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Posts posted by ParadigmFallen

  1. OP -- The only thing I can't agree with is the matter of rushing. Hell, maybe add a filter where it's either "loot" or "speed run", but I am bloody tired of rushers. They give every excuse in the book no matter what game in whatever genre it is. Sure, maybe someone enjoys rushing in my squad, but you know what, I came to enjoy the GAME. The thing they're running past while leaving me to deal with enemies or, in even more bitter a sentiment, with the corpses and most of the loot dropped from them taken. It's the primary reason I play solo.


    There is, you can change to private or solo.

    That still requires you login to the server and be online, and private just means you have to invite someone to join you.

  2. Sigh. Read the rest of the thread. Saturn is not available. No link. Bloody stupid to tell us - continually! - to go to a planet we cannot get to. Apparently you could once, but not now. Also, we're being told to farm in mercury by the other half of people - those not telling us to go to Saturn. Except farming when the enemies rank faster that we do even on the baby missions is just not fun at all. Trust me on that.


    Re: Melee and Ranged. Come on, we're not 2 year olds! We both use ALL the weapons and mods we can to the best of our abilities, the melee/ranged thing is more personal choice, we hit at whatever range we can. I headshot more, Drac melee kills more.


    Yes, many people have said about the mastery/gear levels - RTFT


    "Go for the Latron". Can't get the Latron, needs things we can't get as we can't, y'know, get to SATURN. Or, in fact, Mars. Which is where you get plastids and salvage. Not Mercury or Venus.


    " as if you are rushing into the open, with fresh gear, and wonder why you are being gunned down" - Again, we're not 2-year-olds. We are in our 40's and have been gaming since the Atari 2600. We know how to duck and our brains have not yet begun the failings of old age. All you have done is come across as condescending and superior. I doubt you meant to, but you have. Please, read the f£%$ing thread before offering out-of-date and insulting advice.

    ...I'm sorry. As a member of the Warframe community, I'm sorry. You and your wife should not be getting this BS, and it gives me flashbacks to my first time trying to stick it out on the forums. I'm afraid certain members have a habit of talking down to anyone who doesn't immediately know everything. I'm 100% in agreement with you about the Nightmare difficulties poping up -- I got a good number of levels done in the closed beta so the nightmare versions activated without me even knowing. It sucks, and I have to believe the devs will fix it in time. All I can say is that yes, grinding is a key aspect for your Warframes right now, based on what I've been reading. Once you get to the next star system and start fighting the Corpus, the difficulty curve should improve as they are a lot better balanced than the Grineer. I hope you guys still give the game a try despite some of the idiots today and the hiccups resulting from the game still being in beta, as it's probably one of the best action-brawler-platforming-shooter hybrids I've ever had the pleasure of playing.


    If you guys ever need an archer-pistoleer or just a higher-rank player to get you through the tougher sections, let me know.

  3. dramatic and emotional gameplay? This isn't CoD for some reason and Tennos have no emotions and will always remain silent. 

    But I like this part:


    I would like to see their faces behind the warframes and their past.


    I think you mean something like TT's The Walking Dead or Mass Effect. CoD isn't dramatic or emtional for most of us.


    I agree though, I'd like to know more about the characters. Instead of a full campaign mode though, I'd rather just maybe a few side missions for specific Warframes? Volt has some that only he can do solo or with a group of friends, and the same applies to everyone else. That would cut down on the amount of content needed and open up some dramatic venues. Plus it would also encourage people to get more Warframes and we all know the devs would like that.

  4. Earning Platinum, i have only one idea, everytime you level up, you earn 3 platinum.How does that sound?

    Actually, TBH, that makes a lot more sense than the original idea. That's too small to -really- be significant but it lets you get -something- over time. It would need to be retroactive though, IMO, for all the people who are already well into the game with ranks.

  5. So, I started up a random Capture mission from Mercury (I'm still getting back into the feel for playing the game) and discovered that, for some reason, without my consent, the game was draining my health and only restored it when I either found orbs or killed enemies. It didn't stop at a certain amount, it just kept draining and draining until I finally had used up all of my revives trying to complete a simple capture mission.


