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Posts posted by Mehbah

  1. Counting solely reload time per shot is very short sighted and, frankly, quite stupid. Partly because the longer the reload time is, the harder it is to find a good opportunity for it. Would the weapon be better with a 8.5 second reload with a 60 shot magazine? No. Objectively not, even though the reload time per shot is lower. Warframe is a fast paced game with lots and lots of things that can interrupt a reload, so even a slight increase in reload time means a much higher risk of it being interrupted somehow, or alternatively interrupting your desired actions such as by stopping you from rolling when you would want to. And partly because the Corinth has a unique reload mechanism that allows you to reload only one shell at a time. That made it extremely convenient because you could reload whenever you had even a very small opening. A three second reload is objectively a massive downgrade when you consider that it is very likely to get in the way of something or get interrupted, whereas the original reload mechanism allows you to keep your weapon fully loaded by utilizing any short pause you find.
    Also, I want to reiterate that the change in reload mechanism has a large effect on both convenience and uniqueness factor. Corinth fans clearly really liked its reload, so why the hell would it be changed? It takes away a huge part of what made the weapon unique and more importantly, enjoyable to use.

    Anyway, I really love this. Corinth was one of my favorite weapons, so I was tempted to get back into the game again despite how utterly, incredibly incompetent DE have been for a long time now. Now that I know that my most liked weapon's prime version is strictly a downgrade in every way that matters, most of all in convenience and fun factor, I can happily continue to avoid the game. Thanks for making the worst possible decisions at practically every possible turn, guys. I mean, it's a shame that you didn't actually improve the game instead, but hey, this is the second best thing.

    • Like 7
  2. I have no idea how quotes work on this particular site.
    "Passive expansion: Light Weight, Big Impact."
    I'm not sure about this, because it's very situational and dive bomb is very rarely useful to begin with. There's no good reason not to equip a melee weapon unless you want to inconvenience yourself, so the only time when it would really be useful is when you do gun-locked sorties. And in those cases you already have dive bomb, as inconvenient as it may be. Dive bomb isn't very useful for mobility either, because when you hit the ground you stop and have to build up speed again. Zephyr's problem with mobility is that you're often forced to jump to maintain speed and the straightest path to your goal, and she takes much longer to get down again. There are a lot of situations where other frames can do their rolling jumping speed dances to move fast, but if Zephyr tries the same she will take too long to get down again and just smack her head into a door frame. If you're looking to improve her aerial mobility, the first thing to look at is her mobility in the cramped areas that make up the significant majority of the game. Let her descend to pass that door frame without getting stuck and without losing all momentum. I guess you could give her infinite dolphin jumps and make them as bit faster while removing the slowing effect if you do them downwards. Or you could take your tailwind idea that retains player control.

    "1. Tailwind."
    The strength thing will probably throw a wrench into builds that use strength for other purposes, but other than that I have no objections. You know what though? Remove the energy cost from tailwind. It's useless as a damage or CC tool, and it's only barely better than the default dolphin jumps. If we're making she use tailwind for her normal movement, no point in making it use energy.

    "1 (Again). Hover."
    This is where I have objections. I get it, a lot of players keep complaining about "a shoehorned Archwing mode". She wasn't the first to get it even though she should have been, so now people stubbornly refuse to give in and admit that she should get that used goods true flight function. But the thing is that anything people can come up with for hovering, a true flight function simply does it much better. Let's take the issues I have with this suggested version of hover.
    First, it's going to be really inconvenient. Hold the key to stop, press it to move (very fast), hold again to stop. Holding the key is inherently slower than tapping, and we're giving it to a movement ability. Making use of this is going to be extremely hard, and even more so in cramped areas. It would be another "this just isn't useful so bother using it in the first place?" function.
    Second, positioning will be practically impossible. I want you to imagine playing archwing, but the only way to can move is by blinking. That's how using this would feel.
    Third, that headshot damage bonus you suggested doesn't really suit her current weapon choices. I know that at least some Zephyr players use projectile weapons or shotguns because they have a unique synergy with her jet stream projectile speed bonus. This isn't a big deal, but I'd say that a damage bonus she gets should be more general to better suit the one unique role that Zepyhr does have.
    Fourth, this is simply a more inconvenient version of archwing flight. It offers nothing that archwing flight can't do better. Hover? Just don't touch the movement keys. But unlike this hover function, you can simply tap the keys to make small adjustments when needed, instead of trying to wrangle tailwind and a hold to stop function. Any suggestion that involves a hover function will always, without exception, be worse than a true flight version of the same idea because true flight can hover whenever, (almost) wherever and with more convenience. That's my main objection. Hovering is inherently already part of true flight, and we're just trying to come up with more cumbersome and less mobile versions of that. All the suggestions you had for hovering could be applied to true flight.

