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Posts posted by (PSN)Astro_BS-AS

  1. hace 2 minutos, High_MR_Noob dijo:

    Being forced to kill 500 enemies with an Archgun and win races with the useless K-drive is completely stupid. Forcing us to play parts of the game, that do not appeal to no one is nonsense. And 500, come on.

    Have you tried using the ArchGun on any normal mission? Not white-knighting here, but It doesn´t say 500 kills ON archwing.

    Only with the ArchGun, which you can use on any mission

    • Like 5
  2. hace 17 minutos, (NSW)Kadet dijo:

    This is still a bad move.  They should have replaced the retired avionic with its equivalent.  Some players wont have the equivalent/replacement in inventory, and you're leaving them nothing to equip in the retired one's place.  By not replacing the retired Avionic, you are factually stealing from the player.

    Guys. You should read carefully. Nobody´s taking anything from our inventory. They are converting low end avionics to the high end counterpart. ALL are being converted. We still have 3 houses, but each has only a set of avionics. If you had a low end Hyperstrike now you have the best version, and still all the others in just ONE house. 

    • Like 1
  3. Hi Guys. I have to say that I really enjoyed endurance runs. Even going solo just to see how far I could go, with the added benefit of Ducat fodder. 

    I agree with the points of the podcast. The "endgame" is lacking somehow. I have 1.7K hs in game, been here since 2014 and I still love this game. But something is missing. 

    I can understand why DE need to change the acquisition of prime parts, but in some way it has done more harm than good. I could have a Survival which, for example, make any Relic Radiant after 40 min. You could still have ONE Prime part, but you could choose. There has to be something. Or Exterminations with Enemies lv 100 or 120, with 200 of them. Something that you have to work on with. Just something...

    And please, change the system for ONE RELIC FOR ALL players. Or, if you have multiple relics, you choose multiple rewards. 

    IDK, something.... 

  4. 13 hours ago, KirukaChan said:

    What's wrong with Combas? You can still shoot them, and in most cases they don't disable all of a Frame's powers.

    I'll agree that Bursas need a rework and Nullifiers need to go, though.

    Good point. I agree with you. It was somewhat of a knee jerk reaction when I'm being assaulted by all those units at once. 


    But yes, you're right. 

  5. No. Just no. 


    There's a reason for Grineer being the most balanced (and played against) enemy. The absence of those stupid units like Nullies or Bursas or Combas... 


    thanks but no.

  6. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)MaatRa91 said:

    Because I did use a forma on my 3 forma'd vaykor marelok, but I did not get the mastery rank level back, as I am MR21, I expect the starting level up to be 21, correct?

    Exacty that. But it seems that's not the case. And that includes the (quite critical) changes to Trin, or Mag (auto damage) for example. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)blpimg325 said:

    Would someone please elaborate on what Nekros's update does with regards to Shadows adding to future casts?

    I tried using it a little last night but could not see the effect.


    Thank you.

    Now the enemies that THE SHADOWS kills are added to the list on the next cast. 

    Before this only the enemies that YOU killed counted. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    A sizable amount of posts were hidden as they violated the Code of Conduct and were derailing the thread. I see a lot of good discussions coming from this so I would hate to shut it down. Carry on respectfully Tenno! 


    Danielle, you're right, but let me ask something. 

    Do anyone but you on DE reads these kind of posts? It's almost impossible to have a perfect conversation if DE seems to be oblivious to the topic. 

    The only time DE changed something was to make them even more difficult to kill with non high fire rate weapons. (tonkor for example)

    How about arrows and Snipers making the bubble explode? How about something at all? 


    We respect your presence and you bring common sense to topics, but we NEED some response. If everything's ends being just "like/dislike" we're always going to end up fighting each other. 


    Just bubble popping with Snipers and arrows. Just that. At least tell us if Scott or Steve get the message, please. 

    (And excuse my poor English. I'm from Buenos Aires)



  9. New chat is awful and pretty much useless. Even compared tomthe old chat. 


    Please, DE, at least change the button bindings and let us select those emojis... Dy remember we have to write with buttons, right? 

  10. Now we have a real problem....

    It's a complete adquisition of the company as far as we can understand from Reb's post.

    What's the problem? Simple. In that situation EVERYONE becomes an employee. So, if tomorrow they don't like Steve's hats, or they believe that Lotus are giving away too much gifts they "could" fire them.

    Maybe the terms of the contract debunks everything I'm saying and I want that to happen. Please prove me wrong because I don't like this at all.

    In any case if this means that the Team won't have any potential financial problems and they would be able to add content without problems then it's ok ... But I have a hard time believing it.

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