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Posts posted by gunslinger20121

  1. 12 hours ago, HarrodTasker said:

    Why does Zarr's Canon shot not count as an 'explosive' for the kaboon achievement but still do the self-kill effect that a Toncor does?  According to ingame achievmeent tracker I've only ever killed 2 things in a single explosion, even though I've killed 10 things at least at once with zarr.  I hear syndicate procs count but non-toncor explosive guns don't what gives?

    While I'm on the subject of achievements, why does having no melee equipped and using no powers whatsoever give zero progress toward the 8 fold paths achievement?  Done 10 waves 5 times now, nada.  Do jump attacks or reviving allies disqualify you?


    Edit: Update.  Nova's 4th skill can get you kaboom, syndicate proc helps.  Why Zarr doesn't work for this is beyond me.  Also the 8 fold path has the unstated assumption of 'solo', or some other unstated assumption, and I got it on my 7th melee-only run when I was solo.

    I answer to your question: The Zarr is many small explosions not one big one. As a result you didnt kill 10 enemies in a single explosion but many smaller ones instead.

  2. I am getting pretty frequent issues on exiting missions. It will either get stuck at the loading screen then resume after 10-15 seconds but it will disconnect and then reconnect my headset, or it will "crash" and make me force close warframe. Happens at the end of every mission. Wasn't doing this before update.

  3. Just now, EquesDei said:

    Maybe some people can appreciate that they are working overtime to give you guys quality content? You're not going to die if you get your quest 2 hours (max) later than expected

    Personally I don't have a problem if the update is later than expected as long s it arrives today. Otherwise de will be making fools of themselves seeing as there is literally an article about it on RockPaperShotgun.

  4. On 4/17/2017 at 9:12 PM, Shifty9 said:

    My title is not misleading if you stop to consider that the point of every thread on the forums is not related to getting max dps. I have stated that three times already and if one were to read the thread before commenting, they'd understand that. To address the part I quoted; top priority for what? Top priority for getting the max dps out of a weapon? Well then yes, they are top priority. But relevant to the point of this post (which has been clearly stated three times) they are not "top priority". Let me quote my OP, "Hopefully this post will inspire more people to play around with niche and unique builds to have fun in a different way, aside from getting the highest damage per shot". I said to have fun in a "different way" /aside/ from getting the highest dps. One more thing, (an excerpt from your reply) "but if you say that Damage mods aren't top priority and then fail to prove that there's something better for actual gameplay", "better for actual gameplay" is where you lost me. Gameplay is whatever you want it to be in warframe. 'Better' gameplay is whatever makes it more fun for the person playing, right? So if using a niche build to do something you find to be 'fun' makes it better for that person, how have I mislead anyone? You jumped to the conclusion that I was going to claim damage mods are not top priority for attaining the most 'efficient' build pertaining to dps. Maybe I didn't prove the point you thought I was going to try to prove, but I made a valid point pertaining to my OP and that justifies the title pretty well I think. Step back from min-maxing for dps and think outside the box to have fun in other ways. That was my point. And for that, damage mods are not of top priority. If you don't agree with me because you don't find that fun then there was no need to reply in the first place.

    Ok so I can see your point about the title, but you have to see that from our perspective to. It is a very misleading title when you go into the post thinking along the lines of something completely different than what you were actually trying to represent it as. The title is what is supposed to draw people to the post and while it did do that, it looks pretty clear to me that it ddn't draw the people you wanted in because of the way it was worded. I think a better title could have been "Why Damage Mods aren't Necessary to have fun" or "Why Damage Mods Aren't Top Priority to Have Fun". I think something along those lines would have reached a more openminded audience more easily. Those are just my thoughts on it though.

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    As a person who normaly use quick melee with occasional full on melee, i find builds that rely on combo counters annoying tbh, so raw damage with crit/status is better imo

    The combo counter applies to quick melee as well whichis why if you use quick melee then switch to full melee you have a combo counter.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Montuoro100 said:

    Yes, but it was a massive improvement upon her ult, initially, her ult could be abused by the other players to leave her without any energy, which is why I would never use her ult in the first place. Assimilate improved her ult by not only making it slightly mobile, but getting rid of this feature that has such a negative effect on the ability.

    While true I can't really fault DE for fixing an actual bug. 

    Edit: Personally the bug I want them to fix is the bug on atlas 1

  7. 45 minutes ago, Einblinr said:

    Thanks for ruining the point of Assimilate Nyx, now your buddy just shoots you with a Tigris Prime and you have no energy to tank anymore :facepalm:

    The thing is that isn't how absorb was supposed to work regardless.

  8. 1 hour ago, PurpleNyxPrime said:

    welp thanks for "fixing" terminator nyx to now be a solo only frame

    I believe you misread the fix. What they fixed was NOT having the ability to have team mates charge your Assimilate bubble.

    Edit I am stupid i just realized what you meant. It wasn't working the way absorb is supposed to work regardless so I wouldn't call it a nerf. this is indeed an actual fix

  9. 2 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Leaderboards be like:


    Also This:

    That leaderboards image looks slightly inaccurate to me... Pretty sure Cephalon Shy wasn't in the top 5. Idk who the other clans are though. Is FLOW apparently not worth recognition? 

  10. 8 minutes ago, SpaceBad said:

    I hate to nit-pick so much, but this is rather disheartening. "It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all."? Who tested this? It's very noticeably worse.