    "2. Airburst."
    I have no objections. It's a pretty good idea. Using it to direct tornadoes is possibly not perfect, but it is an improvement over how it works (or doesn't work) now. I'll add another idea: make the projectile less wide. Currently, trying to throw an air burst through a door frame is very difficult, especially if you're at an angle to the door and then also factoring in that you're likely jumping to lower the energy cost. If there's an obstacle anywhere in between you and the enemy, the wide edges of the airburst will hit it and cause it to detonate. That will be even more of an annoyance if the ability also directs tornadoes.

    "3. Turbulence."
    No objections, though I don't see a need for an ending cue. Flamethrowers going through it makes no sense from a realism or game design perspective.

    "4. Tornado."
    All I can say is "eh". It's not a bad idea, but it doesn't feel great either. There already is much better CC in the game, so there is no need to be too scared of making it a good CC ability. Provided that we improve the AI for the moving tornadoes so that they don't actively try to do the least useful thing at almost every opportunity, yours isn't a bad idea. If we're scared of too much damage from stacking them, maybe just make it so that you can't place them less than ten (five?) meters away from each other. Tornado is a hard ability to change because it's so poorly designed as it is, that you can't really fix it without significant changes. CC has become less important in the game anyway, as it has moved toward a meta of simply killing everything in the area before CC can make any difference.

    Accusations of incompetence are perfectly valid forms of criticism when that incompetence is glaringly obvious. DE stubbornly refuses to take perfect community suggestions for years (and I'm talking in general, not about this particular frame), and frequently makes huge changes that weren't thought through at all. They don't communicate properly. They keep introducing bad ideas that no one wants (RNG stats get a special mention) and if we're lucky they tone them down months later. They don't learn from the mistakes. They can take years to fix bugs, if they ever do. They have consistently shown incompetence, and so I will call them incompetent. I can discuss something with Birdframe above without calling him incompetent, but there is no reason to mince words when it comes to DE. They've had plenty of years to show that they can take feedback and they have consistently failed to do so. This is a heavily monetized game with many gameplay functions hidden behind a money-only resource, so there is no room for them to claim that "it's just a beta" or whatever other excuses they have. If we are playtesters finding bugs for them, they should be paying us, not charging ridiculous amounts of money for basic things like frame slots.

    Edit: Yeah, I don't even know how to tag people here. Oh well.

  3. The change in reload mechanic actually ruins a riven that I have. Faster reload speed with a smaller magazine, which works great with the Corinth. "But that's not optimal, you should use something better!" Yeah, I know, but I'm not doing any of that riven trading nonsense and I already tried rolling it a number of times.

    Anyway, the reload makes the weapon unique. It also just feels good. Clearly people want it to stay the same for the prime, so you really should switch it back. Why make a weapon less unique when the people who use it prefer it that way? I don't mind the detonated explosives though, mostly because I almost always use increased projectile speed. That made the grenade range from harder to aim to useless as many spaces wouldn't allow it to fly far enough to detonate at all. Manual detonation actually makes it more useful in that situation.

    • Like 2
  4. Her passive is a joke, for two reasons. For one, she had it before everyone else got passives, yet she got nothing when everyone else got something. It's an indirect nerf as everyone else got better to some degree and she didn't. Second, low gravity is considered a drawback by the game itself. You can get it as a nightmare mission modifier and it's a possible effect when you break a hive, just like something like radiation hazards. Meanwhile already great frames like Wisp get passives like invisibility in the air. Come on now. And there's of course that movement has changed since Zephyr was introduced, but her abilities barely changed at all, so now all frames have almost the same air mobility as her. It's glaringly obvious that something more should be added to her passive. My preferred idea for a is a damage boost in the air for that bird of prey theme. At the very least give her infinite double and dolphin jumps. Other frames already have true flight, so that ship has already sailed. Don't even get me started on Wu Kong's rework. Yeah, extremely fast, controllable, invulnerable, healing, status cleansing true flight on a frame that also got massive buffs as well as QoL.

    Tail wind is really bad after the rework that she got. It's really fast, but it goes for so long that you can't make use of it in almost any tile, and you instantly lose all momentum if you touch the ground at any point near the end of it. It's too fast to be controllable in most situations, yet useless for fast movement indoors. It's almost impressive to have such a contradictory ability, in a way. If you ever aim it slightly wrong, you'll be sent into the walls around the doors where you will be stuck for several seconds if there isn't ground below you, because trying to wall jump anywhere doesn't cancel your momentum so you're just jumping into the wall and to the sides. The reworked version was obviously made for the plains, yet shortly after that they made archwings free and those are much faster and can teleport. I don't even know what to do with the ability without changing it completely. I'll just point to Wu Kong's cloud and point out that he's a monkey, and Zephyr is a bird. Which should fly better?

