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Posts posted by GargoyIe

  1. On 2024-03-29 at 12:09 AM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    but in Lore Atlas punched an entire asteroid base into pieces and he notably does not do that in game.

    Atlas example is not a good one here, if you are playing atlas you are probably one punching things just like he does in the lore. The only reason he can't punch an asteroid base to pieces in the game is the fact that there are no asteroid bases in the game.

  2. Many people are talking about roar counting as a faction mod but the only time eclipse can be better is if you have a weapon with pure damage and a bane mod on since

    bane mod = 1.55, bane mod + 100% eclipse = 3.1, while bane mod + 100% roar is 2.55      which is a 20ish percent increase in damage 

    This is just an OK increase in damage as if you're doing a pure damage build that probably means you are facing lower level enemies which do not need any buffs anyway and you should also not be using a bane mod in that case imo. The real kicker is the fact that there are actually no dimnishing returns when it comes to faction damage multipliers because the increase that comes from double dipping in status damage is an exponential increase. Let's do a little bit of math here.

    If you are using a bane mode and a 100% eclipse your final damage would be 1.55*1.55*2 since the faction buff double dips and it comes out to 4.805 times total increase to your damage. If you were to use roar here you would get something like (1.55+1.0)*(1.55+1.0) the 1.0 added to the faction bonus is our roar buff which acts like a faction buff.which results in a whopping 6.5025 final multiplier which is around a 35 percent more increase.

    If there are no bane mods in play you look at the same increase on your direct damage which is just double at a %100 buff but roar double dips on status and goes up to a 4 times increase instead while eclipse stays the same.

    Now, excluding the disadvantage of eclipse against roar in weapon damage eclipse can neither buff your whole squad nor can it buff any ability damage. Eclipse may look like it has something that can make up for all these in damage reduction but you can't use both buffs at the same time and you likely won't be cycling between your buffs because you either need survivability and are just using the DR part or want more damage so you are just using roar instead of eclipse. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, The_Wolf_Studios said:

    Also, Wasn't the armor you gained based on a percent of the armor you have already? (In pre-rework Inaros)

    Pre-rework you only had a 240 armor boost unaffected by anything, 240 is his base armor which is pretty bad for a health tanker. It is not written here but a touch up on that would be cool as well maybe increase his base armor to 240 as well ?

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