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Posts posted by Drystann

  1. Spoiler

    It's not a bug, if you have nidus and have done the infested door, you may understand slightly more -what- it is. If you haven't please know as of this moment that dot means little to nothing for you or anyone in game, but there are plans for it in the future. this is only known at the moment due to data-miners hunting through source code, it's for a future quest.. Any warframe infected with said lump can spread it by touching another warframe or operator. if you go into arch-wing equipment mode, you can see the lump when it's "fully-grown"  <--that is a glitch--  as the lump will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. gaining more detail and size. if your interested in what it actually is for, check the warframe reddit.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/5k9ndf/datamined_infestationcyst/



  2. I agree with most Atlas buff posts. I agree with this one. And others... We either need our little earth elemental upgraded or more of them. I wouldn't mind either option.. Bring on the swarm! 

  3. I would like a Rumbler buff. I find them fun and unique as a concept. I know Shadows of the Dead basically does the same thing, but come on Earth-Elementals... Still. I hope DE Just gives them a nice happy buff, and to be honest right now I would be content if they could actually just hit a enemy. It makes me sad watching them swing around in the air wildly missing the Corpus and Grineer as they shoot my poor little babies in the crotch... 

    It makes me feel like a soccer mum sitting on the side-lines screaming wildly as my somewhat special children lumber around a field full of annoying brats but somehow no matter what happens, they just cant land the kick...  

  4. I enjoy Atlas. Honestly. I love the idea of his Elemental Companion's but they do need a buff. I can see them being more useful with additional scaling and duration removed. Simply put it would make a power-strength Atlas build work nicely. And allow them to act as Body-Guards and distract enemies. 

    Still, I'll keep using Atlas. And hope for the best... Though I think he should of been called a Elemental Lord Frame, not a brawler.. Also I find his animations a little... Weird..

  5. Honestly I bought the prime pack. I am content. The money supports DE and the continuation of Warframe.. Not much else to say.. When all is said and done remember Everyone that works at DE is a person and don't as people deserve some of the hate they get. When they work as hard as they do in order to keep the game fresh and as bug free as possible.

    I have also seen a lot of people throwing around "disregard for the player base" yet again that also is not fair. Most people if not all at DE care about us and what we think. They listen to their players. If you think they've made a mistake. Sure post it. Be constructive. Not hateful.. Treat others how you want to be treated. Have a lovely evening ladies and gentlemen I'll see you in the void.

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