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Posts posted by LaywithGoats2

  1. +1

    Biggest issue for me is when you are playing Melee only and it bugs out the melee Weapon.

    Switching to Synthesis/Codex Scanner doesn't fix melee Weapon...so no more attacks.

    (Really vad when Exalted melee Weapon bugs out and you cannot dispel the broken melee Weapon...just stuck with Power in Use and no way to attack ...as sometimes it also breaks Slash Dash/Iron Jab....Valkyr at least can still Ripline or Paralysis kill)

    I have been wanting a '/Holster' command to address resetting bugged out weapons.

    Much like '/unstuck'

    Would be nice if these types of things never happened in the first place, but at least having a command to fix the issue is a good fall-back in case they missed something in the build.

    I haven't had the melee weapon lock on me (yet-fingers crossed), just the primary & secondary.  If this is happening to some across all weapons, it would usually mean a deal breaker.  It's essentially a 'shooter' game where your main tools sometimes just don't work.  Thanks for posting MrNishi.  I dont know how many responses to a thread gets the DE's attention....hopefully they will notice this one.

  2. Yeah I've noticed this a few times myself. I can normally just use a power to get it back to normal though. Faster and normally better than swapping. 



    Happens to me randomly after bulletjumping. Quick melee fixes it.


    Cheers!  I'll give those a try next time it happens

  3. This exact same thing definitely happens to me, often enough to bother me.

    Here I was thinking it's my mouse software playing up, but reading OP it's clear the issue is within the game itself.

    Unfortunately I can't say what exact circumstances are causing this bug, but switching back and forth helps to resolve.

    I have noticed that it may be something with using quick melee while reloading your weapon, and suddenly it stops working, like if it got stuck mid reloading process and can't fire until reload is finished.


    I think there is no need to stress the importance of this. I hope this doesn't happen mid Sortie mission to cause a wipe.

    Unfortunately, it has happened during sorties...

  4. At first it was just the primary weapons not working, now it's all of them.  With increasing regularity, I have to switch weapons and back again just to get them to work (for awhile) then do it again.


    At MR 21 I was beginning to question playing this game any further...but if the weapons are just going to stop during play then what's the point?   A crucial aspect that needs attention asap i think?

  5. This has happened quite few times and today way too many in just one game. 


    My Vaykor Hek wont fire at all....I have to swap to secondary & then back again to use it.


    At first I just thought it was a little bug that would get sorted out...but it's been weeks now and it is getting worse!

  6. Since the latest update I have increased the number of times I have quit missions. 


    Basically, some missions NO enemy units show up at all and on others there are 1 or 2 units left but they wont spawn.  So I've quit quite a few now (enough to worth mentioning).


    And YES I have searched everywhere on the map/s.  And NO I am not going to WAIT longer in game (even took a shower one time, came back and still no units)

  7. A possible resolution...It's a windows 10 issue (change settings to 'maximize power output').  This YT vid helped me resolve the crashing issue



    This has solved other Windows 10 issues as well. 

  8. I've lost count of how many times this has happened today.  Warframe just closes and I end up on desktop. 


    I have NO updates pending as this was the first thing I checked.  On one occasion this happened after the 20min mark during a survival and we were going well.


    Usually if warframe stops working I end up at the login screen.  BUT, today it's been a complete closure of Warframe and Evolution Engine.


    Anyone else getting this?  I haven't seen one posted so I put this up.

    • LaywithGoats2 April 11, 2015 03:47

      I have had the Telos Akboltos for awhile and have noticed that the punch through mod (ranked to max) is not 'punching through' as it should and not all the time. Sometimes it will pass through an enemy, but only one and has never passed through a partition or door as my other secondary weapons do (with the same mod).

      LaywithGoats2 April 17, 2015 02:41

      Just noticed tonight while using the Despairs. The Seeker mod (max rank) is not punching through doors either and is only going through one enemy to hit a second. Wasn't sure if I was to add another 'request' or not. But since it's the same issue I put it here.

      [DE]Marat Today at 03:19

      Hello LaywithGoats2

      We apologize for late response!

