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Posts posted by x570Belmont

  1. 13 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

    I spent over 60 in-mission hours on Ophelia, Uranus farming for CO, back when CO still cost like 150p on xbox.  Doing long survival runs on grineer planets for other resources pretty much guarantees that you'll just have ash sets sitting around.  It IS dumb that they locked him behind such a rare enemy, but he's not the worst warframe to farm.

    Ash was moved entirely to railjack, now. He doesn't drop in the base star chart.


    Ash's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Ash's component blueprints are obtained from Venus Proxima (Systems), Neptune Proxima (Neuroptics), and Pluto Proxima (Chassis) in Rotation C of Empyrean Defense missions.


    I might add that the drops are absolutely awful, as well. I've been grinding for the systems for the smoking body ephemera. Corpus railjack defense mission. So not only do you go through the slog of the Railjack portion, it's locked behind a 8% drop rate in rotation C of the defense ground mission portion.


    Why a basic, old warframe such as Ash was moved to railjack is beyond me.

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  2. Tailwind only shoots you directly up if you're standing still. Try utilizing it during a jump dash. I've been mowing down enemies with it, and it barely costs any energy at all to spam. Back and forth, zipping around is hilariously fun.


    Turbulence, however, I find totally lacking. It doesn't protect you from behind you, and only reflects "projectiles", which as far as I can tell, is limited to Grineer bullets and the odd rocket. Napalm, lasers, etc... still penetrate.


    I forma'ed her twice, and went with Flow, Focus, Continuity, Stretch, Streamline, Redirection and Vigor. I forma'ed out Turbulence's slot for Redirection, and forma'ed the polarity slot for Energy Siphon. All the mods are maxed.


    Divebomb... I'm still not sure. Heavy Impact doesn't affect it, it's damage and stun radius are lackluster... That's probably going to be the next slot I get rid of. I'm at a loss though of what to place there. Corrupted mods seem like a bad idea (I don't want any negatives, Tornado depends on all power abilities), and Steel Fiber is absolutely worthless for her with her base natural armor being so low. I suppose throwing on Vitality is an option but it seems like such a cop out, like a wasted slot.


    So far though, using Tail Wind and Tornado I've been wrecking face with her. She's definitely not weak. 

  3. I'm re-verifying the game cache and then going to run the launcher again. I'll probably check out the 64-bit hash check that you were talking about Slay.

    I'm just a little disappointing. This is the second weekend in a row that there's something preventing me from playing this awesome game. My crew and I only get to play together during the weekend for the most part, and I work overnights during the week. I've spent real money because I truly love the game, and my big chunks of time I can devote to it, I can't play!

    Hopefully I can get it to update...

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