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Posts posted by GildedTuna

  1. Meaning there's no other +(stat) corrupted mod.

    It makes sense to not allow stacking of corrupted mods that benefit the same stat, while at the same time allowing the stacking of negative stats.

    Does it suck for the people who want max strength? Yes. However it is what DE has decided on. You can petition to get this changed, but people in here should not be calling it a bug, because it is not.

    How can you be so sure its not a bug, it does not say implicitly anywhere why they cannot be put on together. All that happens is they both flash red. It could be a bug, it could be intentional but until an ACTUAL DE REPRESENTATIVE says otherwise i'm going to hope it gets changed/fixed.

  2. Good valid points at least!

    And yes there is nothing stating that they are mutually exclusive, however I can still see how/why it -could- be intended.

    Since 184% Power Strength is pretty silly.


    Let me rephrase and say "I don't get why people are upset that they can't be used in conjuncture" :P

    I too could see why it wouldn't be allowed but atleast give some warning you know. I think I'm mostly irritated because I already spent 1,5mil credits and a lot of cores maxing it in hopes that I could use it with blind rage. Never did I stop to think if I should, instead of then if I could.

  3. It's most likely a bug though. Like someone said on pg1, the game probably reads Transient Fortitude as Blind Rage since it's the only corrupted mod with the same positive effect.

    Yea that was me saying it lol. I really hope it is just a bug. However it would really make me feel better if we heard something from DE.

  4. "Let's have 184% Power increase" Said no one ever. (154% without Intensify)

    Really don't see why so many people are upset over it. *shrugs*




    Only one of those mods are a corrupted one, that gives +Duration though.

    Upset mostly because 

    1.There was no warning that you cannot use the two together. People have paid PLENTY of credits and cores to max it.

    2.Why suddenly limiting what mods you can and cannot put on an item together.

    3.It goes against precedent where other corrupted mods can go on reducing the same thing but when you go to add something suddenly its not allowed?

  5. Will we be able to use Transient Fortitude with Blind Rage. For some reason (none is stated) we cannot use those two mods together. Would like to know and tell people in the community before they waste credits and massive amounts of cores maxing it.

  6. There is a difference between it stating it cant be used together and it ninjaing you after you spent 1.5mil credits and god knows how many cores. Besides if they didn't want it to be used with other mods why even add it to the game. 


    Edit: It would be like DE saying you can't use Heavy Caliber with Serration. I honestly think this is a glitch and the mod is being read as Blind Rage so it won't let you put it on. Would REALLY love DEs say on this to clear a lot up. Otherwise I'm going to have to log a ticket and see if I can get my cores and credits back.

  7. Its bull@#1@ that they cannot be used together. Not to mention there is NO WARNING AT ALL. Just burned a lot of cores going to put this on with blind rage and I cannot. Seriously we can put on Narrow Minded, Constitution and Continuity all together but not these? Seriously WTF DE? This is literally the first time ANY mod like this has happened. If you cant put this on with other mods why would you even include this.

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