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Posts posted by RedxWings

  1. Kind of answered your own question there  in that scenario.

    The second option was extremely easy to get. For anyone.

    INCLUDING the guy who's buying low and selling high.

    Thus, a person who's active enough would be able to completely remove the second, cheaper option.

    In MMO's, eventually, market guilds form and potentially end up controlling the economy  (such as with E.V.E.)

    That's the problem.  A person / people  who have  access to the first has just as much access to your latter option, whereas the buyer without real access to the first potentially has a huge loss

    I just used ammo drum because it would be a very obvious example. :p

    It's fair game for people who buy low and sell high as well. All I'm saying is that there usually is a limit on how much people will pay.


    And EVE is different. They integrated monopolies and cartels into their economy. The only thing that can be controlled in this game is primed chamber.

  2. Because people would buy low and sell high. There would be a ton of people who have 1000's of plat that buy all the really low priced items and then resell them for double or even triple what they bought it for. This results in most prices being absurdly high. Its much easier to abuse a market listing system than it is to abuse/scam people. This is why if something like op is asking is added, plat cant be included. Credits can be easy to get at times so its not as bad if its credits or parts for parts. But if we are dealing with irl money currency its a little different.


    I don't quite get what's wrong with buying low and selling high. It happens in any market, people do this because they see that buying low and selling high can turn a profit worth their time.


    Results from this is that some people sell high. Yes that's true, but the other person still has to consent to buy. If someone is going to sell ammo drum for 100 plat when they bought it for a fast hands, are you going to buy the ammo drum for 100 plat? No. Because you easily know that someone is going to sell it to you for a lot less. People can sell high, doesn't mean people will buy.


    Dealing with real money isn't that much a difference. It's just that plat has been purchased with credible money and has some worth to it. Just another form of currency.

  3. Just add a slot-machine graphic at the end of each mission, so people can see they missed their Rhino Prime part, and know there was nothing they could do about it.


    Slot-machine graphics dull the pain of losing, because it's fun!


    Edit: loooosing


    People already complain enough about login rewards. Imagine seeing it in game. Boop...Boltor Prime BP....Boop...Rhino Prime Systems...Boop...Forma...Boop...Tower 1 Capture Key...DING!

    Before something like this could be implemented we would need to know if the RNG is working properly or if it is broken again, like it was several months ago. Would be silly to give people consolation prizes for being unlucky if the cards are more or less permanently stacked against them.


    Unfortunately DE has been awfully silent in addressing any RNG concerns in a meaningful way, including just giving us a visual test result of the current production RNG algorithm for drops/rewards if it is working properly.

    Given that RNG functions according to plan, there's always some people really damn lucky and others damn unlucky. Kind of hard to tell if there's no numbers/data/statistics to prove if RNG functions well.

  4. So a simple idea that I thought out of nowhere.


    Let's say you're doing T2 Ext. There's 6 possible outcomes for the end reward. And RNG being RNG, let's say you get 4 dakra handle parts in a row.


    Well the next time you play T2 Ext and get a dakra handle part, you get a bonus!




    Possible bonus prizes are:


    3x Orokin Cells / Neural Sensors / Morphics / Neurodes

    125x Oxium

    A rare nightmare mod! (i.e. Blaze, Hammershot, etc.)

    5x Rare 5 Fusion Core

    I was going to be funny here and put CREDITS, but on second thought, no need to tempt the anger of credit-heavy players.


    Possible rare bonus prizes are:

    Orokin Catalyst BP

    Orokin Reactor BP

    or something else that people love, I dunno.


    Of course the amount of times you need to get a shot at this varies with how many items are in the prize pool. So something like T1 Ext with 4 possible parts requires a longer chain while something like T3 Ext with 7 possible parts requires a shorter chain.


    It's like a consolation prize for being so damn unlucky!

  5.  That is deceiving. The truth is, what the majority tends to want falls in-between the extremes. Even when they ask for DE to lean one way or another they always turned out to have wanted DE to hit the sweet spot somewhere between the two.

    Granted, I know it may not be the majority. What I should have said is the vocal majority (or minority), that ones that do get heard.