    I imagine if someone was a fast moving, meele/close combat type like Excalibre, they'd be fine. A sniping Volt like me, however, does not. As a result it was a purely aggravating experience.

  6. I haven't been on here since the closed beta days, and my, things have changed in the game. I'm afraid I wasn't too keen on the forums as more than a few brushes with a group of less than positive forum users made me a bit wary of coming back. I was wondering if the situation in the community had improved, so, hello guys, once again!



  7. I'v been playing solo almost 2/3 of the game but lately the CC from spawns has become OP.

    With a regular frame (no reactor) I often get CC locked to death, meaning I can't even get of the ground, just stun after stun...But with a lvl 30 frame with some survivability modss I get CC-ed about 10 times and manage to get away, cause apparently they kick me around so much they get stuck and I can get some breathing room. This usualy happens when 2 or more infected ancients are in the same room ( had to fight 6 toxic ancients in one small room at some point, that wasn't pretty). It's all fine and dandy with the toxic, but add disrupters and toxics in the same room and you have yourself a tenno meatgrinder. I can handle them fine when I have a team, but getting charged by half a dozen ancients is just ridiculous.

    Shockwave moas I can handle, they are very predictable, even when there are 3 or more. But Am Etina is Just impossible to do solo... I get CCed so much i have too always have some box or railing betweeen me and it so i don't get CC locked (and it's pull range is huge).

    I'm just asking if the CC lock is an intented feature in solo or it should be fixed at some point?

    Ugh... toxics and disruptors always seem to come in pairs or squads whenever I play an infestation map. Leapers similarly just kept jumping me and making me fall over. After having played a fair amount of each faction, I'd argue that the Infested are the most OP in general. Corpus are pretty fairly balanced, and the Grineer are getting there.... but the Infestation is just a pain in the &#!.

  8. When do you start finding puncture mods? I'd love one for my snipetron.

    Ironically, I keep getting low rank ones...

    As for my best mod, I'd say the loot scan radius of +28 that I have is my best one. I'm still grinding for better armor/shield mods, but being able to detect crates has been very helpful. Although I now have started notice that a growing number of crates seem to spawn within other objects in levels...

  9. I would like to have smooth cover. When you crouch your character would automatically lean to a cover, if you press shoot he would peak out and shoot or you could fine aim by pressing aim-button.

    It would be kind of like Killzone's cover system but in third-person.

    This is about the only cover system I'd agree to. Dead Space 3 also has this, and I think it would work fine. But never anything like Gears of War or Uncharted, where you're locked into place and are stuck until a second button press.

  10. I don't like this idea. Paid money should remain for paying members only. Giving it out for free would give people less reason to actually spend money on the game. Surprising as it may be, the people managing the game need a paycheck to give them a reason to maintain the game and pay for the servers.

    Anything that free users should access should be made in a way they can access it over time. Anything or any shortcuts that are designed for paying players should stay only for paying players.

    I don't care how little plat would be given per rank. Premium cash should only be for premium players. And I say this as someone that obviously isn't a founder. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and it shouldn't be blurred.

    If you make someone spend more than ten hours playing a game just to get 25 plat, they're pretty much working a job anyway.

  11. Agreed, there'd be no reason to ever put money into this game then.

    Have you seen how long it takes to level up your profile? If someone is honestly that patient and insistent on platinums, then they weren't going to pay anyway.

  12. PvP only possible in Left for Dead Style

    I don't see that working, and it still includes the balance issues. It's best this stay PvE. If anything, I'd prefer to see more cinematic missions and a greater amount of characterization of the universe (since we've just been doing silent assaults on starships up until this point).

  13. No.

    That was the last response to a PvP thread about 30 minutes ago. It got locked.

    No PvP needed for Warframe, and as DESteve said, Digital Extremes rather develops one good game than two mediocre ones.

    For once, we're in agreement. PvP would go the way of Monday Night Combat.... I'd prefer we stick to PvE, as that also lets the devs be a great deal more creative and do all sorts of crazy powers that otherwise would need to be hampered for balance in PvP (Loki would be effectively castrated of his powerset if made for PvP, or have incredibly long cool down times, or almost no health).