    Air burst was a buff, if only a minor one. Zephyr's offensive abilities are a joke so she needs to use guns, and air burst lets her knock down any (most) kinds of enemies while she's reloading. That's something. Come to think of it, I haven't tried it since the status changes so who knows if it even causes knockdown now. It can also be used as a short AoE box breaker. The cost is still ridiculously high for what it does, so that needs to be halved at least. The cost reduction in the air should be the default, and frankly the air cost reduction should be cut to begin with. It's the kind of "synergy" that has absolutely zero synergy in actual gameplay. I often find myself jumping for no good reason when I want to use air burst. It doesn't add to her playstyle, it just makes you jump for no good reason, and that can actually be a detriment to her because of her low gravity and how that affects her mobility in many tilesets. Take a look at what 50 energy gives you with many other, much better, frames and work your way from there.

    Turbulence is fine. The rework nerfed it by adding a longer cast animation and not letting you skip it by casting it during tail wind, but it was a minor nerf. I just know that if DE actually does touch Zephyr ever again, they will screw up this ability. No, you don't need to nerf it because it's her only good ability. You don't need to give it your usual "synergy" by making it not protect you unless you use tail wind every five seconds. That is not what synergy is. Synergy is when you have an ability that pulls enemies in for crowd control, and when you have an ability that stomps the ground for AoE and to gain your unique resource. That's synergy, when you have two abilities that work fine on their own but that benefit from each other. Synergy is not when you have to use two abilities to make one ability useful.
    You know what would be a huge boon though? If jet stream would stay for more than a second on other players. It's so bizarre. This is a game where you're constantly encouraged to be flipping around, yet for this movement speed buff to affect other players, they have to hug Zephyr all the time. Let people turn it off in the options or something if they don't want the projectile speed buff. If nothing else, let her be a poor version of a buffer.

    Tornado needs to be fixed. Even after all these years I have no idea how it chooses its spawning locations. More often than not it spawns nowhere near enemies. Sometimes all four spawn exactly on the cursor, sometimes they spawn far from each other. Their tracking is questionable to say the least. Sometimes they actually move away from enemies. DE hyped up that you can lead a tornado by aiming after the rework, but that frequently takes one or more seconds to even register, and then it's very slow to move them around. And, of course, aiming is something that you normally do, meaning that it can interfere with your normal gameplay. The damage spreading when attacking the tornadoes was a good change, don't ruin that part. The "synergy" with air burst was not a good change. It's so pointless. All it does is make the tornadoes slightly taller. In all the time since this was added, the times where I could even attempt to make use of this can be counted on one hand. In most of those cases it still didn't do anything because tornado AI is terrible. When I first heard of this I assumed that it would make the tornadoes wider, which would help some with crowd control, and clearly others thought the same at the time. There are much better frames with much better crowd control and/or damage, so there is no reason for Zephyr's fourth ability to be bad at both. A large part of why it's bad is that it's unreliable; sometimes it will grab every enemy in the room, sometimes it will spawn all four tornadoes in the least populated corner. I've seen a lot of better suggestions for it over the years, some mentioned in this thread.

    What niches does Zephyr fill? She's fast if you use her mandatory augment, though nowhere as fast as the true speedsters. The augment also gives projectile speed, which is a nice thing though it's certainly not something that makes her shoot up the tier lists. It can actually cause problems with some weapons, such as the Corinth's air burst which goes too far in most spaces, or manually detonated projectiles that become much harder to time. She's tanky against projectiles, which is really her one true niche. Unfortunately she is really vulnerable against AoE and melee. In a way her projectile shield can even work against her since it prevents you from getting much use out of arcane guardian and adaptation, which more traditional tanks get full use out of. But for Zephyr, you aren't taking damage until you do take that one hit that downs you in one hit. Or two hits now I guess, with shield gating. None of these niches is all that strong, and other frames do the fast movement and tanking things much better while offering other things besides.