      Thank you for your feedback on this subject, but the Warframe support desk is set up for reporting gameplay issues, technical difficulties, and payment issues only.

      The development team monitors the Warframe forums for new ideas, complaints, bugs, and general feedback about the game so rest assured your voice will be best heard there. The forums can be found by following this link:


      Enjoy Warframe!


      This response after so much time is inadequate to say the least.  I find the above as falling under 'Gameplay Issues'.



      I've put this in FEEDBACK and a month later told to move it to FORUMS.  No appropriate responses in either, so now it's in here and MAYBE in the right place to get a response???


    • LaywithGoats2 April 11, 2015 03:47

      I have had the Telos Akboltos for awhile and have noticed that the punch through mod (ranked to max) is not 'punching through' as it should and not all the time. Sometimes it will pass through an enemy, but only one and has never passed through a partition or door as my other secondary weapons do (with the same mod).

      LaywithGoats2 April 17, 2015 02:41

      Just noticed tonight while using the Despairs. The Seeker mod (max rank) is not punching through doors either and is only going through one enemy to hit a second. Wasn't sure if I was to add another 'request' or not. But since it's the same issue I put it here.

      [DE]Marat Today at 03:19

      Hello LaywithGoats2

      We apologize for late response!

      Thank you for your feedback on this subject, but the Warframe support desk is set up for reporting gameplay issues, technical difficulties, and payment issues only.

      The development team monitors the Warframe forums for new ideas, complaints, bugs, and general feedback about the game so rest assured your voice will be best heard there. The forums can be found by following this link:


      Enjoy Warframe!


      This response after so much time is inadequate to say the least.  I find the above as falling under 'Gameplay Issues'. 


  9. There is a daily cap on how much reputation you can gain from sigills.  It's shared across all sigils, and the syndicate console at the front left of the liset tells you how much more rep you can earn that day.  Syndicate missions and medallions don't count towards that, and are not capped.

    Cheers Phatose.  I must have reached the limit then.

  10. Yep I have the Sigil equiped.   What's rep maxing though.....must have missed a change somewhere?


    You said you recently changed, have you maxed your rep for the day? Do you have the sigil equipped?  BTW I just searched the Wiki page about reputation limits and nothing showed up.  Out of date maybe?


  11. I recently changed to Steel Meridian as main syndicate.  Joined and got through first rank and paid to go further.  BUT after doing a few runs I noticed that my ranking is still zero out of 22 000.  Logged off and on again and it's still the same.


    Now I'm stuck on the zero out of 22 000 for Steel Meridian.....what's the deal guys?

  12. What was I thinking!  Posting an issue in the forums in the hope that it would be addressed in some way.....does ignoring = addressing an issue? 


    GUYS!  I have $$$ to spend on Warframe, but I'll be ^&*(ed if I'm going to ATM!  Maybe my $$ should go to Planetside 2.....again.

  13. This is one of my main reason why I do not use Kubrow. This problem exist since a long time but do not seem to catch DE attention. I do not understand why Kubrow did not get some attention since a long long time =/

    If DE spent more time fixing ALL the MANY little things in the game instead of making everything look pretty, this would be a far better game than it currently is.  Honestly I have been holding back spending my $$$$ on Warframe due to this.

  14. During missions my Kubrows are constantly moving into a position that blocks my aiming.  This is particularly annoying during defence type missions.  Why do they have move right in front of me most of the time when I'm aiming and ready to shoot?

  15. I have searched the forums and can't find this anywhere.


    Are these mods suppossed to show the 'green doored cabinets' on the mini map? If so they're not working.  If they're only to show containers and drops would someone please post here?



  16. i did have this visual bug occur when i was using the opticor, it stays on your back, and animates/fires/etc, just not in your hands


    weapon swapping fixed it for me (still a bug that should be fixed tho)

    I am having the same issue for both primary & secondary weapons.  Running around with empty hands while weapon in use is on back or holstered.  Changing weapons does fix this but only briefly.  While this issue occurs the targeting reticle is way off the mark when aiming and shooting.  I have screen shots, but wasn't sure whether or not to submit a ticket for this,

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