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Posts posted by Mehbah

  1. I have received a mission failure right after migration for no reason lol


    We didn't get the mission failure right after the host migration. The host migration happened before the map loaded, but the mission-failure-for-no-reason happened in the middle of the countdown. It only happened for Ralkash too; the rest of us got the disconnection message and were kicked back to the menus with nothing.

  2. I decided to do yet another tier 3 defense in hopes of getting Lex Prime. Invited a guy from my clan as well as two people from the recruiting chat. We start, and right away it decides to host migrate from me to my clanmate. Now, this shouldn't even be possible in void missions, seeing as the host has to be the one to supply the key, but we think nothing of it. Then finally, the Lex Prime blueprint drops, finally after all the times I've tried.


    Holy S#&$, finally got it! F12 instantly.



    I tried clicking on claim & exit, but nothing happened for a second or two.


    And then...



    Needless to say, this was not a very pleasant surprise.


    Why did this happen in the first place? It had host migrated to Ralkash as the host (confirmed as he could invite the guy who lost connection early on) and he was still in the game. He got the mission failure popup for no reason in the middle of the countdown, while the rest of us got disconnected immediately. It's pretty clear that this was the game screwing up somehow. At the worst possible time. And why does the game host migrate for no reason before a void mission anyway? I hosted a long game with the same group later, with no issues.


    Please give us the blueprint we got fair and square in exchange for my T3 defense key. I'm sure you have whatever logs to look through to confirm what happened. I don't have the blueprint, I haven't traded it, I haven't sold it and I haven't built it.


    I'm going to submit a support ticket once the support is up again.

  3. i want a devstream and time in the video





    "So you've got your [stance] slot and every weapon comes with a default stance"


    A lack of a stance is not a stance. Calling it a stance is just misleading when it doesn't behave like one of the stances they've been hyping up so much.



    Actually, they seem to have changed the entire speed scale. 1.0 is insanely fast. Like, 1.0 is how fast zorens with fury were in the old system. (My single ether sword can copter as well as zorencopters used to, also.) Even 0.8 speed weapons like the dark sword are pretty fast now, and that's before the extra boost from fury.


    All the weapons I had tried were slower or otherwise terrible (Glaive). I've since tried the dual Zoren, and they seem just as fast, if not faster. So while this means that some weapons are indeed not slower, it also means they nerfed the hell out of other weapons even more by making them slower. Particularly the heavy weapons, which are already at a big disadvantage since melee 2.0 favors fast weapons. So they didn't just nerf heavy weapons, they nerfed almost every single aspect of them. At least out of the ones I've tried.


    Ehhhhh, not so much. Galatine is still crazy powerful.


    It isn't. Seriously, let's not pretend it is. It's absolutely terrible now. It's slower. It's weaker. It can't make proper use of the combo system. It's trash now.


    Incidentally, I saw someone elsewhere on the forum argue that making the Galatine useless is fine because it only requries mastery rank 3. It's not. Any catalysts or formas people have used on weapons that got pounded into the ground with melee 2.0 are now wasted. Furthermore, that higher mastery rank weapons should be more powerful than lower ones is not a rule the rest of the game adheres to, nor should it. Some weapons have a high mastery rank requirement, but it's far from a solid rule, and it's very poor game design. Cool and unique weapons shouldn't be made useless, especially not when the game is already drowning in fast-hitting weapons and dual swords. The mastery thing is no excuse, because I know they have given weapons higher mastery requirements in the past instead of nerfing them. Also, dual Zorens have an even lower mastery requirement.


    It's the one single massive claymore in a sea of dual and single swords. It should be viable.


    This came out after you've posted, but they ARE listening to feedback: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/211820-april-11th-community-hot-topics/


    Stance Mods

    Moving forward, our team is currently examining the Codex to ensure stance mod drops are being shown correctly and reading feedback. The issue of mod drop dilution is still a hot issue from which we’re listening to. Would putting stance mods in the market alleviate some major concerns? Further investigating will be done. 


    Keep with being critical and pointing out what you believe to be flaws in the system-- we're here to give feedback and to test. But attacking DE over US (players) MISINTERPRETING and then saying they're NOT listening to feedback when they're trying is not going to get us anywhere good. They did not lie, and our feedback has alerted them of the grindwall enough that they're looking for a change.


    Patience and positivity. We're all in this game's development together.