  5. She got more negative changes than positive ones. Yep, another thread because I'm not going through several pages worth of inane S#&$ like "I will ignore all your arguments and say that you are wrong because my boyfriend and I say she's better now :^)".
    1: Tail wind
    You made it go faster and farther. This is helpful - in the plains. It's a disaster anywhere else. Even before this change, tail wind would frequently carry you past the boundaries of the stage and teleport you back (and in the process turn off your 75 energy turbulence). Now it does that even more often. It also causes the skill to essentially break if you stack duration (primed continuity and constitution), as you go flying ridiculously far. Again, good in the plains, a disaster anywhere else. You also changed how the momentum works somehow, because it clearly doesn't work the same way. Now, when you touch the ground during the end or for a long time after the flight, you come to a complete stop and lose all momentum. This makes it even more clumsy as you can't aim it diagonally downwards to glide through doors or such. The momentum deletion happens even if you slide as you touch the ground.
    If you don't touch the ground, however, you keep all that insane new momentum. That means you go very, very far even after the actual flying ends. This only serves to make it incredibly unwieldy. Even with Zephyr's increased air control, it takes several seconds of holding backwards to make her come to come to a stop (based on the primed continuity and constitution build). What that means is that once you use tail wind, you're either aiming it into the ground to completely lose all momentum and be slowed down, or you're not stopping until you hit a wall. Tail wind is now practically useless with a duration build outside the plains. And Zephyr has no reason not to use high duration, as the one and only useful skill she has is turbulence, which is a 75 energy 20 second duration skill.
    To give an idea of how bad the new tail wind is, let me use the simulacrum as an example. If you stand on the lowest point of the floor and use tail wind straight upwards, you will hit the boundary and get teleported down (using the two mods I mentioned for 183% duration). Keep in mind that the simulacrum has a higher ceiling than most other rooms. If you stand on the starting platform and use it at a slight upwards angle, you'll shoot past the end of the floor and go flying into the boundary. The only way to get back to ground at that point is to use another tail wind, as you have no way to get stop all that ridiculous speed even with your double jump.
    This one is subjective, but it used to launch you straight up if used on the ground. It was useful as an emergency eject.
    The dive bomb part of it is practically useless, just like before. All it's good for is ragdolling enemies close to you in a clumsy manner. It will never do good damage, even if you make a garbage build with full power strength.
    The new charge ability is completely and utterly useless. You can charge for an eternity to gain the privilege of being completely an immobile target in the air. Titania gets true flight yet the actual bird frame doesn't even get to hover around. I guess the only bird-like thing Zephyr gets is pretending to be a lazy clay pigeon.
    That tail wind now costs less to cast in the air is the only good change.
    Also, I'm almost certain that tail wind did not use to cancel reloads, but it does now.

    One way to solve how bad the skill is now would be to mostly revert it to how it worked, keeping the energy cost discount, and making the charged tail wind give her true or semi-true flight. If you could just hover in place just like an archwing can, it would still give the one single person that likes the hover (I'm sure there's someone out there) the ability to do the same thing. That would at least justify the ridiculous charge time, fit her bird theme and also let her fly around the big plains without completely crippling the skill outside them.

    2: Airburst
    This was actually a good addition. Zephyr's ability to deal damage with skills might as well not exist, meaning she has to rely on guns if not using just melee (and melee-hitting enemies from the air, as her entire concept is about, is not entirely easy). In the past she was completely helpless when her gun was out of ammo, but since airburst doesn't interrupt reloads, she can use this to ragdoll nearby enemies. It's not without flaws though. It's costly, at 50 base energy for a fairly small AoE ragdoll. The projectile is really slow, and could stand to be faster. Winds are supposed to be fast, after all. And last, it's very hard to see. With bright colors it's barely visible. With black energy, as I use to not have my screen covered in whirling colors 99% of the time thanks to turbulence, it's almost invisible.

    3. Turbulence
    Zephyr's only good skill and the reason she isn't the worst frame in the game (maybe). It's the only thing protecting her and her 15 base armor (lowest in the game, shared with only non-primes-with-prime-versions and the healer Trinity Prime) from not dying instantly. Also, thanks to the augment, the thing that allows her to go fast when her lower gravity would prevent her from doing the fancy flips that other frames do in enclosed quarters and getting stuck on the tiny, tiny ledge that was put above many doors specifically as a middle finger to Zephyr. This skill is why you always put duration on Zephyr; it's a 75 energy, 20 second skill that both serves as her only means of not dying to everything the instant it sees her, and keeping up with the other frames when the level design does everything it can to cause problems for her and her low gravity. In other words, you will have it active essentially all the time. It was thankfully mostly untouched, but the changes it did receive were nerfs. it has a new cast animation, which is noticeably longer than the previous one, and you can no longer cast it during tail wind to skip the cast animation.

    4. Tornado
    When I heard they they were changing the tornadoes to not throw enemies around and instead hold them, I assumed they would hold enemies in the centre of them or something like that. Instead it's just the same as before, except perhaps a bit less likely to throw enemies around. They still do throw them around, as one can easily see in the simulacrum. They still cause chaos, and make headshots nothing but an unachievable dream. I also heard that they would now transfer damage to any enemies inside them, which would be a way to make up for the chaos and how they prevent headshots. I don't know exactly how the mechanics there work, but I can say that shooting the tornado doesn't transfer even a tenth of the damage that even a body shot would do. So, to summarize, tornados are terrible for DPS, very unreliable crowd control, and will still annoy your team mates.

