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Posts posted by Duch99pl

  1. So I just came back to this game after over 2 years of not playing, and oh boy, I don't understand the vault system.

    Apperently when I was gone, nekros prime came out who is one of my favourite primes, and almost a must for anyone who wants to make the grind for certain resources ( *cough* polymer bundles * cough* ) sort of not suicide inducing. But I just learned that I can't get him anymore trough playing because he got removed to make room for some other prime. So now I either have to farm lots of plat to buy him or wait for a few months until he may get 'unvaulted'


    Back in the day of Tower I-IV missions, I would understand this system, as certain drop tables got overcrowded to say the least, but now with the relics in place, I really, really don't see this problem. While yes you could argue that getting the needed relic is difficult, if you just run a couple of defences or interceptions you have a pretty good shot at other people using the proper key, that's how I just got my Oberon Prime, I needed the neuroptics, and once I ran out of the keys I just kept doing the relics of the same era, getting plenty of other good things, until someone else got the part. And let's be fair, it wouldn't be difficult to make certain relics drop more often from certain missions.

  2. lets make it quick.


    Dera Vandal has 100 Accuracy ( 100% = 100 )

    Rank 6 Heavy Cal has -35% accuracy ( 100% - 35% -> 100-35 )







    Thus accuracy ingame should be about 60 / 65 with Rank 6 Heavy Cal. considering that  if you math equations, no weapon ( that I have tested it on ) has correct accuracy, but its always close enough.


    Now, Idk if this is a bug, or if its just the way DE calculates things, but it really annoys me, as the accuracy is so low on Dera Vandal with Rank 6 Heavy Cal you cant use it at 20+ metres.


  3. Yesterday I finished building it, and as of now, I have 5 forma on it.


    So yeah, the main question is of course ; 'Is it any good' . Well, its not a Boltor prime or Sancti tigris, but its not bad.


    my current build;




    Sadly, the ammo usage is pretty bad, I found myself running out of ammo all the time without ammo mutation on longer missions, and even with it you may run out of ammo. But on missions like T4 Exterminate it does just fine.


    As for Damage, its not bad, but its not great. The crit chance is only 5%, but status is pretty good, but personally raw DMG is the better way to go as its not purely elemental weapon, what means that besides good procs like viral health reduction, you will get  impact, puncture and slash procs. Which arent as good as Viral or Corrosion,


    It is possible to use Heavy Cal. on Dera, but with rank 6, the accuracy drops from 100, to only  12,2.....which makes it highly inaccurate.


    Poeple who know Heavy Cal's stats, and are good at math, will probrably scratch their heads, just like me.


    Rank 6 Heavy cal increases the DMG with 105%, but reduces accuracy with 35%


    Dera V. has 100 accuracy, what means that its litelary 100-35=65. But somehow, accuracy drops to 12,2.


    On Warframe Builder, which is rather good site, it also shows accuracy to be 65, with rank 6 heavy cal.






    In the End, I like using Dera V on short missions, as it feels nice to use.

    But the ammo usage and Heavy Cal kinda ruin its hopes for end game stuff





  4. Sorties are easy lol


    Up to now I did all the sorties except the very first one, and I can say without doubts that they are truly, just a skil check.


    Ive been using Limbo, Loki, Rhino, Mag and even Excal or Ember, without a specific build or anything. for weapons I used Dread or Simulor, and I had little to  no trouble doing them

  5. I got;


    Dera Barrel

    Dera Receiver

    Naramon Lens

    Unairu Lens

    Zenurik Lens


    I sold lenses for 210 plat


    I dont see the problem to be fair, but I can agree getting same thing that isnt even worth anything is just ridiculous.


    but, I want to remind you that its clear that there are common, uncommen and rare rewards...

  6. Sorties already take too long for poeple with lives, if there is a def or interception that is.


    Inters aren't so bad if ýour squad is somewhere decent, but defenses, HELL NO.

    They are 20 waves long, with lvl ~100 enemies. a combination that makes it to take over40 minutes to finish.

  7. I am generally dissapointed about the guest, and the whole operator thingy , to  some degree.


    1st. Stalkers story


    so yeah. he is just a tenno who went mad after discovering the truth, thanks lotus


    2nd.  Operator's lines


    honestly screw that guy, girl or whatever it is, the things it says, just make me wanna kill him on the spot. 'My warframe is strong' , 'For the lotus' . 'We fought hard' , 'Corpus remind me of orokin'. JUST KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE FOR GODS SAKE.


    3rd. Stalker armor, syndana and war


    they are in a damm bundle, enough said really, I honestly care only about the syndana, but I cant buy it as its only in a bundle. Thanks DE, and dont get me started on War, which you can get only from stalker, if RNGezus loves you, and you need to sacrifice Broken War, which we wont get until another Sortie Season ;-;

  8. When I played trough the guest, and saw that kid, I was honestly thinking it was a girl due to  'its' chest.....then when I got to costumize it I looked for 5 minutes for a option to choose sex, 2 mins later, I realized that were playing a kid, or that tenno are transexual ( no hate to trans btw ).


    its a weird concept to be fair, but, what can you do ? 

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