    Could I make a suggestion?

    Let Virulence-ruptured maggots return energy like struck enemies to help do -something- to compensate for this manualization. Also, recasting Ravenous on the same location doesn't seem to refresh the timer on it anymore. Can we get that bit back? I don't see any reason for recasts to consume stacks but be completely voided. 


    Regarding the charger.

    As it stands right now, it's a total letdown for a year-long teaser to amount to nothing more than a mastery fodder pet, and it feels like a cop-out from what could have been very interesting. What kind of 'system' is that, where all it gives is an infested-skinned Sunika kubrow? Why not let the Helminth Charger's attacks or skills do -something- for the mutation stacks, or interact with Nidus's mechanics somehow? Why not have the Charger take on some properties of the warframe its cyst gestated on? It seems like such a waste for this to be all the infested door and its so-called 'system' to amount to. This one really fell short of the bar you guys had set with the other great infested items as of late.


    Frost Harka skin.

    Frysta longsword skin... what a waste. The only remotely not-mastery fodder weapon it can go on is the Broken-War, which anyone with half a soul has grown to despise by now. I'm sure I speak for many when I say I had really hoped for it to be a greatsword skin :s

    There are other good longswords you know... dakra prime comes to mind

  11. I think in terms of the excavation it makes sense to get mad about going off on your own simply because those die pretty quick at high levels. Even with defensive frames. I would also like to point out that just because the frames themselves might have the ability to defend doesn't mean the players build is capable od sustaining it. What if the vauban was building around teslas? Or the fros was building around avalanche? while they could still probably do the job just fine normally, eventually their builds will end up being ineficient for the task. Also starting multiple excavators is a bad habit in my opinion because of how lowish the droprate of reactant seems to be on excavation fissures. As far as the exterminate goes, meh do whatever. I may not like that you are kinda taking all the fun, but it IS  getting the mission done so I wouldn't *@##$ at you for it. I might complain to myself (I definitely will), but I won't get mad at you.

  12. 1 minute ago, Sziklamester said:

    Depend on what pact made with the founders. If there are written documents it is an agreement then they can face with lawsuits yes otherwise not but they could lose prestige.

    They can handle what they want more prestige, money or new founders which makes more money but certainly lose a tons of old founders.

    More prestige means more money anyways. If people dont trust the company they are much more likely to not spend money.

  13. Just now, Sziklamester said:

    The pay to win part is where you buy slots. That is the only and maybe the riven mods but everything can be considered pay to win which sells power and the frames and items serves as power. The only reason why peoples not see the game pay to win because there is a chance to farm it if that lost or they just close the chances then the game considered as pay to win. Not the advantage the only thing which make a game pay to win but if you buy a complete game and you need to pay for extra content that is also pay to win. I am old styler and I prefer games where once you pay for a goods then it is your, you get the right to use it and no further transaction needed. Free to play games no matter what they do are pay to win in my eyes because you need to pay for the content no matter power or cosmetic.

    Ok look at the term you are using. Does it include win? Yes. You aren't winning by paying real money. You yourself never have to spend money to keep up with the people that do. A pay to win business style relies on the fact that some people will pay money to get ahead and that will cause others to do the same to try to keep up. You can keep up just fine in WF without spending a dime.

  14. 1 minute ago, Sziklamester said:

    They could do it if they see this makes more money. Also there is nothing wrong in their part for it if they open sometimes a new founder "event" because that generate them money. They can be generous if it's serve their long term plans.

    That goes directly against what the term "founder" means. If the release it now, not only will they lose face and be up against potential lawsuits, it wouldn't exactly be a founder pack.

  15. 1 minute ago, Sziklamester said:

    I have far enough idea how a business work but you guys can assist well for this. They could have be enough money because their shareholders (buyers) pumped money into the company to make more money. 

    That is why you can see more pay to win like elements and that is why rng works in the first place. Welcome to the new world business.

    However WF isn't P2W. Paying absurd amounts of money doesn't give you an actual advantage over anyone else and doesn't win you anything either. You can pay all the money for all the good stuff you want, if you don't know how to mod, or know how to play the different gamemodes, you won't get anywhere, which is the exact opposite of a P2W game design which thrives on people making up the knowledge and skill gap with money.

  16. 13 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

    I didn't know Warframe existed till probably around update 13 but oh well. Considering you're taking a (big) risk supporting a game that isn't released yet and could let you down at any moment (like No Man Sky :P ) let them keep their shines. None of it will be required to reach MR cap and doesn't really give them more power.

    As far as MR cap goes the exclusive Items do count as MR so they very well could count towards it. We can't say for sure yet though

  17. Ok first of all DE can not release the founders exclusive items (even if you try to hide it by not mentioning it, we all know that is what this is really about) if even one person doesn't give the go ahead, which, seeing as there is at least one founder who no longer plays, will never happen. Second, If they did release them again without said approval, that kills their reputation and opens them up for a lawsuit. Would I love to see them released again so that I can obtain them? Of course I would, however, I understand the reasons it can't and won't happen. My one and only complaint about the founder exclusives is that they give MR. While yes MR is essentially useless after a certain point, I am of the mind that everyone in the game should be able to have the exact same amount of MR points regardless of when they started playing. Is it a significant amount more? No, but in my opinion MR shouldn't be tied to exclusivity.

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