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Posts posted by (PSN)Veeper3000

  1. After finishing the Second Dream Ordis doesnt talk anymore, no jokes no comments when i make color changes for foundry finishes etc. and after watch others streaming my Operator does not talk either. Is anyone else having these issues or is it something I havent done to make them talk again?

  2. I dont know about everyone else but since U18 my UI in game is way too big and I have the settings all the way down. My chat box is not where it is suppose to be and I cant change it, the chat box sits almost in the middle of the screen and its huge. in the ship the font is fine everything is normal but when i go on a quest its like the game has zoom on. is anyone else getting this?

  3. Hello Tenno,


    We are a Shadow Clan with all research up to date and are looking for more members.


    Doesnt matter if you are New or old we have vets and young tenno.


    We are a shadow clan and plan on being a Storm Clan soon!


    If you wish to join the fun and the runs and/or just need help we can offer both!


    to join:

    reply here or Contact veeper3000 or CursedSteve

  4. Hello Tenno,


    I am Veeper3000 on PSN my Clan Oniwaban is recruiting new and old players our leaders play on PC and PSN and have allthe knowledge you want to know about all the new content our dojo research is up to date and we are looking anyone that like warframe and wants to play with others.


    Clan rules:

    Trading in clan is allowed

    Free to join

    Must be respectful



    If you are interested send me a message here, in game or via PSN. Hope to see you soon!

  5. I wish i could get a do over I thought that the description meant stealth since it describes it so well and instead its healing. Healing does fit my play style and now I really dont know what to do. A few of the descriptions to me were not very clear as far as what they actually do overall.


    Its not that Vazarin is bad it's just that's not what I was going for. When I saw Mogamu video on the school I Naramon is where I should be but the description wasn't as clear as how he explained it. If I could reset and choose Naramon I would but using Vazarin for healing when there's always a Trinity in your party is making this very difficult for me.

  6. Its been 13 days and that helmet still hasnt appeared out of the few drills to finish which is the problem. Literally example using frost: drill falls, use glob, run pick up power cell, turn around Lotus "Drill has been destroyed, protect the remaining..." all in a few secs with 20 grineer spawning next to the drill... its insane.

  7. For over a week now I have been tryin to complete story quest to be all caught up for U18.


    Limbo Archwing Interception too hard to do solo with a team it's ok


    Limbo Excavation on Earth (Helmet) TOO HARD!!! mission says 22-30 enemy do 3 million damage in 12 secs (Tested with Nyx)


    Still haven't beat the mission with the help of players that have completed U18. Enemies spawn in high numbers for 3 locations all at once and can destroy you along with the drill in 3 secs even if you have a Rhino, Frost and Trinity!


    I just want to get to U18 but this mission is impossible I'm scared for the other missions to craft Limbo. When I did this on Xbox One this quest was no where near as hard! annoying yes but do-able even solo.



    Nyx - Chaos makes enemies attack drill faster before attack each other.

    ​Excalibur - Radial Blind increases their movement speed to attack drill then they are effected by blind.

    Frost - Snow Glob cant absorb damage due to enemy damage output being to high.


    I cant even get help from my clan anymore because they said its too hard and I cant get help from the recruit tab anymore because everyone that tried quit on it after 45 mins with no helmet from excavation and seeing enemies at lvl 100.


    If anyone wants to try with me your more than welcome to try but seriously this one quest is making me want to stop playing. I get the aspect of F2P but this is insane how hard it is for a lvl 22 story quest.


  8. Hey all,


     Ever since last devstream my Helmets have been missing from my inventory and my equipment, is this happening to anyone else?


    First my Saryn Arcane Hemlock and non arcane helmets were missing and now all my embers and along with every Warframe I have... all gone! ALL GONE  all I have left are the rhino helmet from the skin and Excalibur newer helmets everything else is gone.... Could my account have been hacked!? or is this just a bug? I'm seriously trying not to cry here no jk


    I submitted a report already but I'm just so sad its been killing my mood to play. if any DE see this please! your help would be most appreciated

  9. To [De]Scott:


    PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! NEKROS NEEDS TO BE REVAMPED MORE THAN ANY OTHER WARFRAME ATM... he just feels so out of place/outdated I know tons of people rant and rave about mag but she's still deadly and useful against corpus. Nekros is so left behind what he can provide to a team others warframes do better and even Desecrate players are using Hydroid over him due to the augment mod.


    (I personally would love to see him with a large two handed scythe slashing enemies and resurrecting them like shadows of the dead.) It may just be me but it just feels like Nekros is the red headed step child of warframe :(  

  10. Questions: Regarding Melee Stance Animations


    Hello, Since melee 2.0 now that we can equip stance mods and even Warframe stances, Why is the stance of all Tenno the same generic stances?


    (All Warframes have 3 animation "Default", "Noble" and "Agile" that the Primary and Secondary weapons "stance" is effected by except the melee stance.)


    I would love to see the "Stance" of the tenno or the mod reflected in there animation and movement, for example: With Atlas His "Noble" animation reflects a boxing idle animation. With fist type weapons  it be great if he still that boxing style in his walking, running and jumping animations.

  11. Thank you everyone for your input  I was asking about this because I just dont like firearms and i just love going melee only because i solo everything.


    When i use any firearms outside of Bows and Kunai/Throwing Stars I feel like im just too vulnerable...


    Is Melee as a primary still not fully effective yet?

  12. I found a video that had some good mods and a loadout using the channeling mods.I was wondering how come more people dont use it? I tried this guy's idea and it worked and was fun. I even heard about a corrupt mod, Corrupt Charge I think but I cant find it.



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