    The supposed buffs did more to ruin the few good points Zephyr had than make her stronger. Tail wind was clearly not tested outside of the plains and is horribly unwieldy if you put duration on her. And before some clown tells us to "just don't put duration on her", let me shoot that nonsense down by reminding you that duration is the only thing she has and is an absolute necessity because of how costly turbulence would be to keep up without it. Strength is completely and utterly useless on Zephyr. She has some use for range, but it won't solve the upkeep cost. Streamline is a must but she can't use fleeting expertise for obvious reasons. Turbulence didn't receive any changes except for a longer cast time, so it's a straight nerf. Airburst helps her not be a sitting duck when reloading, but it has little to no use outside of that. Tornadoes are still pure chaos with no use beyond very poor crowd control and its augment does nothing but trade the crowd control for bottom tier DPS.

  6. At the very least, Frost should get a running speed upgrade. Who thought it was a good idea to make him a pain to play in anything but defense? Rhino has(HAD, seeing as DE loves to remove things from a game that they claim is still in beta) an arcane helmet that makes him faster, and Rhino Prime is faster than default Rhino. Frost gets no such benefits.

  7. remember that Zephyr has less reliable powers because she has superior base stats.  The highest Health and Shields (at 150 base each) and faster movement than many other frames as well.


    While the strong shield is very useful, the pitiful 15 armor that you mentioned means that her effective health is much lower compared to most other frames. It also means that restoring that health once it is lost takes a lot more pickups or restores. Not to mention that, at high levels, shields and health are almost irrelevant since you will die within moments if an enemy starts shooting you. The 1.15 movement speed isn't quite that high, either.


    If slightly higher than average movement speed and good base shields is everything you have against the Grineer and Infested, the frame is in need of some kind of buff. Her crowd control abilities definitely don't make up for it, with Tornado being unreliable and unavailable for casting for a long time after each use.

  8. To get rid of ability spam to win, they would first need to change the entire the game. Numbers is everything and skill is much less relevant. They would have to get rid of the way high level enemies completely murder you in a second, chain stun you and so on. Unless numbers become less important, and I mean to an extreme degree, CC spam will be necessary.


    Take a look at how other action games handle combat. Most of them revolve around not taking damage, not around being able to tank it. You can't avoid being shot at by 30 enemies with hitscan weapons, all of which will kill you in seconds, unless you're using some sort of CC or defensive skills.

  9. Melee air attacks definitely need to be looked at, since they de-value mobility skills and have incredible difficulty hitting airborne targets. If the distance they sent you was decreased by 50%, and their hitbox size was massively increased(I'm thinking 200-300%) then they would actually be more effective at hitting airborne targets then they are at being a short distance Tail Wind.


    Rather than nerfing melee air attacks (as a mobility tool), I would say that mobility skills should be improved.


    I definitely agree that melee air attacks should be easier to hit with though. In most cases it's ridiculously difficult.


    I'm honestly not sure what you're saying, but something related to a specific set of armor is not a good reason to not show the default colors in the menu. It's a very, very stupid reason and I hope it wasn't a deliberate one. Why would you downgrade something for everyone even if they don't have the relevant armor?

  11. The event is simply terrible. Tedious as hell. The Bursas are very, VERY annoying to deal with. Slowdowns, knockdowns, flashbangs,  and whatever else I'm forgetting. The transfer time is far too long. We spend it every time by simply having a Nyx chain cast Mind Control on it to keep it in place. Doesn't matter which offering you use, you only get 100 points at the most.


    Typing this as I just stand here and wait for the transfer. So tedious.

  12. I agree with you on every other point you make, but while Tail Wind is far from a perfect ability, it's still better than melee air attacks, and certainly better than Super Jump. Melee air attacks don't sent you nearly as far as Tail Wind, and preserve your momentum. Tail wind nullifies all current momentum upon use, allowing for greater maneuverability than melee air attacks. Melee air attacks can't keep you in the air for long periods of time. Tail wind is better than Super Jump for its horizontal mobility, since you can jump to shoot yourself in any direction.


    Melee air attacks don't send you as far as Tail Wind, but in many cases that is an advantage for the melee attacks. Tail Wind almost always overshoots whatever you want to reach, and is much more likely to send you into the "void". Tail Wind is bugged and makes you lose the low gravity effect if used twice, making you fall like a rock. It isn't very good at keeping you airborne either, and there is very little reason to stay airborne to begin with. You're unable to shoot for the duration of the skill, and few maps even allow Zephyr to use a 158+% duration Tail Wind upwards without hitting the "void". Tail Wind's complete lack of control after activation often makes a horizontal air melee better for mobility, particularly when coupled with the Jet Stream speed boost (I use Rush and Jet Stream for very high mobility) and Zephyr's good air control.


