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Posts posted by Beezil

  1. Same here. Crashes all the time and it crashes so hard I have to shut my PC off to get out of it. Can't Alt+f4, can't do anything other than shut my computer off and reboot. I'm having the problem on both Earth and Uranus. It's really starting to annoy me because it's just pathetic that we have an archwing event with this portion of the game being so ridiculously bugged. So I'm done with Archwing. Maybe I'll check back in a month or two but I'm tired of wasting 20 or 30 minutes only to have the game crash on me so much. Note: this only occurs on Archwing missions. Rarely have any problem with regular missions at all, other than they latest bugs added with each bugdate.

  2. I think it'd be a good idea to be able to mark medallions like you can with modules. Simply putting a waypoint can at times not work as well because there have been times when a waypoint was placed on a medallion but it disappeared before I could get to the location. Being able to mark them like you can with modules would be helpful since that mark stays until everyone gathers it up.

  3. The ammo consumption seriously needs to be adjusted. Even with Shotgun ammo mutation, I can only use the thing for one or two waves in a defense mission then I got to holster it and use my secondary for the majority of the rest of the mission. It's useless until ammo consumption is adjusted. Could be a really great weapon but it is far from that right now.

  4. If you guys insist on having a trolling enemy like the Drahk Master you should make the icon for dropped weapons a little more distinctive. As it is, the icon is way to similar to the health pack icons in survival missions, making it very hard to find your weapon again. I would suggest making the icon a different color so that it stands out more.

  5. I don't understand why they keep putting D polaraties on weapons and not give us any mods to put in them. My secondary has two, count them two mods that can go in that slot. Quit putting D polarities on weapons or give us some more D polarity mods. So yeh, I agree with the OP. It's kind of ridiculous that DE does this.

  6. When using Peace Maker, after it deactivates, it still shows the regulators as my weapon, instead of my primary and the energy bar is frozen where it was when I activated the the skill. It stays that way the entire match so I have no idea what my energy is or how much ammo I have on my primary because of this. I can still use the primary, syndicate effects still happen but the UI for my weapons is basically frozen once I use Peace Maker.

  7. Same here along with various other built items as well. For some people doing edit decorations made the stuff appear but not for me. Thing is it's not just the trading post. Several other built items are gone as well.

  8. Personally I have no problem at all with the Death Squads. They make things interesting. I'm all for that. I have no problem with having to sacrifice prime parts, formas, etc. In fact, since the changes made to gaining reputation, I'm pretty happy with syndicates.........except for one thing. I think it's pretty S#&$ty of DE to require potatoes not only to rank up but to get out of negative standing. By doing this they've made Syndicates a pay to play feature of the game. Now I know long time players probably have potatoes sitting around getting moldy, but like me and I would venture to say a large majority of the player base, requiring potatoes as a sacrifice means that DE is forcing us to use real money to fully participate in Syndicate content. That's a pretty bad move on their part that really tarnishes my opinion of them. I've been playing the game for three or four months now and I have over 1200 hours in the game so I LOVE the game. I purchase plat now and again. I believe in supporting a great game but having to pay plat for nothing more than to get out of negative reputation feels more like I'm having my arm twisted. It needs to be changed.

  9. Whenever the Stalker or a Death Squad spawns in, the game freezes for about 2 seconds. For Death Squads that isn't that big of a deal, but with the Stalker it gives him all the time he needs to kill you before you can react. This started happening since U15, never experienced it before that. Running 64 bit on Windows 8.

  10. If there's anything that will drive me from this game that I do love, it's one hit kills. That's not challenge. That's frustration. I don't game to get frustrated. I've always thought that one hit kills are a cheap and unimaginative thing that devs do when they can't figure out how to make the game more challenging. I'm OK with challenge but one hit kills aren't challenging. There just cheap-&#!, plain and simple. This latest update seems to have added things that are just quite simply more frustrating and more annoying than actually more challenging. If this trend continues it's likely I'll be taking my money elsewhere and that would be a real shame because I do truly love this game.

  11. I was really, REALLY excited about Syndicates. Then Syndicates came and I'm not so excited any more. First let me say, requiring potatoes and catalysts to rank up to rank freaking two?!?! In the immortal words of the G3: Unacceptable!!!


    Now, I've spent real money on this game. I'm fine with that because when a game is good enough, I like to support the devs, and what's more it's just worth it if you really enjoy a game as much as I do Warframe. But requiring what is essentially going to be a real money purchase for non veteran players to rank up to level freaking 2?!?!  No I'm sorry, that's a bad move and I will be honest, all the very large amount of excitement I had about Syndicates (and man was I excited! I was more excited about Syndicates than I was about Archwings) is completely gone now. 


    Ranks locked behind endless grind walls. I understand that this wasn't meant to be instant gratification but the idea of running endless interception/defense missions for months on end, just to get the reputation you need has taken that initial excitement I had and turned it into disgust.

  12. b. Loots are too small to locate in the vastness of space and the speed of which warframes are travelling with archwing

    perhaps, marking it, or make it bigger or brighter ? or just add our carrier sentinels attached to archwing working as a turret ?




    This! Definitely this! There needs to be some way to more easily locate loot. I've been running loot detector which helps for mods but power pick ups etc, are just so damn hard to see.

  13. Hello, I was playing last night during a mission and power cores stopped dropping. I can only think of two situations.


    Situtation 2: During the fight with G3, there was a host migration. Someone posted a month ago (Sept 3)  and complained that host migration caused the Grineer to stop dropping power cores so it more likely this scenario. It is a month old so I decided to bring it up again.



    This happened to me during the recent event but without the G3. Soon as the host migrated, no more power core drops. 


  14. This is a very annoying bug. For some reason if one of the rewards I get in T1S missions is a T3E key it will not be rewarded at the end of the match. I've checked the void, in my nav consol, and my inventory. Neither is it listed at the end of the match in the summary. It's not there even though during the mission it clearly showed that a T3E key was rewarded (at the 5 minute mark). This has happened twice now. For the Love of Lotus, this needs to be fixed yesterday.

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