    They claim to be listening, but they aren't. Any idiot would have seen that it isn't even remotely acceptable to hide stance mods behind one of the biggest grind walls in the game. For example, there are stance mods that can only be dropped by Bombards. Bombards are rare. These drops are also rare drops, from a large list of possible drops. For comparison, it took me almost three hundred hours to get my first Sanctuary, dropped by a Bombard.


    They knew what they were doing. According to numerous sources on the forum, they've claimed that they're going to reduce the grind in the game in the past. Despite that, they added massive grind walls to everything. Stance mods, the Big Thing of melee 2.0, are borderline impossible to get. I went looking for the heavy sword stance mod that Moas are supposed to have as an uncommon drop. I grinded for several hours, as a Nekros using nothing but Desecrate. Didn't get it, of course. Getting to Hek takes insane grinding (while using mod setups that go directly against everything you know about modding), and then you need to get lucky enough to actually get the Hydroid pieces if you want him. It's not going to take three runs, based on every other boss that drops warframe parts. They added a resource that is literally useless unless used within hours of being collected. They added the Lex Prime, which would be nice if it didn't further dilute the already diluted Void drop tables. The new katana uses even more Oxium, after we grinded enough to research and build Zephyr. And these are things people were already complaining about. It's not stuff that could have escaped their attention. We've gone four hotfixes and they haven't done a thing about the stance drops. Frankly, the only reason they're (claiming) to be listening is that people are finally fed up with this bullS#&$. People are going to start leaving the game because it's simply nothing but a grind where the reward isn't even a guarantee in the end. I know I'm out very soon if they don't fix this. I've made the mistake of giving them money; I'm not going to keep throwing more and more at them in order to not have to spend hundred of hours grinding for a reward which might not even come.

  4. Uh, DE didn't lie to anyone. They said there were going to be stances. They also stated said stances will be implemented as mod cards you can place into weapons via an "Aura"-like slot. They Did Not ever state we would have these mods immediately the second the update hit. YOU and people like you ASSUMED that...which is pretty dumb imo. Again, look at what we were told beforehand: There will be Stance mod slots + There will be Stance mods = Stances will need to be obtained in some way or fashion; probably the same way almost all the other mods are obtained.


    No one lied to you. You lied to yourself, and you're blaming DE for it.


    They said all melee weapons would come with a stance by default. It was in the devstream in which they showed off Hydroid gameplay.


    Now stop acting like developers need to be protected from rightful criticism. They are not your friends. You shouldn't feel a need to defend them from the big, bad people-who-actually-criticize.


    By the way, if you're going to start playing the devil's advocate and twisting meanings about how WELL TECHNICALLY YOU CAN CONSIDER THE LACK OF A STANCE TO BE A STANCE etc. you seriously need to rethink what you're doing.


    you need to think this one through again, because i don't type with illiteracy


    That depends on whether you consider what some of these people supposedly type to be writing.

  5. To anyone saying "you can still press E to do quick melee": you seriously need to stop being illiterate.


    To anyone saying "then don't play the game": telling someone to GTFO is not a criticism shield.


    OP is not saying it isnt viable, he says that now we have to choose, the combat is less fluid, off course you can still use the old system and never equip the melee weapons but if you do the new features get locked out.


    That is what I am saying. That, and that quick melee is now terrible.

  6. And yes, broken is the right word. Why? Because it breaks melee combat as a fluid gameplay mechanic.


    Before melee 2.0, melee combat was a complement to gunplay. You could combine them as you chose to. But now, melee combat is only viable as a standalone. It was already somewhat outclassed by guns, and melee 2.0 nerfed normal melee combat extremely hard. First off, Fury was nerfed into the ground. Melee swings are now much slower. That means you kill slower and put yourself in a vulnerable position longer. Second, charge attacks were removed. Weapons that relied on them are useless. They were replaced by channeling. Unfortunately, channeling can't be used without holding your melee weapon alone, which takes quite some time in the middle of a hectic fight. Switching to your melee weapon, swinging (which is now slower) and then switching back to your gun takes what seems like an enternity when you're being shot at by at least five different enemies. Third, standard combos are now shorter and more repetitive if you aren't holding the weapon alone.


    In other words, melee combat was made completely pointless if you aren't going with "the sword alone". That's not an improvement. It used to be gun AND sword. Now it's gun OR sword. We're progressing backwards.



    Also, stances. This isn't directly related to the main point of the thread, but it needs to be repeated. The fanbase shouldn't just accept it when DE lie to us and lock away the biggest thing they've hyped up behind an absolutely absurd amount of grinding. And thankfully people have been making it clear that this is just not acceptable, though DE aren't showing any signs of listening.

