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Posts posted by Cryozen7

  1. On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 6:52 PM, Hypernaut1 said:

    My QoL change to Equinox would simply have her 4 discharge when switching forms. I don't think it needs to carry over. 

    Last time I checked it already does do that.  I usually run a duality build so I do a lot of form switching.

    That tick/pulse healing idea would be a good idea.  If I'm understanding right basically like E-Vamp centered on equinox that is a toggle and draws from her stored health pool.

  2. They go down fairly easily, heck they even go down more easily than their first introduction (Operation False Profit).  The main problem is spawn rate and AoE knockdown spam.

    Having things with AoE knockdown spam in a mosh pit fashion is horrible no matter what the enemy is.  If you mosh pit with 20 heavy gunners you'll achieve similar end results. 

    The way they are now is indeed unforgiving for newer players.  I've never really had many problems dealing with them (retreat out of narrow hallway, return fire).  Some things you can do to avoid knockdown in a pinch is using handspring or constitution, and rolling/bullet jumping away.

  3. Sabotage 2.0 is fun and I quite enjoy it.

    That being said caches have always been horrible.  Sabotage 2.0 brought out the worst in them.



    Caches were very poorly implemented.  Arbitrary hide and seek is tedious rather than fun.  At most you should only go slightly out of your way.

    If caches stay the way they currently are, they should at least have objective markers to the room they are in.


    I personally want caches be an actual vault you have to open with a short defense.  Give objective markers toward each cache and upon arriving there have Lotus hack the door.

    How would you want caches to change?

  4. Do u use loki or excal? With them the dmg output is easily more than any gun in the game especially with the finisher mod on excal I can hit 1 mill without even max power strength how can u say tht is underpowered


    That does not make melee good.  You should be able to say "I want to do a melee only mission on <insert frame here>."  That only means those frames have an overwhelming advantage when it comes to melee.


    A melee oriented frame should supplement melee, not be the crutch that melee has to hang on to.

  5. what Objective Failure state would you replace that with, though?

    if you remove that, there is no longer an Objective Failure.



    So instead the reward timer should be paused.


    Death also comes to mind.


    As I said I personally think leaving a mobile endless mission should be based on you concluding that you cannot beat the odds.  I see the concern but look at excavation.  The fail is the excavator being destroyed but you don't necessarily get booted out the mission as a result.  Instead you suck it up and let 12 more blow up.

  6. I never liked survival.

    Survival and excavation are like cousins in how they play (endless missions with enemies getting stronger).  That I like.  And honestly excavation is one of the endless game modes I prefer doing.

    The main difference is excavation is akin to an endless mobile def (except for the part where you need to power the thing).  I don't want to be forced to leave because enemies would not spawn and Lotus was trying to deal with the over influx of consigned kuberows instead of throwing LS at the map.  I want to leave because I think it is getting too dangerous to stick around.  In the case of excavation: it's too dangerous to stick around and they blew up 3 excavators in a row

    Survival should be frantic running around, your goal is to cause chaos while another Tenno steals things (Tower spy mission would be interesting and in a big picture kind of way adds to immersion).  But the entire system of life support is bad.  Once you hit 0% there is no way to salvage it.

    Survival should not fail because you hit 0%

    I don't survival much so I don't have opinions on drop rates for PLS.  But if we could salvage a mission by activating a life support cap, I would like survival so much more.

    For endless missions I am a believer of you leave because the enemy is too strong.  Survival as of right now is not that.  It is leaving because RNG is too strong.

    Lotus should still deliver capsules after 0%, the drain on shields and health should remain there, and reactivating life support should stop that drain.

    Of course you don't just want a trinity to be continuously healing people while still getting rewards.  That would certainly be "surviving" but think of the operative that won't be due to oxygen deprivation.

    So instead the reward timer should be paused, and Lotus would deliver an "emergency" life support to a random place on the map.  Until the emergency LS is hit, the reward timer stops and drain would continue.  That would actually encourage frantic scrambles for the life support.

    Assuming normal LS was still on the field, I don't know.  I would keep them there but I really would like to disable them until the emergency life support was hit.

    I personally think PLS should still drop.  The emergency life support could say have a base of 15% LS, which with each PLS picked up would increase the amount added.


    You should be able to salvage a survival mission after you hit 0%.  The above is my opinion on what I personally think would be an interesting way to execute it.


