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Posts posted by Tyrarl

  1. A good build up to a point dissecting the problem with the proposed Mod Segment changes. I agree that it is a bad idea going forward. I don't know what kind of impact such a change would have on the player economy and game play in the long run, but it's a bad idea. If duplicate mods are removed when you reach the cap, and given the number of mods that exist, then that will destroy the economy. Prices will go up, because players will have to sacrifice space for mods to sell. What about build diversity as well? I use two different copies of Blind Rage, two different copies of Steamline, and the like, so that I can use them for different builds across different warframes, because it's necessary to avoid wasting mod points on more expensive mods (e.g., using a lower ranked Streamline to still hit the 75% power efficiency cap rather than going over needlessly and wasting those points).


    We've already seen how powerful Rivens are, and the power conveyed through buying more Riven slots to get more powerful choices carries with it just a hint of "pay-to-win" that people so vehemently despise in free to play games. I don't want to see this design choice carried over to the modding system. If there are too many mods that we need to start capping players at what they can use, then perhaps it's time to take a look at the mods themselves and see if they're actually being used or are meaningful choices first, and whether they can be combined with others or removed entirely. There's some mods I can think of, like the base Status Chance mods for every weapon that no one really uses because Dual Status mods or mods that have Status Chance as a secondary effect are innately superior.


    I begrudgingly agree that slots are a necessary evil (even though I think that, at this point in the game, new players should be given a few extra slots. I believe they start with the same number of slots that we started with almost 4 years ago, and the number of weapons, frames, and sentinels has exploded exponentially since then). But I agree that using slots for mod space is not going to be a good idea. It will limit player choice, and people will just start dissolving or looking around for lists of the "best must have" mods (just like now with Serration, etc.) and dissolving everything that's considered inferior just to save mod space. There is no choice there.


    Edit: Ya'll with your "ermagerd wall of text" attitudes are just sad. That took a total of 10 minutes to actually read. This is why the other countries are beating you, America!

  2. On 7/8/2017 at 4:51 AM, Windforc3 said:

    i am facing the same problem

    after all the preparation and planing for the forma's on the dual wield weapons and fusing the mods for them which i'm going to use for my dual wield build. Finally getting the hang of play styles (norm throw and charged throw) presented in dual wield and wanting to enjoy what DE has presented us. This bug happens. De pls fix this as it would all be a waste of your effort in releasing this play style. Saddened I am.

    Getting the same thing. I died multiple times on the Harrow quest because I would try to do melee attacks, but then get stuck in the "wind up" animation, unable to attack, jump, or do anything other than walk, until it finally decided to throw the weapon. It's very annoying and makes this feature unusable because it doesn't happen consistently.

    Of all the weapon types they could have done first, they had to choose the Glaive-type and have it break like this. It's disappointing to say the least. I won't be using this dual wielding feature until it's fixed for good.

  3. 2 minutes ago, LoopStricken said:

    Pray tell, which Primes are incredibly huge upgrades to their base frames?

    As an example: Rhino Prime. With the increase to his armor and the later changes to Iron Skin to make it scale off base armor, Rhino Prime is much better. Higher speed makes him more maneuverable too, which was always supposed to be the "balancing point" for such a tanky frame. He's supposed to be slow, but Rhino Prime is not.


    Rhino Prime is also technically the first Prime that went against previous statements from DE that primes would not be any better stat-wise; Rhino Prime possesses an armor and sprint speed increase.

    The speed increase has a noticeable in-game effect, especially if the Arcane Vanguard Rhino Helmet is used.

    Then there's also Volt Primes increased armor and energy pools, Oberon's increased armor and energy pool, Nova Primes higher shield and energy capacity, and so on and so forth. Every Prime Warframe has statistics increases that generally improve their survivability and in certain situations and with the right builds, let them cap out at ridiculous amounts of energy so they can spam their powers more when necessary... which means they all scale ridiculously with mods.

    And that's not even to address that Primes also include weapons which are ridiculous in terms of how powerful they are over their non-prime variants. Venka Prime alone has some insane power creep (especially over its original version) given it has a unique scaling combo bonus that, as far as I know, has not been replicated onto another weapon.

  4. 23 hours ago, Evanescent said:

    Look at this, it looks like the ring from the relic segment. From what I gather for Rell it works like a fidget spinner and helps him cope with stress or focus his attention or something. This is why he says '...keep it turning'.


    1) There's no observational evidence to support that fidget spinners do anything. People need to stop believing these are anything more than toys that have the word "fidget" thrown in them as if they have any use to occupational therapists and their patients.


