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Posts posted by Ilikegladpandas

  1. I agree with the statements made for the argument of melee users. Also Volt is now completely useless against void enemies as well as corpus. If you main Volt I feel bad for you. Really.


    Adding Nullifiers to the void was a pretty cheap way to make already hard things even harder. I don't think it's so bad that they were added to the void, but this added with the new ranged mechanics enemies have which allow them to snipe you from across the map makes void tilesets way to hard. If they were going to add them, they should have been added more intelligently.


    I get that people will always find a reason to complain, but up till now I've been pretty alright with decisions DE has made. I never got why some people complain about every little thing. I spend nearly all of my play time in voids, and as such, in my opinion, this is worth complaining about.

  2. Found a hole into space as well, Uploaded a video of how to replicate that here:



    From here you can get to various spots of the map including on top of the domed glass part, and the upper floor behind the barriers.

  3. As Grobbus said, you just use img in brackets [ img ] [ /img ] without spaces, upload to Imgur and post between those two. I also used [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] without spaces. and yes, I will help anyone with emblems completely free. Send me your ideas, clan names, themes, etc, and we'll see if we can work something out.

  4. Leonov relay is bugging out and shows up as a squad instead of a relay and nobody is inside it.



    Edit: Actually all of the hubs are bugged. Are the hub servers down?


    Edit 2: It isn't a problem on Vesper Relay for some reason.



    got the same problem, can't get my new shiny detron and my game keeps crashing whenever i try to go out of the relay (which is also empty and instead of the void-trader there's just a ...void



    Sometimes I load into a relay completely alone - no other person in sight. (This seems to happen in any relay.) Whenever I LEAVE RELAY from this state, the game always freezes and crashes - every time. 


    This actually seems to happen to me every time I enter the Relay at Venus now, and was happening consistently for the Saturn one as well.


    ... okay maybe this is happening for every relay for me now. Don't see anyone else.. including the Void Trader.. :/


    Same problem as these players. This has always happened to me, but it was fixed by restarted the client after the game crashed. Now though, it's just happening for every relay, every time. Restarting never fixes it.


    ICan't interact with anything. The void trader isn't in the vesper relay, I can interact with syndicate leaders, but I can't turn in medallions. the ducat terminals work the same way as this. I can still use the elevators though.


    It's as if the relay hasn't fully loaded or something. It's quite weird.

  5. I just barely Forma'd my Mirage Warframe and it didn't remove any of my mods. The new polarity stuck, but I was still able to play with all of the mods I had on prior to the Forma.




    As you can see, Mirage is level two, but I still have three abilities equiped, Redirection, and Vitality. The abilities are usable, and persist as if they were affected by mods.




    Another of the mod screen on Config A.




    This is Config B. You can see that the bottom right double dash polarity has been formad into a D slot.


    I did not have any mods equiped in Config B prior to the Forma.


    I have not tried to Forma any other Warframe since before update 14.0.9.


    Edit: I just tried it on Ash, and did not get the same results. It seems to only be Mirage.


    P.S. I don't know if this is in the right section, it might be a "General Issue."

  6. All listings are posted below. My prices are based on the lowest prices at http://wftrading.net/

    Prices are also listed next to the items. I am willing to negotiate. No prices are set in stone.

    If interested, PM me in-game, here, or post below. Any time is a good time.


    (*) represents amount of platinum. [I am also willing to trade, but you need to have patience during negotiations!]


    My username is spelled with two i's and one L. Example: iLikeGladPandas

    Some people have a hard time with it for some reason.






    AkBronco Prime Blueprint(10)


    Bronco Prime Blueprint(4)


    Latron Prime Blueprint(1)

    Latron Prime Stock(4)


    Paris Prime Blueprint(2)


    Boar Prime Blueprint(2)


    Boltor Prime Stock(1)

    Boltor Prime Receiver(3)


    Burston Prime Stock(2)


    Sicarus Prime Blueprint(1)

    Sicarus Prime Barrel(1)


    Lex Prime Barrel(3)




    Dakra Prime Blueprint(3)

    Dakra Prime Handle(4)


    Reaper Prime Blueprint(4)


    Orthos Prime Blade(10)

    Orthos Prime Handle(5)


    Fang Prime Blade(4)


    Glaive Prime Disc(2)





    Ember Prime Blueprint(1)


    Frost Prime Helmet(4)

    Frost Prime Chasis(4)


    Mag Prime Blueprint(1)

    Mag Prime Chassis(1)

    Mag Prime Systems(2)




    Arcane Aura Helmet[Trinity]


    Arcane Vanguard Helmet[Rhino/Rhino Prime]


    wftrading.net says the lowest these should sell for is 500 platinum. I'm going with best offers.




    Coming soon.

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