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Posts posted by Kensu

  1. "When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever."

    I'd love to have an Orokin Tower captura scene for this :)
    Honestly I can't decide which is the best. I have a lot of really good Excalibur ones, but this one I figured was one of the best despite the hands not fitting with the sword the right way completely. The link below is my entire gallery, but they are not submissions - I just wanted to share them. No, you cannot submit them as your own.

    http://imgur.com/a/vQ8Jv (This link is not a submission)


  2. Will we be seeing any updates regarding Oberon in the future? I recently started loving his theme (Reckoning is so fun to use), but it feels kind of weak at higher levels. It seems like a real 'Ultimate Ability' and was wondering if there were any plans for Oberon. Like maybe making it to increased damage to irradiated enemies, something along the lines of % max HP maybe?

    I'm really liking Oberon, but he just feels a tad bit lackluster right now. I even bought the deluxe skin because it looks amazing!

  3. I feel like all frames should have an innate Vacuum. Example: Mag's Passive. I actually find that I can play without Carrier while playing Mag. Maybe all frames should have a small innate Vacuum, and the Vacuum mod could create a larger Vacuum around your sentinels or companion. This way Kubrows and Kavats can collect loot wherever they are, while having a sentinel picks up loot in a larger radius around you.

    I do not think splitting the Vacuum up into 3 different types will work well at all, because that'd be equivalent of making Vacuum an Exilus mod. It would become the most dominant mod and others would not be used. It would just overcrowd the mod pool for sentinels. In addition to that, splitting up the mod making you chose between different types of ammo or endo or mods is also going to be annoying - especially when you have to switch load-outs and forget to switch your sentinels mod to update it with your new weapon type.

    Overall I'd be happy with a small innate vacuum (Mag passive size) on all frames, and the Vacuum mod be global for all companions. For Kubrows/Kavats we could have a "retriever" mod just for the sake of keeping things logical and not feeding your pet animal a card to gain an ability.

  4. Do you think you can change Remote Observers so that they execute actions in the direction you are going rather than always towards the way it is facing? It's EXTREMELY annoying that I cannot ground slam towards the remote observer or bullet jump towards it. I've always hated this about them. Unbind the controls from the Remote Observer viewpoint and leave them locked on the character, or create another one that does this so we can have both? :)

  5. Are there any plans to bring more engaging content to Warframe rather than the current model of just upping the stats of everything

    For example, having more mechanic based boss fights, similar to the Razorback event boss (minus the silly Bursa AI's).

    Also on another note, are there any plans to keep things consistent and immersive in the game, like creating a separate boss for Ceres now instead of bringing the already killed Captain Vor and Lt. Lich Kril back from the dead to fight again? The operators also say things like "We need to find a health orb!". I didn't think those were recognized as physical objects to in-game characters, and were just there for game-play purposes.


    EDIT: Here's an example of what I was thinking for the more engaging content. Not sure how good it is, but it'd be cool if you have a chance to read it! https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4vpa43/idea_for_lich_kril_rework_a_little_long/

  6. TL;DR - I'd like to see more boss fights with mechanics and real difficulty similar to that of Razorback. Will we be seeing anymore cool and fun boss fights in the future? Example included in link below.

    I don't know if you'll get to reading this, and this is kind of long post but I want to see more engaging content in Warframe's future. I really liked Tyl Regor and Keyla's rework, but I think things could be taken a step further. When Sorties came out I was really glad that we had something harder to do, but after about a week I realized it was just more artificial difficulty. Do you think the game will ever introduce more boss fights with mechanics, sort of like how the Razorback event was (minus the really annoying Bursa AIs)? 

    I don't want to clutter this page thread or retype what I already have, so here is a link to the post on the Warframe subreddit I made regarding this kind of content and an (probably poorly designed) example of what I mean. 


    2 - Why do we have vaulted relics now? I thought it we would have room for all prime parts when the void was changed?


  7. Maybe I'm so new i haven't found it yet but the ability to move a completed decoration would be nice. Every time I try to edit a decoration as soon as i click it I get a destroy prompt, I want to edit not remove, they're two different things. Also the clan halls is dumb, i agree with you, I'm planning on making a dump door to all the unwanted clan halls and placing the ones I want elsewhere and will bar it off so visitors don't got running for days to a dead end.