    This is not a perfect idea, and there are other great ideas


    I liked this one.


    My proposed changes:

    1)The whole level is constantly being drained (like in hive missions).

    2)Enemies don't drop life support at all.

    3)There is only one Lotus capsule active at any given point in time.

    4)Every capsule provides 30 seconds of the tile it's in not being drained.

    5)Once it is used up Lotus will beam another capsule into the level and the team has to make its way there.

    6)The AI will frequently try to lock the team in and block doors in the teams path.


    This should:

    1)Make the teams movement as a unit more purposeful and mission-oriented.

    2)Make teams less dependent on Oxyfarm-frames.

    3)Create more tension and atmosphere.


    And another one proposed that the LS acted as heaters on europa.

  7. Spy 2.0 is fun but the lack of penalty for killing things/destorying cams makes it too easy.


    Rewards for sucessful stealth could also be better.  The affinity and stealth multiplier is fine however.

  8. How many gorgons could a gunner chuck if a gunner could chuck gorgons?


    Nully Nullifier nullified a number of new napalms.

    A number of new napalms Nully Nullifier nullified.

    If Nully Nullifier nullified a number of new napalms,

    Where's the number of new napalms Nully Nullifier nullified?

  9. Or just don't put them back in, less programming and asset building for the devs.  I like the relays, but what's the point in a rebuild event if the player base doesn't care enough to protect them.


    As an emo person who pokes tenno with multiple pointy ends repeatedly states in his void-mail:


    Your actions have consequences.


    I will however were alot of reasons for player apathy.  Namely lack of attachment to the relays, tedious requirements to get rewards, and some people just do not enjoy archwing.

  10. White Corpusmas: 

    Original Song: 


    I'm selling a profitable Corpusmas,

    Just like the ones I used to buy

    Where the Osprey's glisten

    and Moa's listen

    To hear supra's in the snow


    I'm selling a profitable Corpusmas

    With every package I sell

    May your coffers be vast and endless

    And may all your Corpusmases turn profit

  11. WXgQLbR.jpg




    So how long has this new tile been here?


    Was bored and doing a Saturn capture alert then found an explosive barrel and shot it.  I was under the impression that right now only infested corpus ship had limited interactive environments.

  12. Weekend mornings are boring, especially when you don't feel like getting out of bed and you have a giant stash of 5 year old legos you uncovered the previous day next to you.







  13. From playing around with it....


    I think a blind rage + Intensify pushes the slow down over 50%


    If you want to try it, use a max infested impedance with a MP, you get a 52% reduction in speed.  Close to prenerf nova.

    Now try blind rage (mine is at r5) + intensify (Maxed) with MP, they come grinding to a halt.  And that is without infested impedance.


    My personal thoughts?

    Nerf? Yes.  Ruined nova? Not even close if you just tried new mod combos.  OE + MP is hilarious.

    Should you adapt?  Yes

    Do you want a skill that can instagibe most mid to high level content?

    Learn to AMD



    BR + intensify + infested impedance actually makes them start jogging in place with a slight waddle forward.

  14. MP still seems fine. Intensify still slows them to snail pace.


    And then narrow minded can compensate for the REALLLLLY SLOWWW PRIMEEE that comes with Fleeting because you are a good nova and min costs.


    Quit complaining Nova players and adapt.  The only thing this nerf killed was MP spamming.



    Thinking intensify + blind rage won't slow them down much more than a +50% blind rage, possible but too lazy to actually check.

  15. Solution, get a good wep and Max Natural talent.


    Profit yes?  Amprex is a nice choice also.


    Also I can't really say Trini is necessarily having fun killing things.  It went from lolgodmode to spam blessing to spam heal.

  16. Don't do survivals on nekros then?  I mean you don't HAVE to have a survival oriented nekros build.


    Heck even in survival you don't NEED to be using only desecrate.  If your efficiency is good then throw in a few Terrifies.  It does reduce armor and can help take some of the heat off your team.  Even shadows of the dead can be useful if you get kills.

    That said I only actually use Terrify and Shadows when we're getting to extract, or if some heavy gunners are trying to share their bullets.



    Your argument can actually be applied to to several warframes.


    Trinity, Saryn, Nova to most people exists to press 4 for ults.

    Meanwhile Frost does have Avalanche but that said for def you are expected to place snow globes down.


    Same logic yes?

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