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Posts posted by Uffe

  1. Are you still recruiting?


    IGN: Uffe


    Started up a clan way back in beta with friends who has since lost intrest, since then i've mostly been drifting lonesome on the highway. Im not hardcore, not even close but i enjoy the game so i do log in quite often though i rarely achieve anything.



    Currently only MR8 because i only use the weapons that intrests or if theres a need to go up some MR.


    Thank you.

  2. Bows got a substantial buff to their damage recently - my Dread crits for 25-40k damage now.

    Too stronk


    Dude, you should go after crit chance and crit damage with mods, if I'm not mistaken my paris has 112% crit chance and does 4-8K dmg with EVERY arrow. The same goes for Vectis sniper rifle. Add punch through mods and you can kill ROWS of enemies with ONE projectal.

    Headshots are enywhere between 12-20K dmg I think.

    I might

  3. So i've almost been exclusively using assault rifles like the Grakata or kraka when playing warframe because YEAH ASSAULT RIFLES but after getting nowhere with damage after trying with several mods i just decided to give paris another chance and wtfholyS#&$omgwat




    And these are my mods




    Those arent even somewhat exclusive mods, just.. wildfire is the one that stands out but thats just some extra fire damage and more ammo and very few are even maxed, nonetheless with this normal arrows hit for 800-1600 and crits well about 4000 damage up to 8000.


    Is this just a bow thing because what the F*** im so suprised

  4. The emblem itself appears on all my Warframes, although the image my clan Warlord uploaded is only appearing on a few of them..


    By the way, does it work on your Sentinel?

    That is a better description of my error and no i havent tried putting it on my sentinel. I didnt even know you could.

  5. The third ability of vauban is the jump pad grenade "Bounce" either bugged for me today or i've managed to place it wrongly. In any case, the "pad" located itself vertically resulting in a forward boost instead of boosting one upwards.


    I thought this was neat and perhaps if you, made it so adding a trigger to it, so when thrown forwards the trigger goes of because off being in the air for too long the "pad" will place itself vertically, resulting in a forward boost. So when you want a upward boost you throw it directly to the floor, meaning you aim towards the ground in order to achieve that.

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