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Posts posted by -CM-Asmud

  1. Only took 9 poundings in Uranus.

    I see what you did there. Did you go really deep? Like how many rounds?

    Sometimes people get really hurt doing that, the deeper the get the painful it is (those darn grineers and their blast procs).

  2. I find both have their own uses.


    Odonata is more on the defense/survivability (space radial disarm), while the Elytron is on the offense (3/4 skills explode).

  3. The game gets worse with each update. It began about one or two months ago when i couldnt host anymore without geting ridicoulous framedrops. And when i write ridiculous i really mean it, from 120 to 150 down to diashow! Since the latest update i cant even solo anymore without really tuning the graphics down, same problem i play with 120-150 fps and suddenly the game becomes a diashow and even crashes sometimes.


    And i really have a decent rig, thats not the issue here. The game was always running smooth. I´m well aware that the graphics and effects improoved but that cant be the whole problem.


    I turned the Physx off and it has toned down the lag quite a bit. It still lags in some part but it's not bad as it used to be when U15 went live.

  4. I would propose of Sigils being free and based on the accumulated standing in a Syndicate.


    At the moment, Sigils cost standing but they don't really affect the gameplay other than being cosmetic. 


    Some players would be put off buying the Sigils and just save their standing to upgrade their Syndicates.

  5. Can we please have a visible barrier on where not to go in the maps. Or possibly a wall that prevents us from accidentally getting extracted prematurely by Ordis and then get a Mission Failure sign.


    I have failed several times already for going too far. The first one was fine since I didn't really know where to go but the others that followed, I was attacking enemies. Most of my focus was on shooting, using skills, evading, and using melee..One also has to be aware of being out of bounds which is really annoying when you are in the heat of battle..

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