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Posts posted by ComplexLain

  1. 1. How balanced do you think companions are to each other now with the Vacuum changes?

    For me its a balance of firepower and suction.  

    Sweeper primes shotgun is deadly and since the introduction of sentinel suction when I have used other sentinels their firepower do not seem up to the job.   


    2. If you don't use Kavats or Kubrows, how come? (can select all that apply)

    Ultimately I don not use Kavats as there is no sweeper action even though the Smeeta Kavat is awesome.


    7. Would you spend 100 Argon to craft an Argon Decoration?

    Your kidding, right.  Its bad enough getting argon for weps with the limited time I have to play, but to start making things almost impossible is a gamekiller


  2. DE definitely needs to rework the system before it's reintroduced.


    I know that the clans who got control of the rails used to scoff at the rest of us as Moaners !

    especially when it was pointed out about the level of taxes etc.


    In real terms they really just killed the game play on those sectors they held and unless

    you had a massive Alliance you had no chance to usurp them.


    If DE wants a return to that state then so be it ! 

  3. I was going to say NO! to messing with multishot mods, but then again in mechanics and science you cannot get something from nothing.  If DE are going to implement this then they need think on adding either another mod slot or a slot similar to the Exilus but for weps, so players can get ammo mutation into the build without a compromise on damage.

  4. I know there will be many out there who think otherwise but in my opinion most of the parkour moves seem too unrealistic (as if realism really mattered in this game).  The bullet jump is too inaccurate (as above) and the wall runs seem weird with nothing to counter the length of movement ie stamina.


    The moves I do like are the ability to change direction and the double jump and I am not too sure why they could not be added without the overall madness of the adding the rest of them.   I just feel the new movements whilst adding some fun for some, have taken some vital essence from the game. 

  5. LOL !


    So why discuss Greedy Pull, when DE went ahead an did what they wanted anyways.

    Sounds like a consultation period to me - "Here is what is proposed"; "Your concerns are duly noted", however hard luck !

  6. Although many players in the clan like Mag I personally can live without it, mags pull is a nightmare in defence mission and it ragdolls opponents everywhere.  So what is really wrong with Mags greedy pull.  We all know that the game requires the dreary farming of resources for all things ie equipment/weps/rooms, even experience.  Then along comes greedy pull which assist a "team" of players to either stand and gather said resources OR uses it to assist in defence missions etc.  Now we have a situation where some players dislike this type of play, whilst others actively seek it out !  similar to Mesa defence missions UUGH !, you either love or hate them.  


    However DE gave the greedy pull I believe to assist this gathering of resource and now because certain players don't like or want this style of play yet another storm of wailing has developed, "Lets dumb down the ability they cry !"  Being a very old hand in this game I have seen it happen repeatedly and personally I am fed up with it.  Fisrt it was Excalibur "much too powerful" Nerf, then Nova, Nerf, then Trinity, Frost NERF !   If you do not like playing with ppl who use this frame and its ability then do as i do and leave the game they play in, otherwise stay and enjoy the rewards they bring.



    Forgot about Frost Duh !


    In the early days Frost was the only real defensive Frame and the Snowglobe was the works.  It could be multi-spammed for an onion effect, giving the line of attack something to chew through and had a good damage absorption level.  Then came the Nerf. Now the globe cannot be 'onoin'd'.  Trying ends up with a recasting on the original spot it if you are too close to it; It slows opponents er sort of good, but the life/damage was jiggled and it is nowhere near as effective as it started out to be for high level defences.  


    The new ability sort of gives a meaning back to the globe but without the damage it can absorb being drastically increased it is pointless. Repelling enemies out of the globe without destruction just makes for more enemies on the outside firing at the globe to bring it down even faster.


    The other abilities sadly are still a curiosity as they always have been and I would still not use them even at mid level, and forget them at high levels in the game.

  7. Sadly Excalibur does not get used in high levels games as the abilities and frame are not good enough.  Additionally the radial Javelin has now been nerfed so as to make it a frame to avoid, so adding a gimmick to the frame and not re-addressing the frame itself to fit into high levels support roles is useless.



    Weapons requiring the inclusion of other weapons is not a bad idea, i love the mental groans that come from the Clan when they realise how much effort ti will take.  The rubbish part for me is when the new weapon only performs the same  or more badly than the original. 



    Augment mods are a good idea but i use them less frequent than I would, as they take up valuable damage mod space on a weapons or ability space on a Warframe.  I believe an extra slot or two like the Aura mod is a requirement.



    Forma, like it or loathe it it is a requirement. I understand some of the arguments posted about working through the 0 to 30 every time.  I think building a SUPER FORMA should be challenging but could make the formered slot 'Gold' and accept ANY mod as it was of the correct polarity for that slot (Almost like a RARE 5 core) now that would be worth the effort !

  8. DE since update 16.3 I have had almost constant crash issues to desktop with my pc.  


    Prior to this update everything was sweet not a flicker then today (4/10/2015) boom ! nearly every game,  

    I have an older AMD Radeon 5570 graphics card and drivers as up to date as possible.

