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Posts posted by Gihei

  1. I consider myself an average skill level player (MR24, 1000+hrs Steam playtime) and while not averse to grinding/farming i'm somewhat concerned on what i'm seeing/reading regarding the Kuva Lich systems rng and i'd like to add/support some suggestions.

    1. Increase the Murmur aqcuisition rate from Thrall missions to a point where a planetary clear gives you close to a full Requiem Mod identification, this would mean 3-5 planets +/- depending on whether you want a quick kill/convert or going for that full level 5 Lich (there's an achievement for that!).

    2. Consider moving or adding relic drops to Thrall mission nodes instead of Kuva Siphon/Flood missions exclusively. For myself i'm not that keen on Kuva Siphon missions and being tasked with doing these repeatedly for relic drops is making me decide to not spawn a Kuva Lich, (this is making me also not play my favourite lazy mastery node Helene, Saturn since I don't wish to create a Lich that effectively 'locks' me out of a planet until I can find the time/will to do Kuva Siphons.)

    3. Possibly make Requiem Mods similar to all mods unless the former point is applied. Having to relic farm to get the right mods to have them get used up is a layer of farm too much especially when being consumed they only give some endo which we could just as easily get from recycling them, how about some Kuva instead? (it would fit nicely with the lore and also not everyone does Nightwave/Kuva Siphon etc. so it would be a reasonable accumulation rate for the less dedicated).

    4. Remove the murmur system entirely and require the player to clear the thrall held nodes in order to confront the Lich, each confrontation will result in a mod drop along with Ordis gleaning information about which mod to use, mods are consumed upon a successful kill/convert and a sliver is rewarded.

    5. Have player accounts trigger an internal cooldown that makes a Lich spawn once every 24-48hr so as to not feel like it's the only thing we are doing and reduce the inevitable overfarming of weapons leading to complaints of content drought/burnout.

    6. Keep damage types randomised on weapons but keep the %damage range narrower, i.e. a weapon that maxes at 35% damage will randomly generate at 30-35%. Min/Maxers will still go after the highest values while those who get the lowest % won't feel shortchanged.

    7. Player choice. Regardless of the events/quests that have taken place in this game one of the main appeals was that you could choose to get involved or not, Liches have changed this landscape dramatically and while I approve the effort to make it more personally engaging I don't think it will become so because of the mechanics currently involved. Now whether you've just finished the pre-requisite quest to spawn a Lich and find the prospect daunting, been converting/killing them for a bit and want a break or farmed them to death and have no need/want for them there should exist an option to not have them divert your entire game to stopping them. Here's a few thoughts of mine;

    • Lich spawns are imprinted on the host of the game and the initial Lich creation cannot be prevented, run away and it will pursue you to the next compatible mission node (calling you a coward of course) until you confront it. Solo or team kill won't matter, this Lich is yours.
    • During each encounter with your first Lich Ordis will gather information for later use (minimum 3 encounters required).
    • Subsequent spawns are host imprinted as before however now larvalings will enter a 'downed' state after solo/group defeat. Any player who has an active Lich cannot interact with the Lich at this point. Any player without an active Lich can choose to parazon-execute the larvaling and have it imprint upon them and become their Lich. Leaving the larvaling alive or in the downed stated and finishing the mission will have them pursue the host again to the next node possible taunting them in the process (Coward for running away, No guts for not finishing them off etc.). Host player can decide to prevent larvaling metamorphosis with a parazon delivered serum, see next point.
    • During your first Lich encounter Ordis gained information to deal with them directly resulting in an anti-lich serum which renders the kuva inert (blueprint would give 10 charges and use 1k Kuva as it's main component among other usual ones, this will actively drive players to obtain kuva). Only the host can use this serum on the 'downed' larvaling as it's imprinted on you from mission creation and is equipped as a gear item (run away if you forgot it or hope someone takes your Lich for you instead). As above any player with a Lich cannot interact with the larvaling and any player without one will only have it imprint on them instead regardless of having the serum equipped or not.

    8. Finally i'd also like to suggest splitting the colour palettes and armour bundles from the mods in the Kuva Hunter Lich Pack (I have bought it without regrets but usually there's separate packs for these things as well as a complete version.)

    Thank you for your time and all your hard work (don't overdo it!).

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