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Posts posted by DominicWhite

  1. Would add a nice bit of flair, indeed. Not sure it would fit their intended game design but hey, I like your idea.

    On a related note, I was hoping the rolling manuever would make you harder to hit while performed, but alas, no such luck.

    Yeah, some kind of defensive boost to dodge animations like backflips/rolls, and some kind of aggressive boost to diving shots and slides would probably make for a more agile game all round.

  2. First thing, I'm digging the game. I'd not really followed Warframe's development at all, and all I was vaguely aware of is that there was a Dark Sector F2P game in the works. I've now sunk a fair few hours into the current beta and had a lot of fun. One thing I do notice is that while there's a bunch of crazy-badass ninja moves like diving shots, sliding attacks and so on, there doesn't seem to be any incentive to use them.

    Just as a vague idea for the devs, perhaps some kind of critical hit bonus or even a straight damage buff while doing these moves would encourage their use a little more. Not enough of a buff to make it wildly preferable to just the usual run-and-gun style, but imagine how cool it would be to get a power boost to your shotgun if you're firing it while sliding into the enemy.

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