  9. I used the Jet Stream mod in Pluto / Cerberus and Noticed that it seemed to be performing as it should in making allies speed faster.  


    That was until i noticed that the Corpus seemed to be moving faster as well ??  At first I thought it was my imagination but there were instances where some or all the corpus were definitely moving faster than they should have been.



  10. ComplexLain, on 24 Mar 2015 - 1:00 PM, said:snapback.png


    • Rhino’s Iron Skin is no longer a permanent buff, and will begin to slowly decay after a short period of time.
    You are joking !  seriously !  
    Every time something is working out you manage to nerf it - one of the few frames that could take the punishment in a defensive role and even then the Iron skin takes a beating.   
    Well after damning Frosts Globe to be almost useless at high level defence without continually renewal its a pity you cannot FIX Limbo to be a decent frame for defence like making the Cataclysm a power (energy) driven vortex until the power is released and then it can collapse and explode.  Wow did i think of that on my ownsome duh !
    Whats next Nxy doesn't confuse enemies; Trinny soothes not heals frames.

    You should probably reread it because above it it says "PvP Balance Changes". 


    Ty for pointing that out Rakshal - ooops ! 


    Apologies DE - but please still look at my Idea about Limbo

    • Rhino’s Iron Skin is no longer a permanent buff, and will begin to slowly decay after a short period of time.


    You are joking !  seriously !  



    Every time something is working out you manage to nerf it - one of the few frames that could take the punishment in a defensive role and even then the Iron skin takes a beating.   


    Well after damning Frosts Globe to be almost useless at high level defence without continually renewal its a pity you cannot FIX Limbo to be a decent frame for defence like making the Cataclysm a power (energy) driven vortex until the power is released and then it can collapse and explode.  Wow did i think of that on my ownsome duh !


    Whats next Nxy doesn't confuse enemies; Trinny soothes not heals frames.

  11. I don't think it would look nice. MAYBE the badges in form of sigils but I don't see you putting holographic badges on the outside of your ship.


    It was to make the Skin out of the Clan emblem, not to have Holographic badges dotted over the outside of the hull.  


    Also i did say "for a nominal fee", so if your willing to pay for it what do aesthetics matter so long as the individual is happy and it has DE's approval.  (probably never happen anyways  :-)  )  

  12. Nice fixes - Especially the dark sector rewards ! YAY


    Still issues on clan / team play with Strict NAT.  For all team mates are not suffering Strict NAT issues as previously they still are dropping out of void games nullifying their rewards.  This issue is giving lots of frustration.

  13. Is there any chance that the Liset Skin could be or contain the Clan Emblem.  


    If this is possible how about for a nominal fee (of course) a user designed skin that can upload and used after being approved (of course).

  14. The Sniper Rifle in Warframe suffers in my opinion because It is always being compared to other high firing weps and (an old hated Warframe topic) the "Rush Game" nature of players, charge in, get the level done, leave.


    Look at what a Sniper Rifle Was/is used for, Very Long distance Covert missions.   Movement Suppression and Team Support (High Guard/God function), basically 'Fear factors' and the way the enemy reacts to unseen enemy deadly fire.  Totally different from the assault rifles, charge in and blast function.  


    It suffers because there are NO games in Warframe that allow the Sniper rifle to be used efficiently and effectively and in my opinion it is not the Sniper Rifle that need revisiting its the Game types, or lack of them.

  15. Frost's globe ability has sadly suffered from the DE nerfing blight and at high levels really does not provide the protection it should.  Now it cannot be multicast near the same spot where the original was placed to provide what i call "onion skinning" that is placing one globe slightly in front of the other to produce a multi-layered defence.


    Take T4 defence 30 plus mins in;  Avalanche being the Main ability is laughable and does not produce any damage worth the casting energy.  Snow globe is really suffering needing recasting every few minutes and the other 2 abilities are worse than useless.  Yes I am fully modded ty.

  16. In addition, I myself in the two years I have been playing I have never run into a player who was AFK for the purpose of leeching, all my experiences have been with players who informed myself or team mates he was going AFK for a moment to take care of something in RL.


    Totally agree !


    I run with Clan members who are in different time-zones and therefor have issues that arise in RL.  What I am seeing from DE penalises those people for even trying to play and what you are saying is all players who MAYBE interrupted during a game should either not play or play solo ??


    If the rest of the team is willing to take the hit and protect their frame for the time they need that is the PLAYERS prerogative. However if as described previously a player does NOT participate in the game then yes ALL rewards should be removed.


    Another issue is teammates who get trapped at the end of a game having totally participated and probably done most of the killing being again penalised  because they get trapped or end up "falling off the grid" and end up losing all their rewards ?? not nice.  


    How about DE building in an in-game vote button that allows the whole team they are part of to decide if they are AFK and gives the ability to kick them from the game allowing a replacement to enter ?  

  17. So I log onto game and go to Dojo to see a completed colour project and want to research another colour.


    I click on colour palette and a message appears that only one research project at a time is allowed.  


    I then have to leave game completely (leaving Dojo is not enough) and rejoin.  


    Once back at colour research point I am then allowed to start another research ? ?  

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