have their own version of powers to attack you with. This is what Warframe is missing and what it needs. Fortuna right now is great example of enemy variety and "challenge". Especially with their Grand Theft Auto style of ranking up the difficulty with bigger, tougher robots showing up as you keep fighting.


    One way to achieve this is to expand on the Eximus class and maybe add some ranks in between Eximus and Lich. Right now in the game, Liches seem to be a sort of boss or mini-boss you fight, so any enemy troop variety should be weaker than that. With that said let's imagine some scenarios to address not just the interesting aspect but also the press to 4 to clear room problem:

    • You as Ember hit 4 to clear but that Eximus Magma Trooper is immune to fire so Ember's 4 didn't effect him and he has to be killed by another frame or by your weapons. Said Eximus Magma Trooper can also cast fire resistance to nearby troops making him a priority target in the mist of combat.
    • Nova hits 4 and slows all enemies down but, oh wait there is a "healer" Grineer troop that is immune to slow effects and is healing those nearby of Nova's 4. Take him out first, he's a priority target.
    • An Eximus Tanker Brute drops in! Blades don't work on him, his armor is too THICC! You have to shoot out his weak points while he is casting a power buff to enemies nearby! Focus him down with CC and exalted weapons!
    • Oh no! an Eximus Shielder Lance Marine dropped in! He has shields on his shields! Bullets don't work. You have to get in close and melee, but watch out for his counter!


    These are some examples that would make the game more interesting. Now these types of enemies shouldn't be dropped on our noob tennos still trying to clear the star chart but once you make it past the Sacrifice mission, are experiences liches and can do sorties. Then, these new classes of enemies should be dropping in. The Grineer should be more aggressive in their battles against the Tenno and really prove why they are on equal footing against the Corpus machines and troops.


    I hope this better illustrates the need for new Challenging/interesting enemies to keep the battles fresh and tricky. At some point the factions should be able to "force" a squad of Tenno to leave with overwhelming troop power, not just numbers, but the constant assault of enemy power and guns. Either that or put an actual end to endless missions and give you a bonus reward: "Congrats tenno, you beat Survival and wiped out all the enemies in the Galleon, here's a goodie." Anyway that's a topic for another thread. 🙂



    • Like 17
  5. My fps drops from 60fps to 20fps in some instances in Orb Vallis. Definitely something with the particles, cause the weather or intense fighting would do it.

    Meanwhile I stay at solid 60fps anywhere else in the game. It is only in Vallis.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Orokin said:

    It gets decreased by armor. Try it against unarmored enemies. Also the 45% of enemy max health is dealt as blast damage, which is particularly weak against ferrite armor. The range has always been wonky. Lastly, it has 90% falloff damage. It used to be 50% falloff, but during one of the recent updates about self damage there was a blanket change that gave all explosions 90% falloff. This got caught in that change perhaps unintentionally.

    oh lordy.... that probably explains it. This mod is useless then with how little damage it does. I would also think it explodes with corrosive damage and not blast but that falloff is brutal.

  7. 26 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

    Im not 100% sure on this mod but it doesn't say it apply only on "enemies kill by Sobek" which in turn implies that as long as enemies are hit by the Sobek  pellets this effect should still trigger. Similar to Synth Deconstruct. It does say that enemies killed by Acid shell will disintegrate into air.

    Also its possible the effect your looking for doesn't work in Simulacrum. Not 100% on this.


    Decided to try this against Grineer on a Lich node. First tested with a pistol to make sure they can survive losing 450hp without dying and they definitely could at around lvl 70.  Using Equinox to put whole groups asleep I then killed one with Sobek and checked the others. They had a tiny amount knicked off, much like the pistols I did and no where near the +45% of max enemy health it claims.

    I should be able to kill 2 elite lancers and nearly wipe out the rest of cluster of lancers but that didn't happen.

  8. So I got a couple weapons from shotguns to pistols to rifles and so on that have pretty high status effect (18% up to 90% for Kuva Kohm). After seeing the status reworks I thought this is great, I'll be able to revive these weapons and do something useful with them.

    Fast forward to now: Viral+ heat is King. Corrosive+heat is king. Hunter Muntions is still king. Little has changed in any meaningful way. Now maybe I am not using the right weapons and someone could tell me of a good weapon with magnetism and gas that just absolutely kills against every faction but right now I haven't found any of that among my sets. Neither did going for an electric build, toxin build, prove useful.


    What I feel is holding some of these back is the 6 sec timer which seems to be tied to each individual status proc. I could stack up 30 toxins and by the time I stopped about half has faded away. This doesn't feel effect but what is even worse is that having such a high stack does nothing beneficial. It does not seem to do more damage at least not significantly enough. With the Kuva Kohm I could reach 100 procs of Heat and it does only 100s in damage against lvl 100 corrupted grineer. Seemingly it doesn't increase in damage at all with additional procs no matter how many you can stack up. Neither does the timer Heat procs stay longer.

    For Gas, that 10x cap is killing it. The status focus weapons I have can reach that 10x cap without issue. So much so I end up doing crit builds anyway, because of the status damage is not effective or helpful.


    Solution: Remove 10x cap from any DOT themed proc. Make each additional proc effective and useful like slash procs are. They bleed so effectively it is insane that nothing else come close to this. They don't have to be as good as slash procs but when I am building my status weapons with the same crit builds as my crit weapons, we got a problem.

