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Posts posted by RunaCarbuncle

  1. They could implement a system where you get some benefit other than a few credits and a little XP for completing a mission perhaps. What if, say, your foundry projects got 10-15 minutes shaved off of their build time each time you complete a mission?

  2. I understand rushers are annoying but have you considered that they just like to play the way they are playing and that maybe the problem is something that could be better addressed by the devs implementing a system to make things better for both parties then for either sort of playing to complain and spread hatred for people based on how they want to play the game?

    For example, what if when you got to the end of the mission, instead of starting up a "troll timer" you instead could just press your use/activate key on an escape pod to leave your party behind and finish the mission yourself.

    As a community we should strive to come up with ideas that are inclusive to the entire playerbase instead of complaining about groups of players that don't play like ourselves, and have faith that the developers are cool people and will listen to us. :D

  3. Some of the loading screen tooltips seem to indicate that there are places in the game that just have mods hidden in them, up until recently I have been pretty diligent in checking every nook and cranny of stages in hopes of getting a nice item, but generally feel like I'm doing better to increase my pace through levels and just work towards objectives and open lockers and stuff along the way.

    Has anyone ever actually found a mod that was hidden and not dropped form an enemy?

  4. no i definitely didnt fuse them by accident. Also I only ever got Slash Dash

    I thought I had to pick up the other moves like with mods, as I seem to pick up the warframe special abilities for other warframes.

    But I have never come across one for The Excaliber warframe.

    U think it might be a bug? if so is there a way i can report it and hopefully get it fixed.

    TBH I really like the slash dash move. But i have never even seen the other moves to even know if they are any good.

    you other abilities are an AoE stun that is sort of neat but costs 50 energy and you probably could have killed all the stuff you wanted to blind with 2 slash dashes but is cool against bosses; your third is just a jumpjet that lets you spend 10 energy to doa very high jump, and your final skill is just an AoE nuke around you that shoots spikes in every direction and impales stuff to walls if it can. Honestly Slash Dash is your best skill!
  5. thx for the replies y'all i kept grinding killiken at venus since my last post and finally got the mod after wave 15 but the problem now is why does my bronco get stuck on reload animation like every other shot, first time expierencing it today, i heard someone else had this problem like a week ago

    It's happening to me a lot today too. I wonder if the server is just being wonky or something?

  6. I recommend serration and elemental damage mods mostly. It's a sniping weapon for the most part so you want to be killing things in a single shot. Multishot obviously is quite nice for this too but it's only a chance and you don't want to "maybe" kill something by sacrificing guaranteed damage for possible damage. Crit and crit damage I feel are fine but sort of in the same category as multishot.

    Basically I'd say rate of fire and damage are the most important mods for you to get, I've never really felt ammo issues witht he weapon as I tend to just kill most stuff in a single shot with it anyway.

  7. Latron is super good. It's a very powerful hybrid of a sniper rifle and assault weapon; you'll likely never one-shot anything that poses a moderate threat to you but also the clip size and fire rate more than make up for it.

  8. I don't really understand what is wrong with rushing. It's better than wiping after you took your objective on harder maps. If you're just playing with random people you may fall victim to whatever way they want to play and someone that is rushing could have as much distaste for how you choose to play the game.

  9. There are times when you can draw an Arrow on your bow and switch weapons while you have an arrow ready to fly, I can't consistently figure out how to reproduce being allowed to do this but whenever I can all actions for my character (except weapon swapping) become disabled until I switch back to Paris. Also it seems like there should be some was to back out of firing an arrow without wasting a shot but that's more a usability thing, either way, really dig the new weapon! :D

  10. Yeah I was the friend he mentions. It was really annoying because it always happened at some door that needed two people and we couldn't get past until he started recording at it split us up.

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