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Posts posted by (PSN)Ub3rM1k3

  1. oh wow U thought this was already done and coming this week, I thought it was late, So this update 13 is really late huh, Thought PS4 was going to be caught up with PC soon

    Have you been watching the forms? The PC players with U13 are severely pissed off at the bugs on their end. DE was just appeasing them and clearing out the bugs so that we don't have to deal with them.

  2. Allow me to just point out that PC is having much worse issues than us. In my experience, a great majority of problems with Warframe PS4 come from Internet connection issues, since everyone is on exactly equal footing performance wise.

  3. I don't know why everyone says the AI in Warframe is so bad. Compare the shoot AI to a ton of other games out there, and in those games, the AI shoots as well as a StormTrooper. Where in contrast, when a Grineer shoots, they usually hit, and when the Corpus shoot at close range, they usually hit.

    And they don't seem to have any problems taking down the cryopod when people forget to defend it. = )

    This would be an interesting idea, but how would the revives work per say. If they go down and die, would they always use one of their revives to get up (or platinum if out) or die once and they're gone?

    I'd imagine they'd wait for a bit before reviving
  4. Yea, DE you lazy programmers! Just create the singularity (the point where we can't see past once we create true learning AI) and use it for a neat feature in your video game. Why didn't I think of that.

    Excerpt from the TvTropes "Artificial Brilliance" page:

    AI behavior in Armored Core isn't the best, granted, but in Silent Line, you are able to train an AI pilot of your own. The AI starts out very stupidly, but as you pilot the AI's assigned mech, the AI starts emulating your combat behavior, both good and bad. With enough practice, the AI would even be able to accurately aim rockets, something that even the best human players have difficulty to do. The AI opponents in the Arena also improve with repeated combat exposure.

  5. Replaces secondary until re-selected in the gear menu

    Magazine capacity: 60 (Draws from Pistol ammo pool)

    Accuracy: 5

    Fire rate: 20

    Gas: 5

    Impact: 2

    Slash: 1

    Silent weapon

    If you empty an entire clip onto a surface, you will vandalize it. Any enemies that detect the the vandalization, in combat or not, will be compelled to clean it however it can. Any vandalizations that are uncleaned when the Tenno extract will earn 10^(2n-1) affinity for the owner's currently equipped weapons

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