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Posts posted by FreelanceTentacleMonster

  1. 1 hour ago, Katinka said:

    There's three platforms to choose from.  Each will have an image or word floating over it related to one of hte clues you had to find.  e.g. There was a well known character's portrait on one of the messages, you'll need to remember that and pick them out from a line up of three people we know.  You found a weapon, you'll need to choose that out of a selection of three different weapons.  You also have a time limit so I'd advise reviewing the 5 clues before going in so it's all fresh in your mind and pay attention to anything written in bold.

    Yeah, that's helpful and all - the problem is that the game itself is not presenting this introduction to what is happening. The player is thrown into the journey-into-the-mind, given a sixty-second time limit in a section where they may want to stop and listen to absorb any lore and story details being dropped, and then forced to grind ten more Essences to try again if they fail their first trial-by-fire. This is one of those things where a brief tutorial or introduction would have been greatly appreciated.

    Also, Warframe has a fully-functional dialogue system we could be using for this, instead of using platforms to answer multiple-choice questions. One of my clanmates compared it to Half-Life fanmaps, and I can't say that he's wrong.

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  2. I feel like the Larvling itself was an ill-considered enemy - it's no secret that the idea of the Kuva Lich was based off of the Nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor, and one of the core nuances of that was the idea that one of the rank-and-file could rise from nothing to become a real power among the enemy forces. From nobody to Nemesis. By definition, an enemy type uniquely slated to generate a Kuva Lich upon death cannot fill this role. The Larvling's role and presence are heralded by ominous fanfare, and you know exactly what the consequences of killing that specific generic Grineer in a Saturn Six prison outfit are going to be.

    The Larvling, if we're still going to call it that at all, should distinctly be one of the rank-and-file Grineer. Use more than one model for them, or maybe apply the "status" of Kuva Larvling to a standard enemy in the cell where it spawns, a la an Eximus or a Thrall. The player should be given clues as to this enemy's identity, sure, so they'll still know what they're getting into - but the Larvling will blend in with the rest of their unit that much better, and feel like an actual grunt before their sudden rise to power. To add to this, maybe the future Lich's weapon should be indicated by the soldier's actual armament at the time of their death. Instead of that generic dude with a Karak becoming a Lich with a Kuva Ogris, maybe the Larvling could be an actual Bombard unit who wields the weapon by default. And assuming the player's been given enough information regarding the would-be Lich's appearance and the weapon they are wielding at the time, they'll know whether they want to opt into the Lich Loop long before that enemy is ever within finisher range.

  3. So, long story short, I got a solid Plague Kripath Riven from Slivers today, and happened to have a Plague Kripath strike BP from the last time the Plague Star event came around. I decided that today was the day I'd build a neat Zaw around the Riven's buffs (Crit% and Crit Damage, for those curious), and got all the bits rounded up. What I didn't notice while I was putting it together, was that I had a spare Link in my inventory from another (abandoned) build, that did not grant the stats I needed - and I had accidentally incorporated THAT into the Zaw build. The resulting Zaw is still Unranked, and is incompatible with the build I intended to go for.

    Am I screwed, guys? Is there ANY way to un-build or revert an unused Zaw to its base components so I can build it properly? Or do I have to wait until the next time the Plague Star event comes around before I can try again?

  4. This has happened twice to me so far - I marked it on my second attempt, and I'm fairly sure that the Tusk Thumper Doma is clipping through the ground and falling through the world. This thing is a chore to fight, as mentioned above - fast AND tanky, and the legs are irritating targets. And then on the last leg, POOF! All progress gone because of a bug, thank you please try again.

    (Seriously, between this and the Ropalolyst softlocking every time I fought it last week, maybe DE should fix up these bosses before tying limited-time progression to them)

  5. This has been happening to me and my crew quite frequently as well - usually, we're unable to deploy our Archguns at all when it triggers, and both fixes and durations for the bug have been anything but consistent. It has, unfortunately, cost us every run to date, and we're starting to get desperate. More often than not, our melee weapons become disabled at the same time as our Archgun Launchers, if that helps at all.

  6. For a good while now, I've been experiencing an issue where, upon exiting the Arsenal (either by hitting ESC or manually clicking the Exit button), my game briefly flashes to the Orbiter's cockpit before suddenly booting me back to the Login Screen. This issue has become far more frequent in the last two months, and has started occurring in other menus under similar contexts - Operator / Focus interface when I exit, The Business and Ticker on Fortuna when I turn in servofish / bonds respectively, any craftable weapon / gear vendor when I try to Gild the appropriate item, and even in my Mods station when I try to dissolve / sell duplicate mods or insert Ayatan Stars. This has the added effect of eliminating anything I've done while in that menu, most annoying when I'm customizing a mod loadout or appearance only to be booted and have all my work wiped. In the last hour, I have experienced this issue six times in the last half-hour while trying to tune up the colors on my Moa, and there seems to be no consistency as to when or if it will happen.

