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Posts posted by defunctdoor

  1. It seems children have discovered how to troll with this ability and it makes it rather annoying to get anything done on a mission. Since there's no way to remove a player, or report them, or do anything at all in this game, the only solution is to have private games and never invite Vaubans. I've never liked them anyway and this solves two problems for me. Way to make a name for the frame!

  2. Ok, then I'm not sure why I got the Oberon Chassis and Oberon Systems blueprint. I'm building both of those. I thought getting the blueprints would get the blueprints to build the 3 parts, but it seems the blueprint is just to put the three parts, once built, together with each other (a three piece puzzle and I need a blueprint?). Is that correct? Does this mean the 'parts' blueprints? So I buy the one main blueprint, then find the 3 blueprints for the sub pieces.

    Oh, and why is Oberon so bad? I've heard people in game say how much they like it. And I'm not really in the position to get very much, in any case.

  3. First, let me clarify, I'm very new to the game and am just trying to clarify this information.

    I recently found the Oberon blueprint from a boss, but there was no helmet with it. So, being a noob, I bought it with credits, too, on the market. Still no helmet. However, I do have a Rhino helmet; although, I'm not certain where that came from. What do I have to do to get the Oberon helmet blueprint? The wiki is a bit confusing on the point saying Vey Hek and then Eximus critters. But shouldn't buying the blueprint give me the full set of blueprints, or is this normal?

    Thank you for your assistance.

  4. Howdy!


    Rank 1

    Excalibur R22

    I'm 46, and pretty casual about play. I've only been playing a few days, but I'm enjoying it, for the most part. I'm tired of people making a race out of runs, seeing who can get to the end first. Which is why I loved seeing this: 'with him a 15 minute mission takes 25 cause he ain't leaving no loot behind.' If there are others of a similar mind, I'd be happy.

    I've been grouping with randoms, and soloing when I can. I'm on Mars now, though, and finding it more than a little difficult to solo. My first major goal is to get the parts for the Oberon. I have the blueprints, which were easy to get, and I wanted to get to Mars so I could try to find some Gallium.

    I've built a new sword, a Cronus, but it's the only weapon not a starter one. I'm getting by just fine with the other items, though, for now.

    I have a few tier I keys I'd like to try out, and am really reluctant to PUG them, and I'd like to find out more about the game. Just sitting in Clan chat has always helped me in other games, and I expect the same here.


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