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Posts posted by (PSN)cajun4life

  1. Ok warframe peeps. I have gone through most of these posts and am laughing inside. First of all, this is a free to play game, even if you pay money, which a lot do, does not make you a paying costumer, it makes you a donator, donations not paying. Second, if you truly think about this, warframe is able to get updates out a lot quicker for PCs because they have a better control on those servers unlike the PS4. So, with this in mind, the DE have to work hard and get things right for the update for PS4 so they not only don't waste time and effort but money as well. Most of the complaints I have seen all point the finger at warframe, this is wrong. If you want warframe to update like PCs, make your complaints to Sony and the PS4. These are the people who are at fault on why it takes a long time for PS4 to get warframe updates. Maybe if Sony would make it cheaper and easier for developers to get updates out, it wouldn't take so long for warframe. If you look at a game that Sony does run, that is said to be free to play, but really is not, like DCUO, not only is this game not really a free to play game, but also goes down almost every night for maintenance and is still is always buggy, especially after new updates. With all that down time and buggy, when you pay for a membership, which btw you have to pay for DCUO if you want to go further in the game, you don't get reimburse for that time lost. Once again warframe is free to play, I have never seen down time, and the game is getting great updates with more yet to come. So, again, stop complaining to people who have giving us a great free game to play, and complain to the people who are holding warframe back, Sony.

  2. I believe they only nurfed nova because of all the cry babies out there crying about kills. There was no other reason to change her. They should have just changed the way the kills work to calm the cry babies down, not change what some of us put time and effort in, making nova great. That change to nova was not only garbage, but makes people like me think, if I go and put time into another warframe to make it great, de might just nurf that one next.

  3. Just notice this issue, 3 of my clan mates went to the dojo, almost at the same time and all 3 of us landing in different dojos. It was our dojo, but we were not together. After making sure that we were all on the same servers, tried it again and ended up in 3 different dojos. Tried inviting and it wouldn't let people join, they tried inviting and wouldn't let anyone join. Please don't go straight to a nat type issue, cause I know that is not the issue.

    Also, was wondering why voice chat was not in game play in the dojo? Can we please get in game voice in the dojo please?

  4. The Playstation store doesn't update until Tuesdays, 6-10pm eastern standard time. So the update for warframe if today, is on a different schedule then the Playstation store. It would be nice to get a DE or a sony rep to response to this thread to stop all these untrue posts.

  5. I am wonder if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong. In the codex to keep track of what mods you have and don't have, I can't get the fusion cores to light up that I have them. I have tried to get from the 1s to 5s and it still will not show up in my codex as having them. Is there something I am missing or is this a bug in the game?

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