    You can't move decorations. Guess I should add that :p

  8. So I have been building my dojo lately. I got so far towards what I thought would work and then boom - alignment and size issues of rooms. Now I am having to delete rooms 1 by 1 just to get them aligned correctly for the elevators. I like to have symmetrical and pretty layouts, and it's just obnoxious that I don't have a reset button and have to wait for 2 hrs for EACH room to be done, and can't cancel in-progress rooms. 


    1) Reset Dojo Button

    This can be used by the clan ruler. Resetting the clan would require proper downsizing first, and also require 2/3 of the clan vote to reset the dojo. This process takes 24 hours and all of the resources spent in the original construction are refunded to the clan treasury. 


    2) Deleting Room Agreement

    If 2/3 of the clan or more click an "I Agree" button when the room is queued for deletion, it should be deleted instantly.

    If you are the only person in the clan, it is instantly deleted.


    3) Dojo Planner Holo

    This is a MUST HAVE. Some rooms do not scale the same and have a matching grid measurement. For example - the Temple of Honor room is a 3x3 grid. There are also larger gardens that don't really tell you they are larger. It's hard to notice and easy to mess up your first time around. There are some website that have been made for Dojo planners, however this should really be a feature in the game as a 3D Holographic room editor so that other clan members can see what is planned.


    4) Upgradable Clan Halls

    What is the point in having 4 clan halls for maximum capacity. There is no reason that we should have to waste space and create ugly constructs when we can't even make the same hall twice to have a symmetrical design. You should have to pay for the resources of the next tier clan hall to upgrade it, however the room does not change unless it can fit in the area it is currently in, such as the Clan Hall moving up to the Greater Clan Hall or the Clan Grand Hall to the Clan Grandest Hall. They take up the same space and shouldn't have any problems.


    Either this, or make the clan halls have progressive capacity gain so we don't have to have all 4. For example:

    - Clan Hall: 100 Capacity

    - Clan Great Hall: 300 Capacity

    - Clan Greater Hall: 500 Capacity

    - Clan Grand Hall: 700 Capacity

    - Clan Grandest Hall: 1000 Capacity (this one doesn't add up as normal but 1000 looks less annoying than 900)


    5) Remove Capacity Cost for Decorations!

    This I really don't get. Why do we need capacity for this? Doesn't the room it is being placed in already have empty space for it? It makes it hard to have a pretty dojo with a nice layout this way.


    6) Add More Spawn Rooms

    Spawning in the dull clan halls is annoying. I'd much rather spawn in the Temple of Honor or some gardens. We shouldn't be able to spawn in the middle of a hall, reactor, or lab but the best part about Dojo's are to have your own little personalized area for your clan. It's the closest thing player housing we have here and I'd prefer to spawn in a nice garden than a dull hall.


    In addition to this, allow us to add capacity with decorative rooms such as the gardens by upgrading them. This way we won't have to fit a dull clan hall into the planning. They are really boring rooms to be honest.


    7) Add "Hall Expansions" 

    Okay, so what if later on you decide you want to change a hallway from an Elbow Connector to a T Connector, but you have to destroy EVERY Room attached to it to do this. Instead, why can't we just walk up to the side of the wall or corner we want to expand off of and have a menu to add the hallway expansion in that direction if it can fit. It would create a lot less band-aid fixing in designs and reduce the amount of Dojo building frustration.


    8) Room Construction Queuing

    After a room is in the process of being built, allow players to continue and walk around in them and queue more rooms to be built automatically after the current room has completed it's build time. It would still take the same amount of time to build each room, but would allow you to plan things out before building and deleting rooms. This would reduce frustration and remove the need for a planner (kind of).


    9) Skinned Decorations

    While this isn't needed it would be nice for trading posts and treasuries to take on a skin that makes them fit within the style of the gardens, so they don't look like an out of place piece of technology.


    10) Decoration Tennogen

    This is one of my favorite ideas so far. While I don't know if you could do Tennogen objects and still distribute them for free, this would be neat. It could always be labeled as a "Community Gift" section though, where people could create and upload stuff they would like to see in their Dojo. They are credited for it on the decoration menu and authors also get it for free in game as credit for them not getting payed to keep Dojo's more customization. If you wanna make them payed as well that's fine - just not $6 USD for a single bench or decoration. Not unless it's a throne.


    11) Clan Goals

    Clan Goals are like Tactical Alerts/Achievements/Sorties for clans. Like research, the goal score increases the higher tier clan you have. These achievements could include boss trophies similar to the Lech Kril statue when your clan kills a certain boss X amount of times. Other things could involve having your clan participate in specialized missions based on the clan stats of most average used weapon, frame, etc. gaining special effects based similar to sorties. Once your clan has reached the goal for these, you are awarded a random new decoration from a hidden list. This is here to give more of an insensitive for clan leaders to manage inactive players and downsize accordingly other than their research lab costs.


