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Posts posted by AdrianLeonhardt99

  1. Banshee because she is my favourite girl since the beginning and I think she deserves more than what she is getting and when she gets prime treatment I'll cry so much because she is my favourite girl since the beginning and omg i lover her so much oh god why no one cares about best girl why god why i love her so much she is the best

  2. Banshee's Rework

    It isn't really a rework more like an upgrade (except for Sound Quake)

    In this thread I'll talk about changes that I think would help Banshee become a more popular Warframe while still keeping her core as a support/CC/ stealth Warframe

    Feel free to criticize anything as long as it is constructive for the thread.

    I made one illustration, and the other one is credited to http://agito666.deviantart.com/art/460-Heaven-and-Hell-390854392

    My english isn't very good, but I hope you will understand and help me if needed.

    I don't really know how to put screenshots and images on posts sorry about that.


    1. Sonic Boom: Besides Sonar, is her bread and butter skill, it makes up for her low armor and low hp (sometimes)

    Rework: This is more of an upgrade than an actual rework... keeping it's name, Sonic Boom would be 2 skills in one

    If you press 1 fast it would have the same effect except it would take less time to actually cast it, but if you hold 1  (delay of 2 seconds) it would become an AOE skill that hits all enemies withing 18 meters, It would also absorb 1.5 of the enemies damage (pretty much like Nyx's Absorb but weaker and it wouldn't attract enemies)




    2.Sonar:   Her second skill and probably the first reason people use her.

    Rework: This skill will remain the same except the actual sonar would become an aura but the soft spots would remain the same (they will only show up when you cast), it would help her to become a little more aware of the surrounding/ stealth.


    3.Silence: Good CC but not good enough to protect her all the times.

    Rework:  It will silence everything in the room, will deaf and stun enemies on cast and when duration is over.


    4.Sound Quake: This skills can save allies but often ends up killing Banshee, let's get rid of it.

    I'll call it Song of the Banshee (Banshee's song/Banshee's demise/Shriek/whatever i am not very creative) i think the name sucks if you guys can help me with this I'll be glad

    Rework: On cast with a sweet lullaby (or some sick beats) the skill will put every enemy within 65 meters to sleep while also attracting other to it's range for the duration of the skill, I'd say 10 seconds (enough to revive a teammate or to escape a horrible situation)

    Decast: Banshee will cause a massive sonic boom (or scream whatever you guys prefer) that will send 500 damage on every enemy affected by the skill, it will also have 100% chance of blast proc, enemies will have problems aiming and walking after the skill.






  3. Silence could have a different animation for when enemies stunned are unalerted

    Like people do when they have a headache they touch their heads and stuff

    Plus: Field of view in sonar is needed D.E!!!!111!!!11!!!

    An arc would be awesome since we could see exaclty where we could go to aproach the enemy

    I think Banshee's new passive is perfect since now there will be no sound outside the ''bubble'' of silence

    Sorry for any grammar mistakes (Thx to the guy who gave me the idea of an arc of view)

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