  6. That is exactly what I said to you.  But, I'm not sure what this has to do with the topic.


    I was under the impression that you were accusing me of not enjoying big kabooms. :p


    Well your message stated that you were against "nerfers" who are, according to you, numerous and plenty. And you have a very solid stance on what warframe should look like to you, except it goes against with what I see is the majority.

  7. Unfortunately, if you fail to find enjoyment in the game because you CAN cause spectacular death, then you'd probably have to find another game.


    It's your wallet after all.  You spend your money how you want.


    Tbh, you're twisting my words. I never said I was against spectacular death. All I'm saying is if you don't enjoy the game in the current state, you have the power to make a decision.


    Like you said, your money is spent however you'd like.

  8. Well I guess it's your opinion. Some people find joy in demolishing enemies in huge numbers, while others prefer being outnumbered but not outmatched.  Unfortunately, if you fail to find enjoyment in the game because you can't cause spectacular death, then you'd probably have to find another game.


    It's DE's vision after all, they tailor the game to how they want it to be.

  9. LOL! What do the plants have to do with anything?


    I guess newbies have to do research on the game? Im pretty sure this isnt some weird new concept.

    Sure, DE can make this stuff more accessible to new players in their webpage or in game but it's not like there isnt information about this everywhere.

    I'm comparing the hatred of scanning.


    And newbies aren't AWARE of the differences because there's nothing visual to inform them. The only real information would be that they were keen enough to see they were doing less damage by comparing numbers or something.

  10. They dont all look different to you?

    Every unit in the game has different/variations of looks.


    I'm pretty sure I'm not that blind, thank you very much.

    How do you expect newbies to understand that infested flesh is different from cloned flesh that is different for corpus flesh. It has the same "red" bar, they won't really understand. And telling them to codex enemies when there was already a major backlash against scanning plants isn't really a viable solution.

  11. It's kinda hard to tell the difference, in the heat of battle between ferrite and alloy armor. It's really not feasible to memorize enemy types for what kind of armor/health/shield the enemy has when you're being swarmed by many other enemies.


    Maybe a distinct color for each surface? A pattern? Something to make it easier for players to choose the correct weapon to use.

  12. Prepare for the knights to come galloping over the hills to attack you.


    You know what, you are right. Let's criticize DE on every topic and call anyone who mentions something positive to be a white knight for DE. :p


    I mean seriously, there's so much negativity against both sides it's gotten to the point of being a TV drama.

  13. Weapons affected by damage 2.0 should not be considered to be buffed/nerfed to their damage 1.0 counterparts. It's that their standards have changed. Every value surrounding the weapon but not tied to the weapon has changed. So if you were comparing the damage 1.0 weapons to damage 2.0 weapons, you're comparing different weapons in drastically different situations.


    Brakk needed to be watered down. It got insane, really, can you justify the tremendous amount of damage it was doing to ALL FACTIONS? And if the bp for the weapon did get released, the brakk would be everywhere, making enemies nonexistent.

  14. ITT: People whine about brakk getting nerfed. Reason? Because it's their favorite weapon.


    Then they ask, we don't we buff other secondary weapons instead? That's great, now they are buffed.

    Wahhh, secondary weapons are too strong. Enemies are too weak now, and primaries stink. Buff them too!

    OMG, enemies are too strong! What are you thinking DE? And secondary weapons can 't compete now, buff them! D:<  etc.


    Works the same way with nerfing, just replace the words.

  15. And here I thought you were a pathological liar--no, you are just dense.  You got one thing mercifully right, though. There are a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and watching it die piece by piece.



    See, this is NOT a whole bunch of people (ie more than four) shooting that motha*@##$ as it drops into the open game world, dodging its cannons, ripping its armor panels off, jetpacking around the screen, shooting powers into its exposed internals, and and watching it die piece by piece.



    While Destiny does look fun and all, you have to realize that warframe and destiny have different game mechanics. Warframe is NOT an open game world. Jackal has deadly weapons that you SHOULD dodge or you WILL die. (i.e. the plasma grenades, missiles to a smaller extent), Ripping armor panels off to expose weakpoints is similar to what you describe. Warframe does not have a need for jetpacks because there's no environment to utilize such devices.


    And I'd like to point out your video of warframe is dated Jan 2013, which is pre open beta.

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