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Posts posted by Tau23

  1. I believe it would be a great idea to introduce a box item wich would give by chance, a prime part/recipe, in the pvp . the box should cost an average 10k/15k reputation. I don't think this would break the games economy. and it will give pvp a much-needed attention. Obviously people need better reward in pvp, as equal to pve rewards.


    I bring this as a suggestion, although this is my feedback, about pvp rewards. If you think this is a bad or good idea, please give, your feedback.

  2. I start this topic to share my ideas about new warframes that might be created for the comunity and game.


     The Suport warframe(light aspect): As a new warframe ideea, i suggest a supportive frame that :


    1.  Cleanse the target for debuffs (poison, fire dmg, slow, any debuff really etc etc)


    2.  becomes ethereal light to avoid any kind of dmg at high cost of energy or health (or both) lasting 6 seconds(you can't use spells in it, just for evading).


    3. warps into an enemy giving speed debuff (75%) and dmg over time for 3  to 6 seconds (victim radiates of light)


    4. as an ultimate, unleash innerself to blind all enemies for 4 seconds and literally throw them in the opposite direction(brutal throw, making enemies stumble), reducing armor by 50% for 10 seconds.



    The Tanky warframe(earth element): Thats right, a new tank (we new more then one). This time a Tank with more deffensive aproach. This ia s good way to introduce shields in game (we already have this feature in all melle weapons called defelct parry).


    1. Creates an energy shield with the shape of a shield (wearing a shield could bost the skill strenght, if shields will be ever added) on the left/right hand, that reflect everything, puting the character into an apropriate animation (this should not affect any weapons you might use even two handed ones. Could make any weapon used to be shown in the opposite hand while shield is used. 1.a. alterane first skill. Repell any foe with a strong kick, throw him in the oposite direction (can make you feel cool)


    2. pull all enemies in melle range with a frontal cone chains (some random awsome textures). (notice the combination from the first to skills. enemies with reflection not affected.


    3. slams the ground to impale one target only, that gets stunt and over time, bleeding for 4 to 8 seconds (target can be healed and can survive)


    4. Mobile fortress - huge shields surounds the frame (similar to first skill anymation) that provides 90% reduced dmg from all directions at the cost of 75% moving speed). This skill can last from 10 to 14 seconds.



    The ranged Warframe(tar/pit symbol): A frame that is all covered by very sharped things. very skinny and evil!


    1. Throw a spike that sticks to walls, or even enemies.if stick to wall it will explode only if enemies are nearby into a dozen of spikes dmg nearby enemies. If stick to enemy it will blow in 3 seconds. (you can lose it by rolling over).

    2. hit the ground with fists damaging targeted enemies (smal radius area around the targeted enemy) with  ground emerging spikes.

    3. jumps in the back of an ally morphing into an spike coat protecting and reflecting 40% dmg taken by the ally. Notice that you will take 60% of the dmg. Energy consumed while morphed.

    4.all the warframe spikes get even bigger (cool textures added). Add a 15% speed buff and after 3 seconds your character explodes into 1000 spike, in all directions, dealing high amounts of damage. (the bow arrows animation added). The dead enemies stick to walls for an epic scenario. (for video quality issue can spawn only spikes equal to the suroanding enemy number, aiming each enemy.


    The warframe made of gas(symbol of smoke): very shady character, made of grey opaque glass, realeases smoke in certain animations. (not nasty ones). could have and awsome death and revive animation with smokes and shatered glass.


    1. can warp to certain locations with smoke effect animation.


    2. chokes single target giving blured vision and damage over time


    3. creates grey glass geisers on surounding enemies and deal damage.


    4. all enemies get blured vision and 50% movement reduction and dmg taken, and the player sees all enemies marked in red + 70% increased movement speed. (this skill only afftects the caster). The skill lasts 6 seconds.


    Please give me your feedback and sorry for my bad english.







  3. All changes either satisfy some players, who hope to get a superman frame (loki speed on rhyno is superman frame), or tend to do little in what appears to be the pvp balance of the game. Still i have my own suggestions regarding a more balanced pvp:


    Rhyno: -  iron skin: adding time to this skill (8 to 12 seconds per cast) and lowering the energy cost by 15%. No only because it turns nightmare mod into a silly event, where everyone plays rhyno and spams iron skin, making every newbye feel unbeatable in a event that should, i repeat, should promote teamplay (note that with rhyno you can solo nightmare modes). It also brings rebalance to pvp, no explanations needed.


    Trinity: - Blessing: As a support role, this skill should support allies, not making herself an unbeatable warframe that goes immune and kills everything in sight. So giving everybody imunity while she gets 10% moving speed AND 10% more dmg taken, should give a better definition to what support is. If Trinity dies all allies afected by blessing lose the buff. This should make teamplay better and competitive in both pvp and pve.


    Nova - Molecular prime: -20% dmg +5% debuff effect (movement speed + attack speed) to the affected targets. should bring more balance and give a better meaning to this skill, and that is more supportive in teamplay and less destructive. for those who don't understand: use your weapons kids not a 1 button bomb.


    Ofcourse these changes may be drastic, still they strongly rebalance the game. (its a nerf for those who deserve it)


    unfortunately these are the only frames been playing so far.

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