  7. Honestly if you want to beat RNG, you have to be smarter than it.


    Dont grind for Stances.


    Go Grind Prime Parts. Sell those for platinum


    Wait for your stance to pop up on the market, buy it.




    no more grinding.


    Such is the beauty of Trading.


    "Go grind and you won't have to grind"


    That's fantastic advice.


    Anyway, and this is directed at everyone in the thread, Warframe is not a job. Do we have that cleared up? It's a game. Games are supposed to be enjoyable. Read that again. It's clear that several of the people here have not understood this yet. Go back, read it again. Keep doing it until it gets through your skulls. Warframe is meant to be enjoyable. It's not meant to feel like a job. If it does, it's a failure of a game from the consumer's standpoint.


    Why am I pointing this out? Because these forums, and to be fair the forums for many games, are infested by people who have an incredibly stupid way of looking at things. Namely, that players owe the developers something and that it's the players' fault whenever the devs are incompetent. When a game requires a bunch of mindless RNG grinding, only utterly, objectively stupid people defend that. You know the type. The ones who actually believe "you just want to get things without putting in the work" or "stop being entitled" are sane responses. Let me repeat: Warframe is not a job. You should not have to "put in the work" in order to get to the enjoyable part. I should not have to grind for several hours to maybe (hint: I didn't) find one of the stances for the weapon I want to use, in the hopes that it will make it go from being utterly ruined to maybe actually useful. Not that I know which one to grind for, because the damn game doesn't tell me squat about them before I own them myself. I should not be held responsible for the developers' inability to realize that, when you remove charge attacks and only reward fast attacks, you have to properly balance out the weapons that did not rely on fast, normal attacks.


    In short, stop blaming the player for the shortcomings of the game.



    In other news, I met the Harvester for the first time about an hour ago. It was the first time in over three hundred hours of playtime. I got one part of the weapon you can only get from it. One. On average, it would take me nine hundred hours of playtime to be able to get the Detron. Assuming I don't get the same drop repeated or die to it, that is.

  8. Why exactly are you acting like the "angry mob" isn't entirely justified? You said weapons would come with a stance by default. That was an outright lie, and it's simply absurd that we're forced to grind at all in order to fix the mess you made of the melee combat. Not that it's going to fix how you completely ruined charge weapons, anyway.


    Adding more grind is not how you improve the game. I know people are saying this all over the forum, so why do you refuse to listen and instead choose to make snide remarks at your customers?


    Edit: Just saw the "chill, Tenno. Chill." in the red chat text. That isn't exactly helping, either. Of course people are going to be very displeased when you make a mess and do the exact opposite of what they are asking for.

  9. Wait wait wait.


    The Galatine spent how many months as the top melee weapon?


    I don't care how many months it spent as the top melee weapon. I didn't play during those months. Those months don't change anything about the present, which is what matters. And at present, they took a cool and useful weapon and made it completely useless, because they were too incompetent to listen to all the feedback. Because let's not pretend that "so what happens to charge weapons" wasn't what just about everyone thought when they revealed that charge was getting removed. This is what people thought and asked about, and they didn't bother taking it into account.


    They could, to a degree, fix it by giving it a massive damage boost on channeled attacks, but that too is a very poor solution. It would make it useless unless used as a primary, where the old Galatine could be used as a completent to your guns. You could use your guns at long range, and when you got surrounded, you could use the Galatine's charge to do a slow but powerful attack to clear out the enemies crowding you. That isn't viable anymore, even with channeling, because switching to melee primary and back is slow and clumsy.


    Then there's the issue with combos. Higher combos give higher damage multipliers. Heavy weapons are already way behind fast ones in DPS. Since they aren't suited to getting combos, they lag behind even more.


    Tell me, why exactly should I use my now severely nerfed melee weapon to kill basic level 20 Grineer in three channeled hits when I can kill them in one body shot with my Aklex? And keep in mind, this is a Galatine with most of its relevant mods maxed, while the Aklex still has mods that still can be leveled up a few times. Melee 2.0 has been nothing but a massive melee nerf.


    But hey, maybe this changes with stances! Well, maybe it does, but how would I know? Stances are rare drops from rare enemies and melee weapons didn't come with one by default, which was a blatant lie from ED. We should not be forced to grind to fix the melee combat you broke, devs.

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