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Posts posted by HalcyonH66

  1. No one mentions her and parkour 2.0 is coming. What will happen to her 1st skill? Anybody? And if you did not know her 1st skill propelles her self into the air and if she is already in the air she goed str8 forward. Zephyr rework?

    Nothing will happen to her first skill. It will function exactly the same. Why would she need a rework.


    This is exactly the kind of thread I intended to make, but you beat me to it.


    Zephyr's uniqueness comes from her mobility, derived from her first skill. If parkour 2.0 gives mobility to all warframes, well, Zephyr is going to become quite boring.

    I hope the devs are already planning something. She's my favorite warframe.

    Parkour 2.0 gives all warframes more mobility, yes. If you had watched any of the devstream gameplay and discussion surrounding it you would have seen how Zephyr will work with Parkour 2.0 and if you're actually a Zephyr player (she's my most played frame) you would know that NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING even comes CLOSE to rivalling Tailwind's mobility. On any given tile with a full duration build I can hit the skybox/invisible ceiling in 2 casts. Nothing in the game has anything even close to that kind of mobility except Zephyr. She's fine, stop worrying.

  2. If you don't have the frames to be doing Draco already you haven't been playing long enough to be considering it.


    Enjoy the game, unlock your solar map. Power farming is for when you have a bunch of endgame gear and still have things like say the Karak to level (I own a Karak Wraith, and thus have no reason to ever use a Karak, I'll just get a less satisfying experience as it's statistically worse) while having already unlocked your whole solar map and having run oodles of void (aka you've barely got anything better to do).


    On the other hand you can use Draco to quickly multiforma weapons. I've done that before.


    By purely running Draco you will

    1) Burn out quickly because you're doing seriously boring stuff.

    2) Miss out on the experience of levelling weapons that you actually like.

    3) Be wasting time that you could use achieving actual goals in the game like

    - completing your solar map

    - expanding your stable of frames

    - mastering the game's mechanics

    - farming anything that isn't mastery(a largely useless and intangible stat especially past MR8) or Orokin Cells.


    Anyway that's my 2 cents.

  3. Being able to Solo T1 Defense with a one button kill everything ability =/= ability to help the team.  Just saying.

    Technically it does.

    Damage output helps a team by killing enemies. A dead enemy is not able to damage you, therefore offering damage is a valid function for helping a team. The problem with providing raw damage is that it falls off.


    CC on the other hand helps the team by stopping most enemies (toxic eximi not included) from damaging you or moving. This doesn't fall off unless you involve nullifiers.


    Providing energy is the other main way to help the team by allowing them do infintely use their CC/Damage abilities.





    The rework looks good. It brings him in line more with what he is meant to be -> A melee focused jack of all trades.

  4. His ult will be effect by the melee weapon that is equiped. I think that enough >.>

    That's not a passive. That's simply how Valkyr's ult works.


    Since Excalibur is getting a sweet rework,he`s basically gonna turn into the king of melee......

    I hope. I'm pretty damn sure that Valkyr is still going to be FAR more effective than him but I suspect he'll be much more fun.


    Will his ult scale melee wep atk spd? If so then Dragon Nikana everywhere. If it only scales base dmg, crit chance, and crit dmg like Valkyr's ult, then prepare to see a bunch of Excals runnin with Scindo Primes and Jet Kittehs+^_^+

    If it works the same way as Valkyr's (which is what I'm scared of) then yep it'll be most effective in terms of his ult to run with Scindo Primes. That would sadden me greatly.

  5. To be honest, to me the double jump mechanic doesn't fit this game at all.


    This ain't Devil May Cry, it just looks out of place.

    We're SPACE MAGIC NINJA MERCENARIES!!!!! pls. A frame based off a stage magician doesn't really fit the game from many people's perspectives but they did it.


    Looks good. Cannot wait to bounce everywhere and play 'the floor is lava' every mission.

  6. Tired of those players who take Mesa for granted?  Tired of standing still and doing nothing but leeching experience off of Mesa?  Here is how to make the gaem more interesting :^)


    On Ceres, Mesa or any other defense tile set.



    >Bastille all spawn points



    Now she can't sit in one spot and shoot everything.


    She'll have to work with the team to go to all spawn points and kill.



    Thank me later :D


    So wait a minute you're saying that by wasting all her energy ulting and giving the rest of the team buttloads of XP and rep while she only gets syndicate rep she's not being a team player? I think your definition is flawed.


    If you want to have a dynamic and engaging defense experience either don't bring a Mesa or play her like a normal frame. In normal missions with Mesa I only use my ult if someone goes down or if there is an absurdly full room and I want to watch gunkata.