    Even if Tail Wind wasn't so bad, the fact that uses energy to do slightly better than what every frame can do with pretty much any melee weapon makes it very obsolete. You know those rooms in the Void where you're supposed to wall run up to reach a higher area with some crates? I used to use Tail Wind to get up there. Now I just jump and air melee with Orthos Prime. Faster, cheaper, and even more reliable.

  13. I came here to suggest fixes for Zephyr. Found this thread which has some very similar suggestions. Here are mine, though:


    Tail Wind is terrible. It's supposed to give her mobility, but it's so extremely clumsy that more often than not you'll be slowed down when you use it.

    1. If you use it along the ground, you lose almost all momentum when the effect stops.

    2. It clashes with basically everything about the level design. You will get caught on ledges. You will get catch ledges mid-flight and cancel the flight until a ledge climb when you don't want to. You will get caught on trees and so many other things. Many doors have a tiny, stupid ledge above them that you can stand on, and Tail Wind very often results in you landing on that ledge, being forced to wait for the momentum to die down, walk backwards so you fall off the ledge and then having to start going through it. It is very slow and clumsy, doing nothing but reducing her mobility which is supposed to be her "thing". Trying to use Tail Wind through many doors, most noticeably the Void ones that are basically spinning tubes, results in you getting caught on the edges of the door and pulled to the side. Even when that doesn't happen, doors open too slow for you to pass through them, leading to you flying in place against the door, wasting the entire Tail Wind. You will overshoot your target and fall into pits (and since momentum is carried over after falling into a pit and being teleported up, you will likely fall down again).

    3. The invisible ceilings are way too low. It's outright impossible to use the grounded version of Tail Wind without cancelling it with Dive Bomb in many places, which destroys the entire mobility aspect of the ability.

    4. Since you will fall into pits or fly up into the invisible ceiling all the time, you will have your expensive Turbulence dispelled.

    5. Turbulence, the one skill of Zephyr's that is actually really useful, benefits from duration. Duration makes you fly farther. Improving your one good ability makes Tail Wind even more unwieldy.

    6. Your starting momentum is kept when you activate it. If you are, for example, aiming at a door when you activate it, you will miss it if you had any sort of momentum. And with her "thing" being mobility, you will pretty much always be moving.

    7. The damage is terrible, so it has no value as a damaging ability. Nor do I particularly want it to, but it means that "it does good damage so it shouldn't be too useful for mobility" is an argument that doesn't hold water.

    8. Zephyr's gravity is bugged and has been ever since her release. If you use Tail Wind twice without touching the ground, she loses her special low gravity attribute.

    9. Since you can now use air melee to quickly move around or gain a lot of height, Tail Wind is close to totally obsolete. Melee attacks are also less clumsy.


    In the 50th devstream, the devs repeatedly mocked Excalibur's Super Jump and admitted how stupid it was in a game "where you can run on the walls". A super jump is essentially what grounded Tail Wind is, only Tail Wind is clumsier and more likely to get you sent into invisible ceilings. Airborne Tail Wind isn't much better. If there's an ability that needs way more attention than Super Jump, it's Tail Wind. Unfortunately the devs don't care about Zephyr.


    How to improve it? Assuming it isn't reworked completely, make it remove any present momentum when cast in the air to make it easier to aim accurately. Make it possible to deactivate it at any point, to give her mobility rather than forcing her to fly the entire duration. Fix the low gravity loss bug.


    These suggestions basically turn it into a slightly better air melee, which still is pretty damn bad. But at least it would be better.


    Dive Bomb is an ability that I don't care much about. It's certainly in need of improvement, though. For 25 energy, Zephyr can slam into the floor and stun nearby enemies briefly and do damage so bad that it might as well not be there. For 25 energy, Mag can stun entire rooms, pull them into a position she wants, and grab every pickup on the map (slight exaggeration). The suggestion to combine it with Tail Wind and to give her some sort of hover ability for her second ability sounds good.


    Turbulence. With the Jet Stream augment, it became a lot better. It's still broken against Grineer's hitscan weapons, though. My suggestion on how to solve that: simply make it remove hitscan bullets that hit it. Yeah, people say that it's OP against Corpus, but how many Zephyrs do you see exactly? Certainly not a ton of them. If it was that OP, people would flock to it. Loki can go invisible which, in essence, makes him immune to any projectile that isn't aimed at a Tenno standing behind him (in the sense that the enemy won't even try to shoot him). Loki is already a very good frame, too. Valkyr can go invincible for extended periods of time. Mesa can very easily get 95% damage resistance as well as reflect the damage. Mesa is another extremely powerful frame. Making Zephyr immune to bullets is no more OP than to make Loki never get targeted by them. Zephyr would have similar weaknesses as Loki (AoE etc.), and arguably even more weaknesses since enemies would actively target her with their abilities.


