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Posts posted by Zakharon

  1. Nope, all trades of any sort go through the Trading Subforums. Moving.


    Foiled again.....and i thought i had it right this time

    there was 2 funerals in a month?

    who keeps dying?

    Well considering we have to fly to the other side of the U.S. might as well visit family we never see so we were there longer than we needed

  2. For the last 2 void trader visits I have been out of town for a funeral and I missed out on the Prisma Gorgon, I was wondering if anyone out there had a spare they are willing to trade, I am sure I can scrounge up something to trade in return (No syndicate weapons I haven't maxed my syndicates) 

    P.S. I am sure I am posting this in the right spot since I am asking as a player for another players help.

  3. I just have a question on "Why can't we move decoration that's already placed?" It's already research & everything. I don't see any other reason except to annoy us that we have to rebuild the same thing if something was misplaced. I understand that you should just try to have it placed properly first time around. But if I want the same decor in a different spot eventually, just to change things around, shouldn't have to delete it and remake it.

    I am pretty sure I didn't weld that snowman on the floor....

  4. DE, please tell me the Rakta Ballistica is going to get a buff, I am getting close to max rank in Red Veil and I wanna get this, but I constantly get told it is useless (Then again I do use the AkZani and do pretty good) so please give this the buff it needs.

  5. I want to see an completely non human alien race that give the tenno a run for their money, maybe the orokin stole the tech they used to make the tenno from the and they came back for revenge from another solar system 

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