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Posts posted by Antiks

  1. I have recently returned to the game I was doing  a kuva flood with a very angry random. I was void dashing the clouds and it was having no effect. He was stealthed in the corner. I was also getting down extremely quickly and frequently, but that could have been because there was 0 add clear. I did it again after that and was done in a few minutes no problem. Is it common just to sit stealth instead of add clearing?  If that's the meta I'll just start bringing invis frames, his anger and lack of murdering things leads me to believe perhaps i have the wrong idea, but my frames are more than powerful enough for the mobs typically.

  2. So currently to exit freemode it seems you have to abandon if someone doesn't want to leave. Tried it out and there was a guy fishing who didn't want to exit so I was stuck with abandon as my option. The name would imply its more drop in and out. Also, it seems migrations and host quits are frequent. This mode doesn't seem very free unless you are solo or in a group with pals.

  3. I mean all of this goes away at higher levels of play. Just go longer. I know there are even clans out there dedicated to deep runs as I've been invited to them when I do deep public runs. The afk gameplay goes away the higher you go. If people come to mercury with full primed mods yeah its going to get destroyed as it should.

    One of the problem with the game atm is there is no incentive to going after the harder runs. I'm betting there are a good portion of player base who never experience 100+ enemies outside of the occasional sortie.  Yeah, you can afk farm with ember on mercury for a long time, make your sandwich... you will get 1 shot in 100+ eventually. If anything the game has problems with many frames/weapons not being powerful enough(or scale enough) for the hard stuff and not giving you a reason to face harder challenges that at one point were common place in Warframe.

  4. Just now, greaterthanthree said:

    He can make defense objectives and rescue targets invulnerable, has arguably the hardest CC in the game (puts enemies in another dimension in addition to stunning them), and can replenish his teammate's energy (useful for WoF and Exalted Blade since those affect enemies in both planes.) If he is played badly he is a hindrance, but played well he can add a lot of safety and support to a squad.

    He could make defense objectives invulnerable and could restore his teammates energy before, nobody wanted it.

    Now he can CC through a convoluted setup. How has his position changed?

  5. I still feel like Limbo can still be more of a hindrance to a squad than an asset in comparison to other frames. I mean the changes are neat in isolation but I don't see why i would want limbo in my squad.  I don't get his purpose. He is going to CC enemies into rift plane... I could take 5 other frames that cc mobs and let me shoot them from distance or frames that simply kill them with 1 key press. He still seems like a solo players frame in a co-op game. So far my bowler hatted friend is kind of neat but I'm not sure why I would ever play him for higher end content, I mean I guess I could carry things and be immune. Maybe there is something i'm not seeing but I still feel like he's bottom of the pack, mid at best.

  6. It says push 5 to enter operator mode but I don't believe it says dash or blast the clouds. Then again I typically ignore lotus these days, she spams with a lot of useless information all the time. Pretty sure she just says stuff like "Stop the siphon" and "Yes! do that again" when someone hits a cloud. Operator mode is implied to be important with a pop up on the top of the screen but i'm not sure people are getting it. Plus there is a tonne going on so people may not feel like they have the time to sit and try things.

  7. RNG is RNG. It's not the first frame done this way and probably won't be the last. I was lucky and got mine done in 4 missions. This is just the first time in awhile they have made players farm parts for a basic frame. Honestly this didn't feel that bad to me, the rate seems pretty high for his parts in comparison to say farming banshee early in the games history.

  8. Players may not pay attention to it anyways but it may help with these pub groups I've been getting where people seem to have no clue on how to deal with the enemies in kuva extraction or how to hit the clouds and damage the siphon It seems like even the basics of killing kuva guardians people aren't sure about. I've seen groups of 2 or 3 people just get murdered by them repeatedly. I realize they had to do the quest to get there but it doesn't seem to have been enough and i'm not sure whether or not telling people is sinking in. I thought it would get better with time but it seems it has not. Most seem to be depending on  a carry in this mode.

    You may consider better communicating some of the mechanics in the game in general this is just something specific that has been annoying me lately. 

  9. Had stalker spawn during a riven solo interception while i had to wear hobbled dragon, because of course he would spawn then. Killed him no problem but then I had an invisible + invincible enemy following me the rest of the map and it was conflicting points. I assume the stalker bugged out when I killed him and i could only seem him because I had embers world on fire going. Forced a fail on my mission because I couldn't cap points.

    I was playing Ember on Xini and killed the stalker super fast with 7 polarity twin grakata as clem would have wanted.

  10. 7 hours ago, Dar-Krusos said:

    The new best places to farm are the high-level interception (well, what did you think?! >.>). These are [Xini, Eris] and [Berehynia, Sedna].

    For me, I personally like the Mobile Defense missions now, and I got 180k+ on one of the [Charydis, Sedna] runs.

    not a fan of berehynia, the amount of cover and tunnels slows it down a lot. Overall it's kind of annoying to navigate and chase down the mobs.

  11. When I first heard about archwing I was thinking of a combat system more like wing commander / elite dangerous. Basically something like a fighter ship with weapon slots and mod slots. What came was a little weird. Less of a space fighter and more of a warframe with noClip turned on. I really feel like unless they change the basic mechanics of archwing I'm not sure it will be a worthwhile part of the game.  The base flying and shooting things does not feel good. Those basic things should feel good before too much effort is put into building levels and new modes.


    Right now you are basically a space turret or you just run around mashing melee for 20 minutes and hope it autolocks you to anything around you. Certainly doesn't feel like a space dog fight. It would be more interesting if things like positioning and speed mattered, by this I mean having to get in behind opponents for the best shot/to not get shot. It would be amazing if they could get it working with newtonian physics. Being able to slide through space and shoot backwards or sideways would feel great. Overall if we are flying in space it's fun to be an X-wing or a tie fighter not so much to be a dude in space :)


    Now one of the biggest problems I have with the current implementation of arch wing is the UI. We need a better target/surroundings map. See number 4 on this image, that is a good representation of the space around my position.


    I can immediately see hostiles, friendlies, and neutrals positions in relation to myself. 

    I'm even less impressed with the implementation of the underwater missions, the archwing sections feel horribly slow, tedious, and ultimately the level would only be better without these sections. At least the dry tiles in those maps are fairly good with the exception of a lot of weird waypoints.

  12. I have had this every fight today. I've taken to just shooting my tonkor at team mates who are using melee on the boss. I don't think they are hitting though because my tonkor 1 shots him in phase 1 and 2.  Pretty much the last part of the fight(when the electric water is up) I can't see his model. I tried using mesa auto lock ult on him and it also will not target him. I suspect I just can't damage him. I have not tried him solo so it may just be when i am not host?

  13. Make a post for what you want and I will set it to reserved for you. First come first serve. Can get it to you after 8pm est most nights. Can figure out a time on weekend if needed.

    Essence - 100pl - Warkaiser
    aurora - 100pl
    avalon - 60pl 
    hemlock - 60pl
    thrak - 60pl

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