    I'm not sure if I'd even want 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 battles over loot and such. Better to just allow a trading system. If people want to compete, then compete over how effective you are at wiping out your enemies (like Bulletstorm or Syndicate 2012).

  14. Oh hai,

    Currently, save for a few (delightful!) exceptions, the majority of tiles are vertical, 2D elements. There's a floor and there are walls. Yet, with Warframe's engine it is clearly possible to draw rooms with vertical space to fight in/on. The Capture room is probably my favourite tile so far, athough it could use another (maybe climbable) element in the middle to get on the walkways up top.

    I would really love to see more vertical playroom with future tiles. Scanning sectors is standard MO for cleanign rooms, adding the 3rd dimension would enrichen that experience a lot. Any tile where enemies can attack me from above and below aswell feels more thrilling than scan left to right and shooting them down in one sweep.

    Kthx. :)

    If they're going to do that, I'd think we'd need a more consistent ability to grap onto ledges. At present, it's a bit iffy, and I imagine it would suck for people to fall to their death due to a context error.

  15. Some doors are set on a timer, as opposed to being controlled by cameras. You'll get used to it eventually.

    In the case of a level I was in, they only turned off for a milisecond every five to ten minutes. I never got to leave the extraction area because of how buggy they were. One of my teammates died mid-level, and no one could revive him.

  16. *waves head in shame* it doesnt need o be on steam after all this game is not to mainstream yet for it to be on also dunno if you noticed this but im sick of saying all the time its on Earlie CBT , also dunno if you noticed but where do you think steam make all there money well at least some off it , from those starting packs or what not you see below the F2P game that moneys goes to steam not the developers , i say its fine where it is right now

    ...okay, I have to ask... is English your first language? Because I honestly have almost no idea what you are trying to say. I might advise cleaning up your grammar.

    On the one point you started with (that I think I read correctly) -- just because a game isn't "mainstream" doesn't mean it doesn't have the prowse to be a standout game on Steam or any platform. This game has more polish and originality poured into it than most AAA titles that launch with a sixty dollar price tag. It's up to Steam Greenlight to decide though, I'd imagine.

  17. It probably will be available on steam when the closed beta is over and the game has been in circulation for a month. just be patient and the time will come. Rise from the ashes and Reclaim!

    Sounds like what I would expect. Planetside 2 did a similar thing where the beta was SOE only, but then afterward you could download it via Steam.

    That said, I don't know why someone said that would make taking video easier -- I thought Steam still hadn't added a video recording/live streaming feature. Did I miss an update to Steam?

  18. I actually have to agree with this. At least make it so there's a chat big enough to encompass all potential players within a region so we can communicate more effectively before joining up. I imagine it would be faster than trying to find a squad on the forums.

  19. It does, however, limit your ability to play the game. If you die in a mission that's it. You have to sit back and watch everyone else play. And the margin for error when you get downed is pretty slim. You'd better have someone right next to you otherwise you're going to need a revive. Especially on boss missions, which people will be grinding for the gear they want to get. Because, again, the prices are a little high on that stuff.

    You realize this works the same in non-F2P co-op games, right? Mass Effect 3 would only revive you if you died if your team finished the current wave (and in most cases, depending on the difficulty, that could be unlikely).

    Really, they aren't being that harsh here. I'd say the Pro being platinum only is a far bigger issue. Here, they're just saying "okay, if you don't do that well but want to keep playing, you either have to restart from the beginning of every mission you die in, or pay us to get more lifes". It's like a far more forgiving version of a coin-op game that gives you the first four "continue"s for free.

  20. So i watched the youtube diaries. Turns out this is what Dark Sector was supposed to be before the publishers made them change everything. Like a remake/re-imagining.

    This in of itself makes me even more impressed. I'm glad that Steve and the rest of DE stuck to their guns and went back to the original concept to see if there was any more work that could be done with it. Who knows, maybe we'll see the Glaive (I hope I spelled that right) become an unlockable weapon at some point.

  21. Same here -- I am loving every time I see the devs from Digital Extremes show up. I've played some of their earlier games, Bioshock 2's MP and Homefront's MP immediately come to mind. Both were also great experiences. Glad to see DE succeeding with a game that most publishers would have called crazy.

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