    Make Magnetism jam weapons of enemies and spread like gas so it is more useful outside of killing corpus troops. Also have it last longer with additional procs. I know Magnetism is meant to be the opposite of Corrosive but Grineer are still so tanky compared to the Corpus that building for Grineer troops is just the better strategy.

    Make Electric proc stronger the more enemies are in close proximity to each other (idea is: current surges back and forth, stronger each time)

    Make Toxin cause the enemies to spit up green goo like they are sick because they are. There is brief stun animation for Heat and Electric but not for Toxin or Gas.

    Make Gas have them get into coughing fits. Have the corpses of those killed by Gas procs continue to release gas for an extended time in proportion to the number of procs you got on it.


    Finally to counter these changes: Create medic units that can cleanse huge groups of enemies off of status effects and maybe even provide a temporary immunity to the group they healed. Or you know... smarter AI to avoid that Gas cloud and pile of bodies underneath it.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, cittran said:

    It only shows up in Veil Proxima, and the entrance when one *does* spawn isn't exactly obvious, because it doesn't mark it with a waypoint unless you're already very close.

    Yea I've been all over the Veil the past 2 or 3 days. Still nothing. I do wonder how close you have to be. I've gone to every flang on every orokin structure I've found and nothing yet.

  10. I seem to be having a hard time finding the abandon derelict in Railjack. I've done about a dozen or so missions and still nothing. Am I doing it wrong? I usually clear the mission first before checking the orokin structures to see if any are active.

    Or is it just really bad RNG on my part?

  11. Self-damage is horrible. I don't care how careful you are with your shots, you will eventually hit yourself with the blast. Maybe not a lethal hit but still enough to take a sizable chunk. Worse you could have a grineer teleport right infront of you just as you were going to fire, or something run the way causing it to explode much closer to you.

    To top it all off, the damage explosive weapons did was pitiful thanks to the falloff. It was not worth the effort to be careful, risk harm or death to only kill 2 out of the 7 guys huddling together.

    Nixing self damage, saved explosive weapons and made them fun to use.

    • Like 3
  12. 11 hours ago, 844448 said:

    I still think they should be obtained from PvP only

    Let the augments work in PvE for incentive to play PvP

    (PvP is actually pretty decent if you can handle fighting enemies that act like kangaroos on crack and steroid)

    Noo.. that was terrible enough in Halo with people bunny hopping around trying to get you to miss your head shots. With bullet jumping and dodge roll it'll be near impossible.

    PvP is not fun at all. I rather avoid it entirely

  13. I'm very interested in railjack. I know some don't like the idea of it feeling like a space simulator and I understand that. Though I feel it would be awesome to get involved in one of those invasion wars between the Grineer and Corpus with their giant battle ships. Just pure chaos going back and forth.

    Your railjack has 6 or 8 tenno and a team of 4 gets dropped in to do a mission. Then once it is complete they can be moved to another part of the ship to do another mission or progress inside to another part of the ship. While the railjack is out side busy dealing with the mayhem of fighters and artillery cannons trying to keep it safe and provide remote support to the Tenno inside.

    Then once they cleared out the ship's boss or set it to completely self destruct, everyone gets out and into the railjack and get the hell out of dodge before it explodes.


    That would be just so cool....

  14. It does not make to sense to me that universal medallions got nerfed because a few people complained about Conclave getting devalued. Fine, I get it. They don't want their hard work to be cheapen by a universal medallion.

    However! Why must I now play the conclave to get these new augment mods? This runs directly counter to the whole point of nerfing universal medallions. Let PvP stay where it is with its mods specific for PvP. Don't put PvE content in the PvP section...! Just no! 

    I don't like Conclave at all, nor PvP games in general. I've played them in the past and always had to deal with cheaters; from Halo 2 to Apex Legends. Always got cheaters. Furthermore there is an entire industry dedicated to making hacks, aimbots and all sorts of cheats for PvP games. Let's not draw their attention to warframe, ok?

    The only solutions I see are:

    1) Undo the universal medallion nerf and buff the drop rate. (cause 5% for 1k standing is horrible)

    2) Allow other places to acquire the PvE augment mods. (I've farmed for mods that have a 0.01% chance, don't care I'll do it.)

    3) Tell me to shut up. (but it'll make me cry! 😥 )

    • Like 9
  15. Right now it is just for fun. I actually find the space combat fun. It is still a novelty to me.

    I also see the vast potential as well. Right now we are just dealing with crewships and a few troublesome stations (ship killer, hangar, etc)

    However... like one rare mission I stumbled into, you could be facing a galleon sized ship. The one we ran into had a full stage loaded out with a captain that it needed killing. That was awesome and that is what I see the future entailing.


    The little railjack dealing with larger battleships that might be similar to the railjack. Or facing off against full operating galleons launching crew ships and fighters at you. Basically some really intense big ship battles. 😄

  16. Just now, Kel_Silonius said:

    weeeeeeeell... in 4 i think. 3 mins to hull rupture and 1 minute for critical decompression or whatever that hazard called.

    mhm... i think my biggest gripe with RJ is that building it for shield tanking is pointless. An oversight from DE's part.

    Yea no... don't build for shields.

    Build for armor and hull. More HP and armor is the way to go.

    • Like 1
  17. To answer OP's question:

    The main story isn't finished yet. I don't recall an MMO that had endgame before the main story had finished. What would it even be at this point? Also what would you do after you progress the story past your endgame? Does it just get redesigned, trashed? Would people be ok with their endgame suddenly being much easier for newer players and taking less time invested to complete?

    There are a lot of things to consider.

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