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Posts posted by Unchained

  1. 1. Counter Attack


    When you activate block as a melee enemy attacks you, you will firstly deflect the blow and hit the target for a quick power attack level blow. This will make power attack damage mods even more useful and an a level of skill to melee combat. Duel fast weapons like the fangs and heat blades would be the best at the this with higher counter damage.


    How about making longswords best weapons for blocking/countering? At the moment they are just flat out worse than any other melee weapons group.

  2. I think you're missing the point, the alert system does not encourage player to play the game. Rather it becomes a game of waiting and monitoring twitter throughout the day to see if something worth launching the game has popped up. It's not a system the player has control over, in any sense. Even if a BP was a very rare drop, the player could farm whatever drops the BP, not necessarily the best form of progression but far better than what we have with alerts.


    +1. at the moment my warframe gameplay consist mainly of checking twitter from time to time. Usualy I'm finding out that i missed something cool and I'm discouraged even more. Oh, and I'm launching the game once a day to get my daily ammo box. I wish DE could at least make ? reward randimized separately for each player. This way people would play every ? reward mission hoping to get something good. This would also save everyone a lot of frustration from finding out you just missed that vauban bp alert...

  3. We all know that collecting and maxing differet warframes/weapons is important part of warframe. How about giving players space to show their collection? This could be done by granting players personal room that could be accesible by other players. It could be implemented into dojo system (some kind of special elevator/teleporter pod in dojo that could take you into your/clanmates throphy rooms) or done separately (and accesible for example through friend list by right clicking on name and choosing "see trophy room" option). Example of how throphy room could look like:


    Long corridor like room, along one wall standing all warframes of a player with labels designating current mastery lvl. On oposite wall every weapon in possesion of a player, also with mastery lvl labels. Maybe some way to see mods equiped in every piece of equipment.


    This could also be the place to show achievements (if we will ever get any kind of achievements system). For example boss heads with number of kills, maybe some special trophies for participating in events such as last weekend extermination event.


    We could also add some functionality to this room, by providing players with ability to take weapon/warframe out of wall and testing it, maybe adding some kind of testing shooting range with dummies of different enemies. This way we could test weapons before buying/crafting it, if one of our friends already have it.


    Those are just some raw ideas. It won't have any drastic impact on gameplay, and probably there ale tons of other, more important things to do, but still, I think it would be fun thing to have.


    Sorry for my sloppy english :)

  4. Although melee sentinel sounds interesting, I'm not sure how it could be pulled off. Melee weapons are so strong, that usually when you get into melee range its all over after your first attack (with exception for boss fights and maybe ancients), not much to do for your melee sentinel if by that you mean sentinel that deals melee damage itself. Much easier to do would be sentinel that just helps you in melee oriented playstyle, with abilities that for example grant you boost to melee dmg or defence when you come near enemy unit.

  5. Apart from fixing Crowd Dispersion (and its obviously needs fixing), Wyrms weapon should be buffed. As "assault" sentinel he should be able to really help you with dealing damage. According to wiki his weapon deal 3 dmg! At the moment its useful only to aply elemental debuffs (like slowing cold dmg). His weapon should deal at least dmg similar to starting weapons like lato or braton, to make it worth using.

  6. They could also introduce utility secondary weapons. For example:


    pistols that apply debuffs (like armor reduction or prevent shield regen) that would be useful probably only during bossfights


    maybe a healing gun?


    portable shield generator - create shield in front of you and your teammates


    Some kind of grapling hook that would work similar to MAGs pull (maybe it could be also used to pull yourself when used on solid objects or big enemies), to add some unique mobility for melee oriented players


    Those are just some quick, raw ideas.

  7. The only problem I have with Alert system is that the "?" reward is set in stone and same for everyone. It should be randomized for every player separately. For example right now, this situation with Glaive, I have the plat to buy it, but I'm not gonna do it because im afraid that the minute I'll buy it, half of the server will get it for free from alert. I would be perfectly ok if i bought it and some lucky ppl got it for free from alert reward, but situation when you buy something, and then there is alert that guarantees this item for everyone for free, is not so cool... This could also be solved in some kind of "early access" way, for example: Glaive could be available in market for plat, or as alert reward BUT only after few weeks-months after it was available in the market.

  8. Ex Prime, Volt, Mag, Saryn, Nyx, Rhino - maxed

    Ash, Ember, Loki - have them, but not maxed yet

    Banshee, Trinity - crafting atm (Trinity should be ready by now)



    Saryn - decent defence, cool decoy skill, good ultimate, alt helmet with bonus to speed. My favourite all-around frame (+those %$# ;D)

    Ash - nice speed and not so fragile as Loki. Invis and teleport are nice to have. I hope that they will fix bladestorm :)

    Nyx - ultimate CC, she is probably a bit OP at the moment.

    Frost - I am leveling another frame right now, but after using him a bit I have a feeling I'm gonna like this frame.

  9. We are talking about warframe, so its obvious that term "longsword" refer to type of weapons in this game. Game describes weapons such as dark sword, mire, plasma sword etc as longswords, so his terminology was ok.


    oh, and regarding those LONGSWORDS, I agree that something should be done to make them more viable. If devs could improve block mechanics, maybe longswords could be made into more defensive weapon. Without stamina cost of blocking or something like that. Maybe some kind of counter attack option after block?

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