    11.1) Chairs we can sit in. While Warframe's don't really need to rest since they are controlled by the Operator and reasoning pertaining to that, there has to be a reason we can build benches in the Dojo. Yeah they look nice, but let us sit in them just to idle please :C 


    EDIT: 12) Allow decorations to be moved without having to destroy them. There's no point in recrafting the same item.


    Maybe it's just me, but I really like the idea of Dojo's and want them to be a nice personalized place to idle in. I don't know if DE sees it as just a place to get research off to the side of the normal game or not, but to me it's the closest thing to home Tenno have. Hope the devs see this. Keep up the good work DE - I hope to see Dojo improvements sometime in the future!


    EDIT: Other Neat Things

    Arsenal Room:

    An Arsenal room with wall hangers, weapon racks, and a shooting range, long enough for snipers and some moving targets for practicing leading bows. Would be neat. Clan officials can place weapons on the weapon racks from the clan research lab, or another version of the weapon can be crafted through clan building (required the BP of the weapon from the market) to stay in the Dojo for everyone to use.



    EDIT: Room Tweaks


    - Tweak tile size for connectors. Add longer connectors so we don't have to go through double ugly doors or waste more forma extending the hallway. It's hard to make things planned out nice and neat with certain gardens that require 2x's more space.


    Temple of Honor:

    - The inlays in the corners need to be able to fit Trade Posts and Treasury stations. They look good there. This is what I mean: http://imgur.com/a/8k7W3 I currently keep trees there as place holders since there aren't many trophies to use other than Lech Kril.

    - Ability to change the Warframe statue in the middle of the room. Would love to have it modular and be able to be an elevator, or switch out the statue with something like Excalibur. Either that or make it the clan's most used frame, so it is actually honoring something the clan likes.

    - Balcony on one of the edges, so the clan leader can stand there and talk to the clan members (just a little role-play thing :p)

  9. Came here to make this exact post. Here are the things I want in here:




    - Allow us to pick spawn rooms that aren't clan halls. This doesn't mean every room. It'd be silly to spawn in a power reactor room or lab, but things like gardens, trophy room, and observation deck.


    - Allow us to upgrade Clan Halls instead of building a bunch of next tier ones that ruin pretty layouts, or remove the capacity cost on decorations.


    - Custom obstacle courses would be neat. Just a thought.


    - Allow us to jump when placing decorations so we don't have to keep going through menus.


    - Add "skinned" trading posts and other techy styled decorations that match and adapt to the room they are placed in. Such as the garden rooms so they don't look out of place.


    Trophy Room:

    I really like this room, but there are a few things that make it so it's not nice to have.


    - Allow us to pick the frame we want as the statue.

    - Allow the Trade Station and Treasury to be resized to fit within the inlays of the corners of the room. Either that, or allow them to fit there. This drives me insane how I have this pretty room but can't spawn or trade in it.


    I had some more but I forgot them. Will post when I remember :c

  10. your forma will not get wasted, it will get stored within the clan vault for the future constructions

    What if you don't have the treasury terminal? 



    Okay, hold up.

    My dojo has 3 levels.The bottom does not contain any halls.

    So I have the first Hall as the main room on the middle floor. If I wanted to just straight up upgrade that, it would mean pushing out the rooms on either side, meaning that ruins my entire bottom floor of my Dojo. OR I could get rid of the necessary rooms on either side and have those either contribute to the upgrade or go to my Clan Vault. That means all my decorating on either side will now be gone.

    The upgraded halls are bigger so you can't just straight up upgrade them. It just doesn't work.


    Well this makes sense. Too bad we can't keep them in a storage while it upgrades and then replaces them (if it fits in the slot where the previous hall was). 

  11. As someone who is building a dojo with a very small clan, it is very annoying that we cannot have the layout we want due to backpedaling in progress. Adding a bigger hall, destroying the old one, adding a bigger one in it's place, destroying the other. It's very annoying.


    I wish I could just upgrade the clan hall. I have less than 10 players in my clan and prefer to keep it that way as we are all just friends who don't want a place to sit around when we aren't doing anything (the garden rooms are very pretty). I can't add any of the labs until getting more capacity, and I don't want to waste everyone's forma. :C

  12. Rewriting the one hit kill and revive draining I like ( sorry, but an instant mission failure essentially WILL drive away new/unaware players)



    Everything else however. Yessssss more dooom. Flashing lights and static yes?