    2) I won't deny that it's perhaps some sort of focus for him though. A font of power, or perhaps it's simply a sort of neuroses that he has about this thing? /shrug

  5. 2 hours ago, Chipputer said:

    It's not a derogatory term unless it's intentionally used that way. For someone saying that it's common sense you seem to have forgotten that it's a word with an actual meaning.

    Let's be real here: This is just a nitpick. In the context of the OPs post, it was clearly used in a derogatory way. Trying to deflect and talk about how it isn't always derogatory to use the word "gay" is pointless. OP used denigrating language and was rightly punished for it.


    2 hours ago, Miser_able said:

    It may have multiple uses, but the bot, and some people, don't  know which one you are using so using at all is inadvisable 

    Even if you're using the word in a respectful way, it quickly causes discussions to devolve, especially when that conversation is happening in a public space. It's better to censor potentially inflammatory words in public. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure the intent behind Region chat isn't to discuss overly serious real life stuff.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Midgetman60 said:

    No I dont think it should go away I think that if they know this has been in the game for months that it should either not be tagged as afk or reworked.

    Dude, seriously. Reread what you said. I even bolded the parts that are problematic.

    The system is not going away. Should it warn people? Maybe. But then again, maybe people shouldn't look for ways to exploit game mechanics or cheesy tactics to get the most rewards with the least effort possible.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Midgetman60 said:

    Oberon Prime... I want to play and this is the way I enjoy playing I dont think i should get punished for it...

    Unfortunately, the developers disagree with how you want to play because it is used and abused to the detriment of the game. That has been explained to you. You can either accept that and work around the AFK timer, or just stop playing like that altogether. Judging by your adamant insistence that you must channel Sound Quake for 2 minutes to clear ONE wave, which means you can't move at all, you're not using Resonating Quake or enough range / power strength to kill things. Either way, the problem continues to be your perception of the game and your inability to work around mechanics that have been explained to you.

  8. Just now, Midgetman60 said:

    I just simply think that if you can take a stand still ability like hydroid's 4th or Banshee's 4th over 2 min it shouldn't be marked as AFK

    Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm is NOT a "stand still ability" (FYI, they're called Channeled abilities, usually). Banshee and Mesa are the only two Frames that come to mind that MUST stand still to use their ultimate abilities, and the abuse of both Sound Quake and Peacemaker are why things like the AFK timer were put in and channeled abilities were nerfed.

    I'm beginning to think you don't know much about the game if you think Tentacle Swarm is a channeled cast.

  9. Just now, Midgetman60 said:

    The ability is a stand still... meaning you cant move if your able to take an ability over 2 miniutes its not my fault...

    Io is a level 15ish (20ish?) node. Waves will not take 2 minutes to clear with a proper Sound Quake build, nor would they in a higher level mission. The Corpus Gas City defense map is amazingly compact compared to most defense maps, you can hit everything as it spawns. You also can't get energy from plates / EV if you're constantly channeling, so no your ability is not taking over 2 minutes to use. If you're not moving to avoid being slapped with an AFK notice, then the problem is you, not the game.

  10. 1 minute ago, Midgetman60 said:

    Idk if your able to do it and they know you can do it why mark it as afk still?

    Educate yourself. You seem new to video games in general if you're not aware of why this was changed.

    In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.

    See the bold part. Amazingly applicable to your complaint.

  11. 1 minute ago, Midgetman60 said:

    How is it abusive if it's intended to be used???


    Back in the day, people could channel continuous abilities like Sound Quake and World on Fire, and as long as someone was feeding them energy (Trinity), they didn't even need to be at the keyboard to wipe the map. That is NOT intended game play. It's because of people who share your mindset about playing the game (e.g., using cheese to clear a map without any thought or effort) that you can no longer get energy from restores, Energy Siphon, or Energy Vampire anymore. It's because of this mindset that standing still for 2 minutes even while channeling an ability, will flag you AFK.

    So thanks for that. /s

  12. Just now, Midgetman60 said:

    If I can soundquake that long why move its easier and more effiecent tbh

    Literally move between waves and it's not a problem. There isn't always enemies up 100% of the time. You have to stop channeling sound quake at SOME point to get benefits from EV anyways.

  13. 13 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Solargeo said:

    I heard someone complaining.  Anyway. Yes it can happen.  COuld they have took it out ? Yes.  Where they more worried about the event itself being not being very buggy?  pretty sure... It probably did not occur to them .  If it did as I said the chances where very slim. I am sure they are surprised.  Anyway what is ONE DAY without sorties for  people? a vacation from the bad rng? 

    Stop trying to minimize or act dismissive of the issue. It doesn't matter if it's one day or every day, it's an issue that should have been avoided after it happened the first time with the Rathuum event. There was no excuse for such an oversight to happen a second time in a year.