  7. If you want something you will grind mastery for it. Back in the day I was about MR 4-5 and the Nikana and Dragon Nikana came out. Katanas are my favourite weapons in any given game so I ground day and night during a two week holiday to get to MR8. I ground to the point that I got burnt out on the game BUT the point is if you actually want something you'll go get it regardless of mastery locks.

  8. Mastery means little. I judge someone based on their play.

    If I must judge based on mastery, people generally have the hang of the game by about MR6 and have some decent gear by around MR8 but there are exceptions. I have a friend who had a 5 forma Tiberon by MR4-5 as he found a weapon he liked and had the rest of my friends to help him out.


    Additionally actual skill is completely separate. I've seen MR18s who run off solo in survival and get downed, hallway hero, have lower damage percentages than lower ranked and less geared players. I've also seen MR2s who stick together, support each other with their powers and achieve impressive things.


    In general higher mastery = better purely because of experience and gear but take it with a pinch of salt.

  9. Not a fan.


    1st I think that if they are going to have a bubble that stops your powers from getting them they should be directly vulnerable to normal weapons (you can shoot them through the bubble).


    2nd Their bubble's coding is terrible. they're already immune to powers so why in the everliving hell is there a per shot damage cap on the bubble shrinking.


    3rd Why on top of this would you have a maximum speed that the bubble can decrease at.


    4th Why would you give this enemy a sniper rifle that at any reasonably high level is able to one shot squishier frames.


    5th Why can this enemy spawn as an Arctic Eximus and have 2 shields.


    I mean I'm not talking about what they've added in terms of stopping AFK infinite defence strats or whatever, I'm talking how fun they are to play against which at least for me they definitely aren't. I mean I can't honestly say I'm going to ever be okay with any enemy, in a game that is made cool primarily by the awesome powers you can play with, being immune to let alone making other enemies immune to those powers AND dispelling your self cast powers WHEN NOT EVEN BEING A BOSS. No, just no.


    I'm never going to enjoy that moment in a 50 min T4S when I turn a corner only to see 4 gold bubbles in a row and am forced to either stand behind cover like some kind of boring ! non space ninja cover based third person shooter protagonist and waste ammo chipping away at their terribly implemented shields or get 1 shot simultaneously by 4 lankas.


    Rant over.

  10. I feel the best system I've seen with a stamina replacement idea is this one



    It would also scale as it offers utility rather than a damage component (though the suggested changes do offer utility as well with the accuracy bonuses).


    One thing I feel would be negative about the accuracy bonuses is that high accuracy weapons would not benefit much. If you have a sniper for example you're going to be getting tons of headshots but you would want to have as close to 100% accuracy as you could from the beginning.

  11. The potential it has. If DE plays this right Warframe will literally be my favourite game of all time, the game I've wanted since I was a kid:


    For about 8 years now I've wanted a game that lets you actually be a ninja i.e.

    Has a great movement system including Parkour - we're on the way

    Has guns - yep

    Has a great melee system - we're getting there


    Warframe is going towards having everything I've ever wanted from a game plus crazy space ninja magic and letting me play with my friends. 


    It just has a bunch of terrible rng and grind as well but it's getting there. 

  12. Despair - wanted those forever, loved the Kunai, have been hype about Despair ever since...that was a year ago.

    Loki Prime Systems - okay just no. That droprate is just no. Like I am actually super mad at Sheldon.

    Brakk - The G3 never spawns...ever. Doesn't help that 2 of the pieces just disappeared when we moved into update 15.

  13. The Tipedo...It has insane coptering and insane aerial melee. I'm confused that you find it uncontrollable as even with max berserker stacks I've never had a problem. Are you perhaps not taking into account that it's coptering is insane and therefore trying to copter across small distances, leaving you stuck against a wall?


    If for some reason you are unable to make this work then Bo Prime/Bo it's just a slightly toned down version of the Tipedo.


    PS - I am still super confused, like I want to watch a video of you playing and figure out how you can possibly be having issues.

  14. koV4OAA.png



    While that seems to be legit it is a HUGE disconnect from what I actually see ingame. In those rare moments like the start of mission where everyone's standing still and I see their sentinels it's usually 2-3 carriers and 1 other/no sentinel. In the group of guys I run with it's either carrier, helios or that one guy who is a diehard wyrm fan.

  15. Well put. This is a terrible habit of DE's; to make an awesome weapon concept, but half the time the weapon will be inexplicably nerfed or just rubbish in terms of stats. How many people do you see using Castanas? Basically none. These traps are not good enough because there is a better option 100% of the time.

    This. With the castanas specifically they do a lot of damage and have always been good damage wise, BUT their ammo pool got nerfed down to the mantle. I mean really 30 backup? They aren't a weapon you spam but that's way too low for a weapon with a small as AOE. You can't hit 3-4 people per shot like you can with a penta.

