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Posts posted by lightfist1

  1. To address your first point of, sensor regulators instant alarm, it would feel better for the mission if there was a small delay or some sort of danger notification so that you as a player can respond to any oncoming regulators.  As it feels right now they just can sneak up on you causing an auto alarm of the vault.

    In my experience "imprecise" is being generous.  At times I will be far outside of the their proposed vision range and will have been seen, and on at least one occasion I could have swore I was within it and not seen.  This may be because of this weeble-wobble effect you're talking about.  Fixing their vision ranges to be more precise could immensely help with what you are talking about.

    In my experience the regulators to spend a little too much time in a single spot when they have gotten to the end of their patrol route.  As for the damage that they can tank, I feel, it would be best if they had a bit less effective health, because after about level forty they are almost impossible to one-shot and they either don't care or its an auto alarm. Something that could alleviate this problem would be an actual visible weak spot.

    Seeing that these are the primary way I level equipment, when I don't wish to go online for endless missions. I would be glad if they got some minor changes.

  2. This seems like a rather useful addition.  It would make certain alterations to the dojo less of a pain to deal with.  The only problem I have with this is in the older non-tiled rooms, which you have already addressed with a possible solution. 

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