    We get 4 revs per mission now. It leaves a lot of room to be careless. I was thinking these would only spawn in higher level missions, and even then very rarely to make them even more creepy since you would never know when one is around.

  13. I assume you weren't here for the Nervos.

    I remember those. They were annoying. Siphoners would only be a danger if you aren't paying attention and get too close to them, and they would only exist on high levels with maybe 1 or 2 per map depending on squad size and RNG, if they even spawn at all. It's more like an enemy that would make you worry about them regardless of the frame up play, but you don't even know if they are hunting you or not in that mission.

  14. I rather that these parasites didn't "camoflage"

    I don't really need a jump scare...... 



    These units should be rare units right? If I have to go to every Infested mission with this sort of thread just lying about, it would seriously affect my solo running. 

    Yes they are supposed to be rare units. They may not spawn in every missions and initially they would spawn in a far off closet/dead end room. I am rewriting some stuff now that I have reviewed it again and making it more solo-friendly. They would also only appear in higher level missions and be unique to the Eris/Derelict tile-sets.


    They kind of work like Juggernaut events but have a random chance to spawn per mission rather than triggered by killing infested monsters. 


    Holy S#&$, that image scared me

    Can't say I didn't warn ya! :p


    I am aware of the 1 hit kill thing not being fair and am rewriting the combat sections. I don't like 1 hit kills either and I agree I went overboard with that..

  16. Original Post - I think the OP shows the concept better. The post below the spoiler is a version where I tried to clarify more and make it seem more balanced.

    While the Infested tile-set gives off the eerie lighting, fog, and atmosphere it's enemies just don't seem to live up to the expectations of horror and disgust that one might expect of the Infested. They are also a relatively safe faction to fight against, especially with a Vauban or speed Nova to pop them into millions of antimatter particles.
    To add to this, I have come up with the idea of Siphoners. Siphoners are one of the most dangerous monsters you can encounter while doing Infested missions. They are mutations of the Infested that can harm the Tenno in ways the other Infested units cannot. We all know from Teshin that Warframes can revive themselves during missions due to the Oro - their life force. Siphoners feed off of Oro. They are slow, and stealthy. They will not become invisible, but instead stick to walls and camouflage themselves. Their skin isn't recognized by enemy radars, and the only way of knowing they are there is by noticing the walls being a little off in depth when looking at them.
    They will not risk exposing themselves, as unlike other Infested creatures these Siphoners are in a way conscious of themselves separate from the hive mind the infested share. They know they are alive, and are desperately clinging to life by consuming the oro of unsuspecting Tenno. They will stop when looked at, and hide on the floor or wall in camouflage. When your back is turned they will sneak up on you. If they manage to catch up to you, they will plunge their claws into your Warframe's chest and begin to drain the Oro within it.
    Combat: Multiplayer (Squads)
    Siphoners act different when there are multiple Tenno around. While they are on top of you and siphoning your Oro, allies can attack it and knock it off for reduced damage to the victim Tenno. They cannot camouflage while attacking. While they are draining a player, their health will be directly attacked and drained. At 0 health the Siphoner forcefully triggers the revive in the Warframe and reboots it's health to 100% again, but they remain paralyzed and pinned down. After they are knocked off they are stunned for a moment and run back to a wall to camouflage if they are not killed.
    Combat: Solo
    If you have no one to get the Siphoner off of you, these enemies wouldn't be to fair in solo play. As a result of this, less Siphoners will spawn in solo play and they will drain you of all of your revives still. However, you are left with your last life, but are crippled. You can only limp slowly and are too weak to use your abilities. Lotus will contact you and inform you that you are too damage to possibly go on, and order you to go to extraction.
    Siphoners are extremely sensitive to light and take damage from bright light sources, such as Mirage's disco ball and Excalibur's Radial Blind. Other weaknesses include radiation damage to destabilize their genetic structure and cause them to melt. Slash and gas damage are not as effective, however fire damage does put them out of their comfort zone. Electricity also will also prove to be very effective against them, due to their metallic-like skin.
    How they should look
    Most of the time they will be camouflaged, however I had this in mind while writing this for when they are not camouflaged:
    Disclaimer: If you are scared of what's behind this link don't open it, but you have probably already seen this image before.
    Something like that but more infestedish. It should still look like a tortured soul, but just with infestation. Something to elude to these creatures being a more advanced mutation of the Infestation and can break transference through their attacks and corrupt Warframe's creating more of them.

