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Posts posted by (PSN)Evan7899

  1. And DE PLEASE  Fix the enemies not spawning/ appearing bug on near every game mode. Especially interception. To fix this in game the host must leave, sacrificing their own loot/reward to give the other 3 theirs. Just today I lost 3 T4 keys and a T4 interception, wave 4 because of this. I hope it was in the hotfix but this is just ridicules.  

  2. I hope they improve loki primes drop chance on T1 survuval because I have done about 250 minutes of it today and nothing. I got the BP first try and systems first try. Haven't tried the helmet yet.

  3. As of 5:45 EST ( July 11 ) my game told me to update on PS4. After I updated, nothing. Was this just me or is this the breeding ground event beginning?

  4. I hope the quests works out but if not something like this is in the game because even t4 isn't that hard. Sure after 50 waves to t4 Def it's hard but that's about an hour to get to. The Boltor prime and many other weapons shred through them especially on exterminate mobile Def capture and lower level interception

  5. Ehi dude you created tre posts on that enemy being stuck in a wall xD

    Anyway, i don't really know when PS4'll get that event D:

    Damn straight lol. I lost one of Vor's mods although it was only the shotgun one.

    Just quoting myself from another thread that asked the same question.



    Well thats saddening but thanks.

  6. This has been going on for a while and has really fired up since U13.7 where one enemy is stuck in a wall or floor or some other place and is unkillable and the mission is uncompletable. I was playing a T4 interception and the final enemy to win the mission was glitched out, we tried everything but to no avail. I lost my key, the mission, and one of Vor's cicero mods. This needs to get fixed.

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