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Posts posted by Zelinko

  1. I get people constantly "joining" but disconnecting right before they connect. 

    Also I keep running into a completely empty Valis so I can't even try to solo things in the area.

    I was aiming to get the event done this weekend as a I can't grind after a Monday hotfix...

  2. They really need to nerf the event as I'm having problems even starting this with how absurd the enemy health and damage scaling is.  If this is supposed to be done by players who aren't running the 60+ minute Void Hard Survival builds then I'm not seeing it.

    It's incredibly UNFUN right now and I'm strongly considering skipping it as level 40 enemies have more health and do more damage than level 80+ enemies on sorties.  I'm dumping full magazines of Vaykor Hek into them point blank with a base damage of more than 10k and they're shrugging it off even after stripping armor and shields off. 

    I wouldn't want to be some new player trying to do this event else they're going to find that they're going to be punted back to Fortuna proper within seconds.

  3. On the topic of passives in general I do have a question about one of the frames not directly mentioned here but about their passive.

    With Zephyr I've been trying to determine if her passive applies to Parkour 2.0 moves or not because I cannot tell if double jumping with her actually gains the 'lightness' quirk or not, the same applies to bullet jump distance and bullet glide distance.  Since she tends to fall at what seems to be at standard speed after a double jump compared to her standard jumping.  I'm unsure if this is intended or not. 

  4. Helios seems to really dislike Uranus. 

    The instant that water is entered it vanishes for the rest of the mission even though reporting being 'alive'  It'll still scan but cannot be harmed or attack as it's effectively removed outside the scanning ability.

  5. Spores have odd interaction with Zepyhr's Tornado

    I'm needing to test it more but it seems that enemies ragdolled by Tornado have their spores left on the ground where they were standing when they were sucked up.


    Case in point. Note the Grineer in air and the spores he left behind. Wouldn't popping the spores make more sense in this case?

  6. I'm having both screen tearing issues at higher FPS and just dropping down massively even towards sub 20 FPS with my 560TI which usually with my settings were solidly at high 50s before the update.

  7. I'm having major FPS drops since U18 dropped. I used to with my standards settings get pretty solid framerates but now I'm often dropping down to under 20 FPS and for a while on the sortie on Ceres a was running at around 15 FPS

    Is there some major optimization issue that came up with this update?

  8. My clan had recently completed our first color for Dojo Colors and when trying to shift to the next color we wished to use received an error claiming that we were still researching a color when no project is underway

    Should I simply request a support ticket on this topic?

    Relevant Images: One Two

  9. I'm noticing that Zepyhr now upon performing a vertical wall run can no longer kick off (useful for vertical chambers in Towers). I'm unsure if this is a bug or a designed change.

    Edit: Seemed to only apply on the first mission of the ArchWing Quest while in the tower. I'm unsure if my removing of the Marathon Mod may have influenced this or not. I'll test more

    Tested it in the Dojo and the Zepyhr jumps seems to be working normally there. Will test in Tower 1. Seemed to only be in that first quest mission


    So ur saying this PWE news might inflate mods and prime parts prices in the trading chat?


    People running in fear leading to wanting to dump might lead to the prices plummeting as people are trying to get out fast. Look at for example the price for the Steam Summer Sale cards had the bottom fall out when the volume of cards increased.

    People wanted to make sure they got paid so they began to sell for progressively less.

    Thing is I don't know if there is enough trade fodder of each item to cause such an event.

    People won't overpay for Fusion Cores or common Prime components (Anyone want yet ANOTHER Braton Prime Stock?) so it will probably be a wash. As we got people still doing insane demands for pay (300+ plat for Loki Prime!)

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