  14. Just now, (Xbox One)Solargeo said:

    Ok they didn't think it would chose that... Yes they did mess up. but you know what?  stuff happens. and i will not go on sarcastic rant. ..  Basically stuff happens  If it can chose almost ANY node  6 or so days each  having a 1/? chance of it being that.  Hek wh are you bbeing so hurt about some credits? a maybe good riven i can understand . but people complaining about the credits just wow/      

      Reveal hidden contents

    I am not drunk  nor tired or is it late in the day for me 

     . I am ending my small rant before I go all super annoyed

    Stuff happens. Once. Maybe twice. It shouldn't happen consistently every time they bring in an event that changes or introduces a new boss on a node that can be picked for Sorties.

    Also I wasn't complaining about Credits anywhere in my post. I'm not sure where you got that from but thank you for misrepresenting my post, I guess?

  15. 28 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    Don't forget that Sorties are random, they are not handpicked by DE. Most likely they did not expect Hades to be selected within this 7 days considering the vast amount of possibilities. They probably don't even have the code for the post-event node in game for now. It will get solved soon most likely. 

    They are not handpicked by DE, but clearly they have a means of excluding certain mission types and maps from the Sortie list, as we have seen with yesterday's hotfix that removed Lua Spies from the Sortie lists due to performance issues. There was no excuse for their oversight in not removing Hades from the Sortie when they deployed the event in the (highly likely) off chance that it would be picked as the last mission.

  16. 2 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    DE did not give you any middle finger. 200 points is more than acceptable even for 1 person to obtain within 7 days, and considering that a ghost clan can have up to 10 people, it's not much at all. 

    Where are you getting 7 days? I'm not talking about completing the event before it ends, I'm talking about completing it before a broken sortie appears. It's been 3 days since the event started. It's understandable that non-hardcore members won't have finished the event, but they shouldn't be punished by having their normal game play loop disrupted by blocking Sorties just because they haven't finished an event in 3 days.

    Also as already pointed out, my ghost clan is a clan I've had since we started 3 years ago and we only have two people.

  17. 37 minutes ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

    Learn from its mistakes bro???. I don't need to read further than this, First off they didn't change anything to the sorties, And from my knowledge Kayla and ambulas are two separate issues in the coding. You should try coding something, S#&$ goes wrong all the time the more complex and more coding there is and warframe must be one hell of number monster. Expect things to go bad every time they add something new because no human is perfect enough to make a flawless code.

    It doesn't matter if Rathuum and Ambulas ruining the Sortie were separate issues, the issue should not have happened a second time, period. If you're not going to read my posts in their entirety, then I'm done with you. Good day.

  18. Just now, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

    As long as it gets fixed, it should be fine these things do tend to happen, hell why do you think glitches exploits and bugs occur because #Unexpected happens.

    Best we can do is suck it up and admit defeat or grind your brains out, that is unless something happens but otherwise the choice is yours. Not like complaining will change much mid day saturday.

    If it was a problem before, it shouldn't have happened a second time. DE has failed to learn from its mistakes with the Rathuum event and is repeating it again with this Ambulas one. You're right, nothing will change today if we complain loud enough, and chances are it never will change. But what would you have people do if they're unsatisfied with how the game and its development is being handled?

  19. 8 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    wellp rally your clan to help c.c

    While I don't need to justify anything to you because clearly you're going to parrot the same things over and over, I'm in a Ghost Clan with one other friend. He also only has internet access when he's at a public library because he can't afford internet. I can't "rally" anyone to help given my situation, and I can guarantee there's plenty of people who have a "Friends and Family" only clan with only a few casual members. Yet another case where DE has given small clans a big ol' middle finger because of their design decisions.


    And people wonder why I don't want to give them any more money.

  20. 8 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    u have 22 and half hours c.c

    Just because someone CAN go out and grind out the event to gain access to the Sortie, doesn't mean they should have to. Time-gated events should be a closed system and should not affect normal game play.

    Not all of us have all the time in the world. Most days I can only log in to do my sorties and one or two alerts. I don't have time to grind Outer Terminus, Pluto for 3 hours to get the 400 needed for my clan.

  21. This is not the first time that DE has broken Sorties because of an operation or change to the game. It will not be the last.

    To think when I logged in this morning, I was going to see about buying some Platinum. I haven't done so in a while because I didn't agree with the way the Hema was handled, and I didn't like the original set up for that Kavor operation. But, time seems to have dulled my bitterness and I wanted to buy some today.

    Until I saw that I wasn't allowed to finish the Sorties because my clan hasn't finished the Ambulas Operation. Yet another oversight/mistake that could've been easily avoided. Guess they never learn from their past mistakes. They won't be getting my money now.

    Don't expect a hotfix. I certainly don't. I only wish I'd realized this before I already did the defense missions.

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