  7. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)CaseFace8 said:

    So being able to add a tennogen item to your wishlist is a way for you to keep track of the items you want. And once you have the plat you can get it yourself.

    I get what you're saying, though I feel I should mention that TennoGen items can't be bought with Platinum. Steam wallet only, so the proceeds can be split between DE and the creator.

  8. I've been wanting to gift a set of these to my Clan for a while now, and the fact that you CAN put the Repala on your Wishlist is such a bloody tease. This could be money in your pockets, DE - it can't be that hard to just let the payment come from one account and then have the item be sent to another, right?

  9. Just experienced the same issue in an Exta (Ceres) Kuva Siphon Assassination - the problem seems to be unique to Vor, as Lech Kril could be fought and killed normally. He seems to be stuck in his invincible state in-between phases, as he keeps shouting his "Shields down!? Distract them!" line while not reacting to any sort of interaction.

  10. Over the last eight days, my game has been disconnecting the moment that I log in for the first time in a day. I type in my password, wait a few seconds, and then the game cuts to a loading screen and loops back to the password entry screen. Sometimes it does this several times in a row - I verified the data integrity after the fact, and the boot would work fine after. On two occasions, I verified BEFORE starting, and it loaded just fine, though that doesn't seem to be working any more. From there on, I've been experiencing random kick-to-password-screen instances, usually after a loading screen or mission.

    Normally, I wouldn't mind this too much, I'd just report it and move on. However, on the days where my attempt to login was 'kicked' on the first try, the game skipped the Daily Login Reward even though it was a new day. Out of eight days of this, I've only been able to claim two days' worth (Sunday and Monday), and the rest are... I have no idea. Skipped? Not counted as logins? I'm given no option to reclaim, and missed my opportunity to see if the Daily Login Counter went up or not. And even after a full uninstall-and-reinstall, this is still happening.

  11. Personally, I think we're looking at this problem from the wrong angle. The Tiberon is an amazing example of what a weapon SHOULD be - reliable, gorgeous to look at, fun and effective to use. Not so disgustingly top-tier as to be the victim of half a dozen nerf threads a week, but not completely pathetic either. A perfect middle-of-the-road gun, that should frankly be the baseline by which all other guns are judged. Maybe it does deserve a buff, and could be more than just the Mario of rifles eventually. But a lot of other weapons could learn from its example, and DE could stand to buff a lot of other deserving guns using the Tiberon as a reference point.

  12. My Dual Cleavers haven't been the same since U17. Oddly, I seem to have more of a chance of hitting when I stand still in front of an enemy rather than running at it and swinging, though it's still not a guarantee. Very annoying bug, would really like to not have to switch to a new weapon just because the game decided that this (rather expensive) one doesn't work any more.

  13. The health-drain attack being able to target your Kubrow/Sentinel is definitely a bug - he's only supposed to use it on his own troopers, from what I know about the boss design. If it's an intentional feature of the fight, then it's just plain bad design since there's no way to make him stop - agency robbed from the player. Either way, it's something that needs to be fixed/removed. Between Hollywood Hek Hogan and Mouldy Salad, there's a good deal of poor boss design to be had in the game, and a lot of fixes need to be made before the fights can be considered to be fun, or even palatable.

  14. Not to mention that "weapons" such as Opticor and Quanta are not intended for military use.

    They are primarily used to "combat" asteroids and space debris.

    And some weapons like Amprex are very expensive to mass-produce.


    So here's an idea, right here: Actual Corpus WORKERS who are meant to be noncombatants in an area, using these as TOOLS until they're forced to defend themselves? A Corpus shipyard with an old frigate being dismantled by workers wielding Serros, who turn their electro-saws on an invading Tenno when the defensive turret line and Moas fail? Corpus miners on an asteroid base using those Quantas to unearth ore samples, protecting their stake from a raid party by turning their equipment into deadly weapons? Hell, the supervisor of these work crews could have a Lecta as an obedience aid just to drive the point home!


    I mean, what the hell do those Crewmen do all day besides pace around waiting for a Tenno raider to pop up before warming up the ol' Dera?

  15. The damage is actually substantial so modding them out is worth it. And even if the damage was lackluster, having a blast proc trigger on an enemy without you needing to do anything is always welcome.


    Sign me up as another person who wants this gone. At the very least add an indicator for when a mod is in use on a sentinel. It is super frustrating that the only way to check if a mod is in use it to exit the mod screen and see if you get an error.


    This. So very much this.

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