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Posts posted by Bughead

  1.   On 2019-03-08 at 9:57 AM, Bughead said:

    U must bring EQUIP melee back. Very akward to take advance for example blocking having to go through the the melee animation .... it just doesn't feel right and looks stupid. Either remove the blocking or give a keybind to equip melee.

    Plus gunblade gameplay doesnt work now.... u make a charged attack and have to fiddle and press multiple buttons to switch back to your desired ranged weapon.

    EDIT: Just feels broken now. All the sophisticated melee gimmicks are gone for the sake of fast swapping.... I can appreciate the effort and huge work DE has done to try to enhance game play, but the sacrifice isn't worth it imo.

    - Directional slam is a great addition, no complaints

    - The choices u had to make pre-patch equipping a specific weapon were part of the fun. Now theres overlapping mechanics and u arent in CONTROL


    Gunblade seems fine except the auto-blocking feature preventing the use of charged attacks. my bad that one. After 2 days, still missing equip melee.... same reasons as above.

    HOW ABOUT: equip melee on channel button, and keeping it pressed turns channeling on/off.  And remove the equip melee from melee button to prevent the issue with charged attacks, and you can have the choice for auto-blocking. Problem solved! :D

  2. 2 hours ago, Bughead said:

    U must bring EQUIP melee back. Very akward to take advance for example blocking having to go through the the melee animation .... it just doesn't feel right and looks stupid. Either remove the blocking or give a keybind to equip melee.

    Plus gunblade gameplay doesnt work now.... u make a charged attack and have to fiddle and press multiple buttons to switch back to your desired ranged weapon.


    EDIT: Just feels broken now. All the sophisticated melee gimmicks are gone for the sake of fast swapping.... I can appreciate the effort and huge work DE has done to try to enhance game play, but the sacrifice isn't worth it imo.

    - Directional slam is a great addition, no complaints

    - The choices u had to make pre-patch equipping a specific weapon were part of the fun. Now theres overlapping mechanics and u arent in CONTROL

  3. New to giving feedback on bugs etc.... Probably known issue, but here it is anyways:

    While doing the topic you can get stuck in this equip animation loop IF you don't wait the initial equipping animation to finish. Which leads you to not getting that disc up in the air at all for a good while... On a tight spot swarmed with mobs its really annoying when it happens. I don't know if its a client/host thing or what.....  Maybe force the animation to finish before even trigger the players input ? .,,,, 


    Another WF Tool

  4. My thoughts on recent changes to fishing UI and contrast?:

    Fishing UI

    While the menu wheel wasn't perfect in any sense, it at least worked for me. I could access and equip any desired baits, rods and accessories with 1 quick key (or 2 if fishing rod wasn't equipped). Now i have to equip a rod -> hold a key -> pick an item from the menu wheel.... which on paper looks a lot and in practice is even worse 😃. And I'll bet any UI designer doesn't want that kind of quick key/menu wheel mash up as it is.... Or do you?

    Contrast changes

    This might be a lot more subjective matter, but the contrast changes especially in dojo and in some degree PoE are so dark and grim that it doesn't feel natural and make me want to squint. And i tried adjusting the in-game brightness and contrast to match my preferrance with no luck.


    Still, I love how DE goes with no fear with changes. Keep it up!


    PS. 1st feedback ever! 




  5. [Scoliac Geli-plecitor] MR13

    +105,7% slide crit

    +116,3% cold

    +136,1% range

    -94,3 cc

    PMO ingame preferrably.... the negative crit's effect is -4,7% to the base crit chance and doesn't reduce any sliding attack crit bonuses. With maiming strike its pure orange spam (105,7+90=195,7%cc). Oddly enough, just for giggles, tried it witb blood rush and was getting reds constanly.... maybe blood rush still calculates from the base crit chance(?).... anyways. Beautiful viral+slash build riven. Efficiently acts as 3 regular mods which gives options to ones liking.


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