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Posts posted by FloodedFive

  1. Greeting to you, honorable emissaries of LuLz! 


    Here I am, FloodedFive (or just Flood, F5, Uncle Floody for acquaintances, references and friends) to make my request!


    I am but a humble wandering in this solar system with the rank of 16, who since not so long ago is completely alone, with no clan, because those doofuses kicked me for trading Warframe for Fallout 4 for 2 weeks. Well, maybe more than two weeks, I've lost count - all I can remember is collecting some junk in the wastes.


    Anywho, my real identity is super secret and I will not reveal it for less than 1/4 of a cake. But joking aside, I've been on a lookout for clan like this for a hella long time. You guys seem nice and funny and NOT hardcore, which is super awesome.


    I would like these notes to be stated in my personnel file:


    Caucasian, Male, 22 y.o., dashingly handsome.


    Vivid imagination and ability to dive in ANY fandom, literally, scared me a few small gigs as a writer in the distant past, so I've decided to make it my purpose in life. I'm told I'm pretty good at this and would achieve greatness, but I'm lazy a/f, so noes.


    I enjoy movies, when I lose track of my life as it turn into one black spot, never changing. Those, which helped me recently: Snowpiercer, Night Train to Lisbon, Mr Nobody, V for Vendetta, Gladiator, Law Abiding Citizen, Constantine, Fifth Element, Star Wars, Pitch Black, Moon. Won't pick one. Don't make me do dis.


    Food is the bliss, and even though I can cook like a pro (stop laughing), I do enjoy junk food from time to time. Oh, and pizza! Especially pizza!


    Have no fav games, play almost everything with a decent history. I'm a plot-lover. The game may look like trash, hell it may be even text-quest, but if there's character development, twists, relationship evolution, I'm sold. 


    Well, I wrote a lot. I think even a bit too much. Hope to become a member. 


    P.S. If you have questions, or just want to talk about stuff, I'm always here. Figuratively. 

  2. What the hell, guys? I've been out for 2 weeks (ok, maybe more, kinda lost count) because of Fallout 4. I return to play The Second Dream (which was sent to us by ye Gods themselves, am I right?) and what do I see? I've been kicked? Come on! Not even a parting letter with a reason in it? 


    So, TL;DR ver: Let me back in, dang it! I miss my boys! And girls!


    P.S. No, this message is not pathetic.


    P.P.S. Okay, maybe it is a bit.

  3. Greetings.

    1. Warframe: Excalibur (I kinda have a Rhino, but still Ex became sort of a mascot)

    Weapons: Primary - Boltor, Secondary - Kunai, Melee - Dual Heat Swords.

    2. GMT + 4, I'm from Saint-Petersburg.

    3. Fluent in English and Rusiian, know a bit of German.

    4. Rank 3 and ready to go next level, if not for this spawning bug.

    5. Every day a couple of hours, really. I'm still new to this thing, been playing for a week or so.


    Would be nice to have a clan, though moto is kinda frustrating. Meh, I was into description and specs, not clanname. 

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