    Siphoners are a unique mutation of the Infested. Their complex is made up of an unstable metallic material that doesn't seem to be able to traced on enemy radars, yet still can adapt and camouflage itself to it's surroundings. They do not share the hive mind connection that the Infested do, and are conscious of being alive but not of what they are or why they are. They are primitive and instinctual, but also smart creatures. They do not die of what one would think to be "natural" causes. They live as tormented monsters who hunt Tenno for the one thing they can consume to satisfy their starvation: Oro. As we know from Teshin, Oro is the life force of the Tenno. It is why the Warframes can revive themselves in missions, and also what makes these monsters so dangerous.
    Sophoner's Combat:
    Siphoners stick to the walls and floors in camouflage. They are not invisible, but not easy to spot if you're not paying attention. They will not move when their target makes eye contact with them, and remain stealthed until they are ready to attack. When the Siphoner and Tenno get close enough together it will break from stealth, leap onto the Tenno and pin it to the ground, proceeding to plunge it's serrated arm into the core of the Warframe to drain it's Oro. This will heavily interfere with the transference between the Warframe and operator, causing mild visual impairments (like the HUD magnetic proc, silence ability cast attempt, and screen darkening from infested swarms) to flicker. The damage will bypass shields and effect health directly. Once you reach 0 health the Siphoner will force trigger a revive, in which the surge of energy will throw it off of the Tenno. It will then return to hiding until it's ready to attack again. Additionally, each time it successfully drains a revive it will level up and restore all of it's health.
    Combatting Siphoners:
    There are multiple ways you can defend yourself against these murderous beasts. It's fairly useless trying to attack them while they are stealthed, as they are highly adaptable and can adjust themselves for massive defense while waiting out their prey. Managing to do enough damage to one in their camouflaged state will make them impatient and trigger their normal attack pattern of leaping at you, though.
    While they leap at you extremely fast, you still have time to dodge them if you catch them on time by rolling out of the way. 
    If they manage to catch you, team mates and companions can damage them. Once they take enough damage they will be severely weakened and forced to retreat. They can usually take a couple of beatings this way though.
    If you're alone I still don't know what to do about this.  I'm working on a counter play option for it while it's attempting to drain you, but other than having a companion such as a Kubrow/Sentinal I don't know what else to do.
    Kubrows will be able to pick up on their presence and will bark loudly to alert you of one being in the same room as you.
    Siphoner Weaknesses:
    Siphoners take increased damage while they are draining Oro, and drain it less slowly while under attack while draining. While the Infestated won't directly attack them, they can be damaged from toxic clouds that Infested Osprey's leave. They are also extremely electricity as their skin is very conductive. Their unstable genetic compound also makes them very vulnerable against radiation damage. 
    Most of the time they are stealthed, but when they break their stealth this is how they will look, only a little more infested:
    Yes this if from the Russian Sleep Expeirment creepypasta but this is how I imagine these things looking.
    Really crappy stealthed examples using an Ancient Disruptor:


  17. Question! 


    Will you ever revisit the problem with the sniper ammo pool? I really want to use both my Kulstar and Rakta Cernos but the sniper ammo split just ruins it and doesn't make sense to not replace the pistol ammo with sniper ammo when we aren't using a pistol.

  18. I see no reason to delete Mobile Defense missions, they just need a rework. On the other hand, I'll support both, void and orokin derelict spy missions. We need variety and adding these would give more space to slightly reduce reward table dilution

    I really always hated the idea of infested spy. They can't operate technology as seen when you throw them in an interception mission.

    They should be called recovery missions. I mean it's just some dialogue and mission name changes but still - we aren't spying on them.

    Couldn't you just use Ivara's invis arrow on the target constantly then? It'd make it boring and require lots of attention.

    As for void spy, all of the yes, they could have (possible second dream spoiler)

    "security eyes" like at some point in second dream

    , and straight unmoving or just horizontal/vertical/diagonal moving lasers and "recievers" so if you get lasered you set off the alarms.

    I like your idea of including parts of The Second Dream. :)

  19. well maybe I understand something different as "mobile defense" like defending something that is moving, but yeah   I would really like spy  in the void,   spy rewords should be like the caches  in the sabotage mission.  Yeah MD  is really boring I give you that.

    You saying that also reminds me of Hijack missions - which are literally mobile defense. Even more reasoning against having mobile defense missions >_>

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