    Loki can get essentially bullet immunity, invisibility and do a ton more melee damage. He can also distract enemies (Decoy + Switch Teleport arguably gives him even more mobility than Zephyr) and disarm entire rooms. Valkyr can get total invincibility, a ton of melee damage and immunity to knockdowns/staggers. Mesa can get very high damage resistance and damage reflection, in addition to her already extremely powerful Peacemaker. Giving Zephyr bullet immunity with no other side effects aside from an augment mod that takes up a mod slot would not be OP. Not when her only strengths are (supposed) mobility and imperfect CC tornadoes.


    I do NOT agree with the suggestion to make Turbulence useful only at long distances. Most rooms in the game wouldn't even allow it, and it would completely flip her play style. It would be much more of a nerf than a buff and would remove her only truly strong quality.


    Provided Turbulence gets the buff I suggested, I wouldn't mind if Tornado stays more or less the same. Just improve the targeting and perhaps make it so that holding 4 makes the tornadoes spawn as they do now, while tapping it during the activation period marks a spot at your crosshair for a tornado to spawn in when it finishes casting. Tornado gives some CC while providing meh damage. When two of her skills are wasted on completely useless stuff, she needs at least some CC.


    In addition, make it so that her aerial melee slam overrides her low gravity. So many times have I tried to knockdown a heavy gunner or bum bard with the radial slam, only to have her slow falling speed allow the enemy to execute their radial slam and stun me. Why does their radial slam even hit us in the air to begin with?


    Edit: As another suggestion, make power duration affect the time other players are affected by the Jet Stream boost.

  14. This is disappointing.


    After so many weeks of feedback, and in the end, the devs simply stick with the "solution" of giving old players straight-up stat advantages to new players.

    This is not a good step for the game. Players should have equal treatment regardless of when they joined the game. Helmet stats should be accessible for either all players or no players.


    This, exactly. This game already gives too many advantages to old players that new players have literally no way to get. So you like a version of a weapon that has a vandal, wraith etc. version? Too bad, you can never get the stronger version of it now.


    What you should do is make it possible to use any stat boost from a helmet you have on any helmet you have. A cosmetic helmet equip slot, essentially. Make it possible to get the Essence helmet stats with the Swindle helmet look. Or if that's too good, make it so that you can select whether to get the stats either in the helmet equipment menu, or when you craft it. Everyone wins.

  15. No.


    Blocking should not come back for use while holding a Primary/Secondary weapon, because it is extremely broken.  Specters prove it: I've watched them sit there blocking an entire clip of Amprex fire without receiving a single digit of damage because they had enough stamina.  We can do the same thing.


    So no.  Make your choice: ranged combat, or the ability to block.  There's no little Mexican girl here to offer you both.


    And I guess you were too busy being annoying to consider that blocking with a primary/secondary could be given other properties? For example, no ability to deflect bullets but keeping the ability to block those annoying hits that knock you down?

  16. Balancing weapons around this would only work if you have your melee weapon equipped, since you can't channel with quick melee.


    This, exactly, is the problem. Especially since they turned old weapons into channeling-focused weapons. Simply put, channeling is bad. You can't use it with quick attacks, and holding your melee weapon is terrible. The game isn't designed for melee only, as is evident by how many elements there are that just don't work with pure melee. Doors that drain your energy unless you shoot a specific spot, flying drones and bosses, arc traps, toxic and disruptor ancients, enemy leaders - and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of at the moment. The game isn't built for melee combat, period. It's built for gun and melee combat, which is why the idea to make it cumbersome to use your guns is terrible. For example: say you're killing infested with melee. You see an ancient disrupter or toxic running towards you. If this was melee 1.0, you could shoot it pretty much right away. Problem solved, melee and guns work in harmony. Now with melee 2.0, you have to waste a second or two switching to your gun (and if you weren't holding the gun you want when you switched to melee before, or you're going to have to switch weapons twice) before you can shoot. It's clumsy and not at all suited to how fast-paced the rest of the game is.


    Anyway, back to channeling. If they want to add weapons that are supposed to only shine when used with channeling, I don't have a problem with that. Problem is, they turned weapons that weren't channeling weapons into channeling weapons. Case in point, Galatine. The coolest melee weapon in the game is now completely useless, unless you use channeling. If you happened to like Galatine before, this sucks. Hard. I wasn't using Galatine because I wanted to make myself less useful by locking away my guns or wasting energy. The reason I used a catalyst on Galatine is that I liked Galatine being Galatine. Then they changed Galatine into not Galatine and that catalyst, as well as my enjoyment of the weapon, were thrown away.


    It's like crafting and upgrading a shotgun because you want a shotgun, only for the devs to turn it into a sniper rifle.

