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Posts posted by SilentFate

  1. I just bought the new Syandana for 50p and now i cant get the alternative skin. I only wanted the alternative skin for the Syandana, not the Akbolto, Tipedo or Daikyu... so now i'm mad that i spent 50p for the Syandana and i don't even have enough plat anymore to buy the bundle. DE please fix this or at least give me a refund so i can get the bundle.

  2. I have the same problem here.


    I didn't try to reset my password because I read that it didn't change anything.


    At first I logged in perfectly and then it logged me out and I haven't been able to log in since.



    Hope DE fixes this.

  3. Corpus


    Name: The Legionnaire


    Behavior: Beware Tenno, the Legionnaires are a heavy version of the crewmen. The Legionnaires use a long staff (Bo) with base electricity damage that will stun you. The Legionnaires are only dangerous at close range but before attacking with their staff, they unleash a EMP that attacks your shields and stuns you.


    Attacks: The Legionnaires attack with their staffs (Bo) embedded with electrical damage that can stun Tennos, they can unleash a EMP which will attack the Tenno shields and stun them.


    Environment restriction: None

  4. Infested


    Name: Stickers 


    Behavior: Beware Tenno, Stickers stay in packs, they stick to walls to attack from afar by shooting bulbs of toxic waste at you. They might seem harmless, but in packs they can be deadly and quite annoying.


    Attacks: Stickers have the ability to stick to walls & jump from walls to another. Their main ability is to shoot toxic bulbs at Tennos, slowing them down & causing toxic damage over time. Their second ability only applies if they are in a pack of 3 or more, which is to send a volley of toxic needles which will knock down Tennos.


    Environmental Restriction: The only restriction is the height of which they can climb, meaning they need to be at good range for normal rifles to hit them (Normal Rifle: Boltor, Braton, etc), so you dont need snipers on every infested mission.

  5. Cambria Room Grineer Spawn Bug



    I'm going to explain in detail what it was.


    Description: I joined a game in session in Cambria (Survival), with another player and then that player left the game (For no particular reason). All of the sudden, my character was teleported (Like switch teleportation) at the beginning room of Cambria (Where the gate opens at the beginning). When i tried to go on with the mission, i noticed that there is a kind of invisible wall at the entrance (Where the gate opens) that seals off that particular room. Then, Grineers started spawning (in one spot only). So, i started killing them over and over and after 27 minutes i desided to die because i wasnt going to end.


    P.S : My progress was saved but obviously since i didn't complete the mission, all the crafting material & mods were not saved.


    I'm obviously not saying it's a bad bug XD i leveled my Frost from level 6 to 11, (Greedy Alert) but i wish i could of kept the mods. 


    If anyone experienced this problem or wishes to tell something i missed please comment BELOW.


  6. {From Rank 3 to 4} The exact same thing happened to me, i kill a couple of enemies (number of enemies varies) and all of a sudden no more enemies, the timer ends and i sat there for 10 minutes and nothing happened. I tried doing it like 4 times and no change. I tried equipping my sentinel, changing my warframe, etc...


    Nothing works....


    This needs to get fixed soon. Thank you.



    Solved it! You simply have to run around to complete it.XD

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