    In terms of general balance of Tenno Reinforcements I feel like there is already a solid base of guns for earlygame and midgame players to use. I'm not saying by any means that I want everything DE releases to be as powerful as a Soma P, Tonkor, Boltor P ;BUT as Death said we should see a new weapon come out and be going OH COOL some new gun to try out. If I log in, look at the stats and they're terrible all that hype goes out the window. Just make them decent. For example the Tiberon is a very solid gun overall. It's reasonably good, can take you though the solar map but falls off in the very lategame, being weaker than the uber top tier guns. It was so much fun, however, that I plopped 5 forma on it to make it my fun build BR from Halo.

    So what do you guys think about the melee? Am I being too over-critical?


    Melee wise I feel like the building blocks are there for something great. While MGRR has one of the most satisfying melee combat systems out there, especially based around swords, it's a pure hack and slash spectacle fighter so I don't expect that level of brilliance from WF. I feel like melee at the moment is just in general weak compared to ranged weapons. I mean any good ranged weapon user is going to out DPS and out kill enemies faster than a melee user of the same skill (Yes you can get absurd damage with savage silence, blinding finish e.t.c. but it's slow and single target). I feel like the game doesn't reallt reward you adequately for the risks you're taking with melee.

    1) Stamina - This is a stupid system currently. If stamina was tied purely to melee and not to sprinting it would be fine but if you're going sword alone you need to be able to manoeuvre to get out of tight spots far more than a gun user needs to and you can very easily get in a bad spot because you used your melee, are out of stamina and now can't run. The stamina regen mod solves this issue but then you're losing a warframe mod slot that you could use for a more beneficial stat if you were using a gun.

    2) Danger - Consider who's more at risk, the guy standing 50 metres away from a Corrupted Heavy Gunner, Bombard and Nullifier with a gun, cover nearby if they need it and the ability to GTFO at any time or the guy who's sword alone, has to go inside that nullifier bubble into range of all the stuns, where if he gets blast procced by the bombard he's dead.

    3) Damage - If you're using melee in normal scenarios with your melee out and channelling e.t.c. you will not do more damage than the top tier guns even with the top tier melees (bar maybe Volt/Valkyr with the Obex and a macro).

    So to sum up I feel that melee just doesn't offer enough for the risks and disadvantage you're putting yourself in. I feel like its DPS should honestly be higher than guns as using a gun is a much safer and easier option as well as being able to switch targets effortlessly rather than having to run across a room to hit the next guy.

    That's just my long winded and overly in depth 2 cents but I like to think about this stuff :P

  16. Topic. Seriously.


    Do I even need to explain? I will.


    Before the Black Seed we had the Den of Kubrow event. Another Melee-only tactical. The problem here is that Mesa IS a gun. Now granted the last part of the Black Seed capture has the targets with unbreakable Nullifier bubbles around them and you do have to give chase.


    HOWEVER, like the Den of Kubrow thing where you could stand on a tiny platform and Peacemaker all the doges out, you can do the same thing to the Juggy here. His black tar cannot affect you if you are standing on the corner of a fence or ledge. Peacemaker ignores his defense/armor.


    Look, I love Mesa but people have been clammoring for her to get tweaked/adjusted for a long time and this triple underscores the exact reasons why. Mesa ignores this game's rules and just does whatever she wants.


    ... which I like right now since I have about 90 minutes of play time per day and if I didn't use Mesa, I'd probably not be able to complete this. I'll fight him regularly when I can but this was kind of my only option for the time being. All the same, the amateur game designer in me is quite frankly disgusted by this.


    Mesa should be banned from Melee-Only Tactical Alerts until she is adjusted. This is ridiculous.


    Err have you ever met Saryn she has an ult that I would say is on par with Mesa's albeit with a shorter range BUT Zing it can go through walls. That's some crazy nuke right there, how about Ash and Loki making every single mission in the game trivial with invisibility. It makes no sense to ban warframe powers in tactical alerts. They're meant to be a bit of fun and often ramp up to become a bit more challenging towards the end. Hence why they do stuff like melee only or absurd 400 conclave restrictions.


    Unrustle your jimmies sir.

  17. I disagree with everything you said except for stomp.


    Saying his charge is a time based ability would suggest that both Excalibur and Zephyr are time based frames as well.


    Iron skin being time based makes no sense. If it was a stasis field then it would not have durability and would be purely duration based or energy draining and offer 100% protection from every form of damage you can receive in the game.


    His ult obviously is intended to be a stasis field from how it slows the enemies.



    Overall I don't feel he counts as a time frame. It's not his main theme.

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