  17. so the prisoner guard spawns by the prisoner, and the trap detecting you (aka working correctly, otherwise whats the point of a trap that cant detect enemies?) and theres a problem?


    im confused.


    What's the point of a guard that can't detect enemies? Obviously they should see through invisibility.


    What's the point of a guard that lets the hostage escape? Obviously it should be impossible to rescue the hostage.

  18. By definition, they should all be Tactical polarity in my opinion, but some warframes have strange polarity sets as well (e.g. Saryn being a very offensive 'frame, yet having Defensive aura plus a Tactical and Defensive mod polarities). In general, I sometimes wonder if they just roll dice to see what gets what polarity lol.


    Well, to be honest, the V polarity sucks pretty hard since there are only five V polarity warframe mods in the game. So any frame with a V polarity slot gets screwed big time if they don't have a lot to gain from power duration or strength. Provoked is trash, and every single other V polarity warframe mod is rare or corrupted, making them hard to find to boot.


    For example, take Nova: she has two V polarities. Say you put Intensify on one of them. Blind Rage isn't always desirable, so many would avoid it. Nova has very little use for power duration, so Continuity is out of the question. Then you have Rage, but Nova isn't much of a tank. Meanwhile, every frame makes good use of Vitality and Redirection, so a defensive polarity is free mod points.

  19. The biggest problem with playing alone is that the enemy spawns are crazy. As you say, they spawn behind you, constantly. It feels like they start spawning in the previous room as soon as you run into the next fight. Stealth isn't realistically viable unless you have late-game mods and weapons; if enemies don't die from back stabs there really isn't much you can do if you aren't a perma-invisible Loki. You will get caught, and when you do you will get attacked from all sides, so cover isn't an option. Even if you cleared out the previous rooms they will spawn from there, and in great numbers.

  20. People such as yourself are more concerned about what you can get out of the system then actually see it grow and gain some depth of interaction and functionality. Imo that's much much worse than someone lying to about a measely tax on in game currency.


    So they created a system meant to make people be S#&$stains; that's fantastic. Not that I didn't know this; the point is that a system like that is trash.


    You know what? Yes, I only care about what normal players (like me) get out of the system. What you completely miss in your pretentious hopes for the future is that, for the average player, what they get out of the system is all that matters. Unfortunately, as it is now, the whole dark sector deal is borderline useless because you simply can't access it. And why should I care about anything else? I have absolutely no interest in whichever clown gets to have the bigged epeen. To someone who actually plays the game rather than caring about that trash, what we get out of the system is what matters. Warframe is not a job. It's not our job to fix whatever system the devs throw out. Warframe is a game and it's not our obligation to "put in the work" to make it things work properly, particularly not when that "work" happens to be grinding.


    The fact that you only care about the system from the perspective of the biggest alliances speaks volumes. People who want to take over the sectors just for the sake of epeen do, quite frankly, not matter. I don't care about them, nor should anyone else. Anything meant to cater to them at the expense of the masses of normal players is something that is severely flawed.


    You don't want to see it "grow and gain some depth of interaction and functionality" (did I mention how pretentious this sentence is?), you just want to  see the clans with the biggest epeens mess around, without a care for the people who actually play the game. Want to see the system improve? Tell the devs how bad it is in its current form. Suggest how to improve it and make it actually useful for the average player.


    You can start by telling them that rewarding people for being the worst humanity has to offer is a really, really, really @(*()$ stupid idea.

  21. Could care less.


    Really, this is all I have to quote to show just how valuable anything you have to add is.


    But still: why exactly should players not care about being lied to? Lying is something only filth does. And the system is simply terrible if it's actually intended to make people behave like S#&$stains. Well, as it is, it's terrible regardless of what it's meant to do since it's impossible to access dark sectors for more than a few hours (at best) before some other clown comes and slaps a rail in the way.


    I can't speak for everyone, but at least I have started playing for the occupant just because I'm sick of these clowns throwing their rails around when it just blocks people from getting to dark sectors. Especially when they do it when the current occupant takes zero tax and the challenger promises to do the same - what's the point? All they're doing is making those who want to access the dark sector like their alliance less.

  22. dont QQ and go to void and get you a new one ~_~''' to me and some of you(yes you, you who watch this) get it easly doing survival or defense


    "Don't complain when the game breaks, shut up and grind instead!"


    How do you know for sure that someone's a fanboy? They give players crap and defend the devs/game when the game is the problem.


    Anyway, I honestly can't tell exactly what OP is trying to say, and the formatting isn't helping. You got a forma blueprint from a defense but you didn't have it afterwards? Just to make sure, you know that you have to exit and claim a reward to get it in a defense, right? You don't get everything like in a survival mission.

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