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Posts posted by (PSN)TakayukiAzuta

  1. Breeding grounds scoring is so crazy. How hard would it have been to say, there are 6 stages and you must complete one before the next. Your group must all qualify for the same level or you must play to the lowest players level. Level 2- badge, level 4 mods, level 6 prova vandal.

    Instead I have ran this like 30 times and sit at 45. Ridiculous.

    try solo. i played with Nova or rihno like 15-20 times and im on 60 points. 

  2. We have to get Mirage through Vault Runs, am I right?

    The answer for the Kubrow riddle seems to be The Jackal, but don't you get Kubrows from Earth?

    so far as i know from mogamu you get mirage through the quests/storyline. and you have to collect items for your egg on earth where the wild Kubrows running around in their Nests. just kill them.

  3. Sadly, no one can say when it comes with 100% certainly, not even DE, we only can speculate when it comes by past experience. 2+weeks window most likely. So yeah, it can go over to september release, especially if there is something wrong, the DE needs to fix it and send it again to sony for cert adding more time for release.

    haha if this happen pc will get update 14.5 and warframe will be on xbox one with the newest update like pc have, and ps4 still on U13 xDD 

  4. Just so I understand the process, they work to get it ready for the PC first, then fix the issues, then port it to Sony for cert,  Which adds about another week to the process, is that correct? Why do they have to port from PC why not start with PC and PS4 as seperate ports, I am not trying to hold up the PC  players but it is just hard to understand why one gets it first and the other has to wait. I understand the cert process takes time but why cant DE send  the update for cert at the same time they bring them to the PC? It would at least make the PS4 players not feel so fustrated.

             I love the game and look forward to each update. Please dont make the assumption that I dont appreciate the game or the time the devs put into it. I am just trying to understand the process at this point. I would gladly take a update with my fellow PC Tenno dispite the bugs that may occure if I could get it quicker. Just thought of something else, once the game goes to Xbox will this delay the updates even longer.

    no one knows…

  5. I don't know yet what I think of it but thanks for the quick response DEDrew!

    if sony sets its own rules then we have to live with it... sad and a little bit unfair but I think we can leave it now.


    @Apolo619: I was very careful and have checked several times if the pay is right. it is as I have said 2525pl and not 2625pl. here are some pictures I've made (unfortunately in German but the pay and the offer are important here).






  6. First, thanks for the info! 2nd, I have a question DEDrew,


    why we are told that the prime loki pack includes exactly the same as on the pc version?

    here's the exact disclosures from the PS Store and on the website warframe.

    PC: 125,99€ Loki prime pack (disarm) everything with 3990pl.

    PS4: Loki prime Access pack (69,99€) with 2525pl. + Prime Accessoires pack (59,99€) with 1365pl.


    69,99+59,99= 129,98€


    PC: 125,99€ /3990pl.

    PS4: 129,98€/3890pl.

    noticed? any answer?


    for some it will not matter but that's not cool. 

  7. this is sony were talking about,try calling them up and getting some real answers to whatever,its not happening,DE still has great customer service,but sony cumon guys we all know they suck in that department.

    I think that wouldn't bring much. DE has determined long ago set in connection with SONY. there would be no need for a further harassment from the side. it is as it is and slowly I do not care because I play less and less warframe. either DE or SONY. The fact is something is wrong and we will probably never know why. 


    one thing is for sure.

    better communication and operational strength/will => better result of work and upload/cert. very quick some new stuff (Updates) => more satisfaction => more success and money! and everyone would be happy! 


    To DEDrew I have been most commendable because he keeps us up to date daily.

  8. I knew this would happen.. I was going to buy the Loki Prime Access, but I've dumped way too much money into Warframe already. A free to play game turned out to be a multi-hundred dollar or a thousand dollar game for some of us. Too much crap is being spread around plus, an update taking up to or over a week and a 1/2 possibly 2 weeks. Thank god Destiny will be a complete game and you don't have to pay for any kind of Access. Don't get me wrong.. I've got 650 hours in the game, could have more but its stale.. I love Warframe.. its just going in the wrong direction. It should have been a disc-based game so we don't have to go through all these shenanigans. 

    I agree with you.

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