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Posts posted by (PSN)FrellMeDead

  1. 11 hours ago, Fifield said:

    Since staying in missions and fighting enemies beyond level 120 isn't supported by DE,  these mapwide disabling abilities have to go.

    Based on your previous comments regarding high level enemies and the incorrect assertion that just because DE scales enemies based on the Solar Map then no abilities should be scaled to that level it is painfully obvious that you don't really undertand this game from the get go or how it has been played from the start. With that being said some things do need to be corrected or nerfed while others need to be buffed. Enemy scaling needs to be fixed if DE plans to continue changing and nerfing frames, abilites, and weapons. I don't undertand why in your mind it has to be an either /or solution. If they fix both the scaling of enemies and continue to allow for high end/late game customization through mods then why can't we have both. If DE didn't want players to play  against lvl 120 or 135 enemies then they could have easily  made changes to correct this from occuring. Instead they have made events and alerts that make it obvious that players want a challenge but also to be able to customize and play these frames/weapons how they see fit obviously within the confines of the modding system already in place. The more options the better in the short and long run. The issue comes up when abilities are nerfed or screwed with just because they make things a little easier late game but that is because we have the freedom to mod these abilties to be as strong as we can given the mods currently available. So what's the issue really? It doesn't hurt you in any way if others play things a little easier given the abilties and mods. Again I'm not saying that nerfs or corrections shouldn't be made but they should be only used sparingly. This is obivious given the change to Mag's polaize ability being changed and made crappy for no reason. If I can mod it to make it powerfull then what reason do you have to complain how I or anyone for that matter play the game. It doesn't effect you in any way what so ever. Just because you don't like that style of play doesn't make it wrong. People like differnt things and we're free to chose what we like. Obviously in your mind it is your way only based soley on It's boring when the enemies don't shoot back. Which again is a poor argument since all blinding abilites have been changed for good or bad. If you don't like don't play the game and just move on and let those that do like it to play it how we want to play. Also your whole comment about forcing people to have fun is just absurd to say the least and shows your mentality as well as ignorance to how others might want to play the game.

    Just because you prefer to not have those abilities be effective at high levels doesn't mean that you are right especially given the back and forth stance DE has taken over the years. If you don't like it then play by yourself since that is the quickest and simplest solution to your issue. As I previously stated some things should be corrected but to only take half measures is ridiculous and really goes against the whole point of being able to mod your frame or weapon to be as strong/powerful as you can get it to be given the mods available. It kinda defeats the purpose of configuring your loadouts with differnt mods to get the best performance of your frame's abilities if you never plan on using those abilities in the first place.

    As a whole there are a large majority of veteran players still active on both PC and console versions. Just because your clan left and you don't like something doesn't mean that this is the correct direction for DE to take going forward. Plenty of players leave and new players replace them. Plenty of players come back after a period of time since they know the general update schedule and it allow them to take advantage of the plethera of new content. 

    Just for the record I've been active for well over 3 years and plenty of changes have occured that I don't necessrily agree with and some I do. Generally things get evened out but it takes forever and pisses plenty of players off to see stupid changes occur especially when the minority is the one asking for these changes or nerfs to occur. If you don't like the game or think it's to easy then don't play. Don't try to change things when it's obvious you don't play it enough either currently or ever to really understand the point of using one's abilities in conjunction with your weapons. Just get over it and move on to a differnt game instead of trying to screw this one up with stupid changes that really only please the minority. Also just for confirmation I'm not saying this game is perfect since I do think some things need an overhaul or fixes to make it better in the long run but your attitude is poor at best and shows a clear lack of understanding about this game. That's in addtion to how you view others given your superiority complex as shown in the multiple previous comments you have made in this thread alone. Obviouslly this game isn't for you and you clearlly spend more time on the forum then in the game so why don't you find a game that suits you better instead of trying to make this one into something you might like for two minutes (given your personality). 


    I'm done saying and repeating what numerous others have already stated but what you clearly can't seem to comprehend. Hopefully you'll understand and find something different somewhere else that suits you. 

  2. Are you talking about mastery rank tests or leveling up your character/weapons, etc? If you are talking about mastery rank tests automatically failing then you are not alone. I've had it occur several times almost always when maintenace or other issues occur with the Playstation network. Just recently for the rank 15 test I auto failed without the test even loading for some reason and the only thing going on was an issue with the Playstation network having issues due to "unscheduled maintenance". I wasn't even able to relogin later as a result but because I had been logged in for awhile when I initally tried to rank up Warframe acted normal except for the rank up test. Very annoying especially since I couldn't do the test for 24 hours as a result of the automatic failure (test acts like it is loading with the ship/loading screen but automaticaly goes back to the main ship/Liset).

  3. Depending on your playstyle and where you are in the solar system kind of determine which warframe you want/end up with at this time.

    Normally I would offer to give you some parts but in order to trade you have to be mastery rank 2 or higher.

    You can message me on PSN and I'll help you out. I would look on the wiki to see which frame you want/would like. Obviously some frames like vauban are only done through alerts (at least last I checked).

  4. All that you need to do is go from tower to tower, capture each one in turn. If you lose one recapture it as quickly as possible. The more towers you have under your control the greater percentage/number of points you gain towards the total until you reach 100%. Not much more to it then that really.

    It's easier if you have multiple players since each one can cover each of the four towers and thus quickly get to 100% total (not just 100%total for each tower). Obviously the better weapon you have and the more players you have with you the easier it will be since you can quickly kill any enemies and keep or retake the towers. Best of luck either way you go. If you need help you can message me on PS4 and I'll help out. You can also make a post under the recruitment part of the forum and ask for some assistance.

  5. I'm interested in what builds are best for Vauban. I'm curious as to how others have modded him, specifically with his vortex and/or bastille abilities and obviously for use in late (or as some call it "end game") game levels. Any help would be appreciated.

  6. Starting tonight around 10pm EST I'm planning on starting to play through a lot of the keys that I have accumulated since I started awhile ago. Additionlly I want to try to get through as much of the solat system as possible and maybe a few infestation survivals, etc... Originally I was saving a lot of these keys for a few friends to play with but due to work complications and problems with our schedule that doesn't seem likely at this time. In the end it works out for others since they get to farm all the goodies from the void and orokin derelict ships, etc.

    If anyone is interested then contact me and/or friend me on PSN and we'll start going through all these keys. I'm trying to farm for some specific items but otherise it is for fun and to run high levels if possible depeding on the squad available and your general competency. Having a mic is a big plus since it never hurts to give someone a heads up or ask for help if needed. Hopefully we'll actually be working as a team and not just trying to go solo.

    That being said anybody and everybody are welcome to play. I'll be playing as either a Rhino Prime, or Hydroid at the moment but depending on the other players and their characters that may change obviously. If you have a character that complements either of these warframes then even better. My characters are maxed out in terms of weapons, frames, and sentinals (Just as an FYI).

    My Username of PSN is FrellMeDead, I look forward to playing with you.

  7. I'm having the same issue. No matter how many times I run the invasion missions I don't seem to get the G3 ever. In fact I've only ever seem them once and they came after me even though I never got a message from them. Obviously there is some kind of glitch.

  8. I'm interested in playing some rounds of Warframe with you and fellow mature players so feel free to message or friend me on PSN. I'm already a member of a clan but I'm always open to playing with some decent players, regardless of whether you are a beginner or advanced player, it doesn't matter to me. Just looking to have fun and play with like minded people.

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