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Posts posted by (PSN)Astro_BS-AS

  1. Thought the current theory was that the Queens were likely Lora Twins


    That´s interesting too. But ain´t one of them actually dead?. Or, to be more specific... became an Infested?. Could it be, in any case, that there were many Lora Twins too, and I´m totally open to that possibility too.


    Also, Gelkor has a great point too. But in any case, "who" are those twins? ... and what´s their origin?






    -edit because I´m a lizard writing english-

  2. Hi everyone. Ps4 player here from Argentina. Some things I like to talk with your about the Lotus Lore. Possible and unproven Spoilers ahead. Please read with caution.


    (sorry everyone for the lack of "spoilers" tag before the edit)



    TL:DR -->


    The Twin Queens are Lotus "Sisters"



    ----Possible Spoilers ahead -----

    Ok, now a Little Wall of text next that is pure speculation and could be totally wrong so please, take that into consideration. (please excuse my english btw....)


    There´s one thing that have crossed my mind since watching the NATAH quest (since I´m on Ps4...)


    Could it be that the Twin Queens are in some way (or literal way) the "Lotus Sisters"?


    So, in some way they too could have they´re own "children". The Grineer.



    Remember that the Sentients made almost all the Orokin tech unusable. They could control everything. Maybe the Sentients gave the Orokin the "answer" to control the Tenno´s "anger and affliction" (Rhino and Excabro Codex)... a MOTHER FIGURE.


    A Mother that could contain all the fury inside the Warframes. A figure of trust. Of hope...


    Let´s not forget that the original Tenno were quite broken.... twisted and transformerd by the Void they wouldn´t be easy to control. The Ascaris came into place here, and that could have been the "Lotus Solution". (and the device to end them too...)



    So, again, could it be that only "one" Lotus wasn´t enough?. Could it be that a Trinity of "them" were put in place to lead the War against the Sentients?. Of course that would have been a Sentient´s plan btw.... And Natah´s quest point into that direction....


    So, I think that we´re going to tie some more "family issues" in the near future ! And I can´t wait ...


    DE, we need a comic, an anime, a movie.... a mini series.... anything.... that would be so amazing. Like this game :).



    Thanks everyone for Reading !



    Our sources have told us that both Nef Anyo and Alad V are sweetening their offerings as the end of Tubemen of Regor approaches - neither will offer any more credit rewards. However, what each will offer is still unknown. The rewards will continue to be randomized like in the previous conflicts, except when the score is tied, there is no chance that one side offers a superior reward.  Whether your loyalty can be bought is still up to you!



    Yes..... "Randomized"... of course.


    Look, Drew. We respect you and your work, but when you post nonsense like this we FEEL CHEATED.


    Please, don´t insult our intelligence and our time within the game AND the community by saying "randomized rewards"...


    It´s quite sad and even enraging to see this kind of attitude. The ones that tried to keep "loyal" to a side were (we) robbed. 4 potatoes, R5 cores... ON ONLY ONE SIDE and you say "randomized"....


    For me it´s simple. I´m going to "randomize" my experience with the game by NO BUYING any platinum pack from the store with REAL (not beta) money anymore. Everything´s going to the trade.... I´m going to cut the danglers of the game until "the game" stops "randomizing" my time and my experience as a player and as a person.


    It´s not fair and you know it.

  4. Hi ! A loyal Tenno from Argentina here :)

    My question is: Is Lotus a Cephalon?

    From the way that Symaris talk to "her", and Cordylon speaking about the ways that Cephalons could "manifest themselves"

    I can't help but wonder if that's the case.... That "she" is an hybrid one-of-the-kind Cephalon.

    Thanks for the amazing experience that Warframe has become !

    Gus from Argentina.

  5. Hi everyone.


    My opinion about sniper rifles is that they´re TOO weak against med to high level content.


    Yes, you could forma´d them 4 times (I´ve done that to my Lanka) and still they have problems.


    Some problems, in a random order: reloading is too slow. Vectis doens´t have innate punch trough. The bullet should "explode" doing some area CC when firing. They should have an alt mode that you could use as a CQ alternative.


    And the (not so) NEW problem of Snipers (and bows) are the stupid nullifiers. I can see that they´re bubble could "null" some Tenno void ninja magic, but THEY NEVER SHOULD stop a bullet. Less so a BIG bullet or an arrow. 


    Void missions have made the snipers even less useful by now.


    Please, DE, do something about them. As for today you could use a Sybaris as "sniper" and do hell lot more of damage.


    USE them in the next Primetime. Use them anytime if you could. And please fix them.

  6. I think that what happened was that when the Solar Rails were "resetted" before the PVP content, they were the first to "claim" the Rails.


    It wasn´t any need for "PVP" when you were the first to claim a rail.


    And so, being that the mecchanics to win a Solar rail are TOTALLY broken (3000 rounds? WTF?) there´s almost no way to win.


    I remember that they even put a "banner" once saying that they DIDN´T WANT the rail anymore.


    Being as it is, even if they don´t put any Specters or even a single CR, it´s almost impossible for them to "lose" the rail.

  7. No. Just no. This topic is a bad idea.

    Look, it took many people way too long to get to max serration, and doing it makes you feel more "Tenno" (and a much less social person irl) so I don't want it removed. If anything I 'd like a Primed Serration (with a v polarity, please) wich do 220% more dmg at max level.

    This is another well written topic that doesn't add anything good to an already very good game.

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