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Posts posted by (PSN)redman74

  1. u know what, as someone who has received all the anniversary reward weapons since the beginning and getting 3 free slots after selling duplicate weapons i would be more than happy to missout on those slots this year. im sure DE could check who has received them previously and only let new players receive the whole kit n kaboodle or whatever ones they are missing.

    i dont think grinding for them is the best idea at all if thats the direction DE want to take.

    personally i would be happy with a new sigil which lobs each anniversary.


  2. On 15 February 2017 at 6:02 PM, p3z1 said:

    Amprex - Any 3x or 4x dual-stat mods (element + status) reaches 100%.

    Amprex is a status per second weapon. It's not worth building for status. A full crit build will deliver better results with its 20% status per second.


    OP, status per second weapons are nowhere near as beneficial as a shotgun with 100% status as u are guaranteed a proc on each trigger pull, rather than waiting for a timed sequence proc to occur. shotguns enter a special realm here in regards to 100% status with every pellet proccing. i am unsure whether u can proc multiple different statuses on each trigger pull. i have seen mixed results here over the few years i have been playing. certainly u can stack various status procs on a single enemy with repeated trigger pulls. try the simulacrum out.

    status per second is not worth it mostly. a continous trigger pull for 1 second will deliver a chance per second as listed in the arsenal regardless of ur fire rate. u could expend 50 rounds or 200 rounds in that second, it still wont improve ur chances of a proc. bursting the trigger is another matter entirely, delivering more chances of a proc to occur.

    i may need correction, clarification or confirmation of status per second if needed, but after 150,000+ kills with the Amprex my experience tells me the above to be the case. it procs a goddamn lot to be sure but still not worth building for status. 

  3. 9 hours ago, (PS4)drpunk-yo said:

    I want to ask you if you specifically have the Synthesis scanner rather then just the standard Codex scanner but I'm worried that's a bit 0815 :(

    I also can't remember if he alerts you of a target at the start of the mission like he normally does if you're doing this mission. I think he might just pop up when you're nearer to the target. I seem to remember having to run around looking for the target, they weren't always on the mission's path.

    Simaris will popup and alert u as soon as u start the mission and then alert u when u are within like a tile away.

    Also OP, I would check as stated above whether u actually have the correct scanner equipped.

  4. did u perhaps remap some controller buttons?

    i had this happen to me. i had to temporarily remap buttons associated with dojo/ship decoration back to match the buttons displayed which allowed me to exit when i had finished. 

    then i remapped when i exited and before next game.

    pain in the u know what but better than a restart. 

  5. i had this issue - the orokin lab?

    i resolved it with this method.

    go to the console in the orokin lab which gives u the armistice message. spam x and u can bypass the message.

    u should be able to cancel the research. it only selects the first option though - the solar rail. as u can only research 1 project at a time u may have to start that in order to cancel the other project. exit, reenter console, then u can repeat the button spam for access again and cancel that research. 

    good luck tenno

  6. im not a rager, not by a long shot. but i tell u one thing recently nearly had me tearing the tv off the wall. 

    it was a corpus spy sortie 3. first few games were PuGs which u can guess how they turned out. set it to solo, then failed next 2 or 3 times. no biggie.

    then my run before i completed it - a good tight run up to the 3rd vault. no alarms, running ahead of schedule. just before the console into the room i trip a laser. no biggie. pick myself up do the code for the doors, im in the vault. i got time to do the last console still.

    then as soon as i hit that last console ARBITERS OF HEXIS MESSAGE ME WITH THEIR DISAPPOINTMENT IN ME!!

    their message overlays the corpus puzzle!! i cant see what the fuck im spinning!!

    mission fail with good ol space mom telling me i failed the mission. had to walk out n have a brewski and savour the beer otherwise S#&$ was gonna get broken.



  7. try setting ur online game to 'Solo'. this was a common workaround to Mastery Rank tests when they sometimes dont register ur completion.

    i have had to do this a few times and quite often it wont register my new rank on mastery rank items until server resets.

  8. On 30 January 2017 at 5:32 AM, (PS4)majortrips said:

    Okay, so one of our clan members managed to "glitch" the Solar Rail such that they were capable of getting passed the Armistice Notification.  As she describes it "I just smashed X as fast as possible until I could get in and cancel the research"...

    hot damn, this worked!!

    kudos to your clan member.

    there is a split second gap when the message disappears and exiting the console that shows u the console. time a double tap good and ur in.


    i just cancelled my rail that is researching. got my resources back and just started destroying the Orokin Lab.

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